Chapter 27

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"Is everything ready?" Miranda whispered in Andrea's ear, after hugging her from behind.

"Hu-hum," Andy nodded, leaning against her. "We just set the table. The girls went to enjoy their gifts a little longer, until my parents come down," she turned to face Miranda. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" Andy questioned at her tense body and detached gaze.

The older woman sighed, hiding her face in the crook of Andrea's neck, the warmth and scent of her partner, slowly reassuring her.

"Nothing I didn't expect..."

Andy gave a weary sigh.

"I'm sorry...I should have resisted, told them not to come. You and the girls don't have to go through this..."

Miranda stared at her.

"Let's just show them the truth, Andrea. Accepting it or not will be their problem. I know we don't have to go through this, but it's for you, for us. You are part of this family. We want to see you happy. We know how important your parents are to you," Miranda had listened intently to the conversation between Emily and Andrea. She was aware of her partner's need for her family.

Andy, already with watery eyes, hugged her tightly. Circumstances, in addition to her crazy hormones, were making it increasingly difficult to control her emotions.

Sensing her dilemma, Miranda stroked her back, kissed her neck.

"If you want to cry, then cry, darling."

Andy gave a rueful sigh, pressing herself more firmly to Miranda's body. She could not. Andy knew that if she started crying, she would not be able to stop anytime soon. They still had one more round with her parents, and she needed to stand firm in front of them.

"Is everything all right?" Caroline asked as she felt the heavy atmosphere, after entering the dining room, with her sister.

Andy turned to the twins. She did not say anything, just opened one of her arms and waved at them. The girls responded quickly.

That is how the Sachs found the four of them, enveloped in a silent embrace of undeniable complicity.

"Sorry we took so long..." Laurie said embarrassed, both at having to interrupt them and at Richard's cowardly attack, which still greatly annoyed her.

The four broke contact. Andy placed her hands on the girls' shoulders, while Miranda turned to the Sachs.

"No problem. Please have a seat," she offered civilly, but her tone and gaze were icy.

Laurie nodded. Richard just followed his wife to the designated spot at the table, where they took their chairs.

The first few minutes of dinner were torture. Unlike the polite script for the circulation of the dishes, and some compliments on the meal, there was an uncomfortable silence.

Caroline looked at Cassidy, who with her eyes confirmed the same thought: Something happened in the guest room.

It was time to act.

"Mrs. and Mister Sachs, do you like living in Ohio?" Caroline asked suddenly, taking the adults by surprise.

"We never went there. How is your city?" Added Cassidy, interested.

"Well—Richard began—our city is normally quiet, but..."

From then on, dinner took place in a more relaxed mood, full of conversation about the Sachs, their town, and the fun part, Andy's youthful adventures. Even Miranda smiled discreetly a few times. On another occasion, when it was just the girls and them, she would want to know more about her partner's childhood stories.

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