Chapter 7

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Roy shouldn't have been so surprised. After all, over the past few months, Andy had bonded with the twins and visited them, or hung out with them, often. In addition, a few days ago, Miranda paid an unusual visit to her former assistant in her apartment. Last night, Andy even slept in the townhouse!

Yes, Roy shouldn't have been so surprised to watch Andrea Sachs leave the Elias-Clark building with Miranda Priestly...

Except to see them arm in arm, talking and smiling at each other.

First: Miranda Priestly's real smiles were rare and exclusive. Unlike for her daughters, the man has never seen such genuine affection directed toward another person. And what was she giving Andy...Yes, that WAS a smile!

Second: No one has ever touched Miranda Priestly, let alone in public, without her provoking the action. For God's sake, the woman didn't even like sharing elevators!

In short, it would have been Miranda who took Andy's arm, who had a playful smile and a captivated look as she chatted with the older woman, whose attention was also completely Andrea's. They were both loving every minute of it!

What the hell was going on?

Roy had a hard time keeping his face blank when they arrived at the Mercedes. He greeted them in a politely professional manner, without looking directly at them. The driver felt inhibited by the sudden display of intimacy.

Good heavens, he had no idea they were intimate!

Roy opened the car's rear door for them to enter. Holding on to his placid mask was even more difficult, as they sat eerily close...

He closed the door and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

The man got behind the wheel and, regrettably, had to clear his throat twice before he managed to ask where they were going.

Turning to him, Miranda's face took on its usual air of impatient disdain. She quickly gave Roy the address, and told him to use the car's privacy screen.

"Have you seen his face?" Andy asked through her hand as she tried to contain her laughter. "Poor guy!"

Miranda rolled her eyes.

"Change starts at home, Andrea," she analyzed in a bored voice. "Besides, I know the scene will add to Emily's gossip, and the story will begin to take shape," Miranda delivered in a proud tone, visibly pleased with her ploy.

Andy pursed her lips.

"When Roy realizes where we're going, then yes, he'll have more material..."

In the elevator, they decided to go straight to the clinic, as they took too long in Runway. Then they would have lunch, and after that, Andy would go home. She needed to reorganize. Since they'd already laid it out, Andy intended to go back to work the next day.

Even though they traveled in silence, they remained in a friendly atmosphere, and more significantly, Miranda was still very close to Andy. Along the way, the anxiety for what she was about to do at the clinic, and her body's reaction to Miranda's innocent touches, were driving the young woman crazy.

Since they started with the physical aspect of acting, Andy had policed herself to do what was expected. Not to let on how much the older woman really affected her.

It wasn't the fact of being touched or touching Miranda Priestly, which in itself was something extraordinary, but the way her body responded, needed, sought hers.

"Nervous?" Miranda surprised her with an interested voice, taking Andrea's hand, which was next to her on the back seat, enveloping it in electric heat.

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