Chapter 46

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As Roy maneuvered the car for Miranda to get off in front of the Presbyterian, it was with disgust that she saw the mob of paparazzi that had settled around the hospital since the twins' admission. Unfortunately, the extra amount of individuals attested that Andrea's arrival was no longer a novelty.

However, a feeling of relief soon came over Miranda when she saw her bodyguards already at the ready. As soon as the Mercedes stopped, Stuart and three of his subordinates created a cordon, allowing the woman to pass quickly and enter the building.

"Andrea?" Miranda inquired as soon as she was intercepted at the door by Emily, her steps, in a steady cadence, ahead.

"Everything is as expected. Andrea is already in the delivery room. Contractions every four minutes and three centimeters dilated," the young woman reported breathlessly, trying to keep up with the older woman's frantic pace.

The editor grimaced in empathy.


"Still on the way."

Miranda pursed her lips in concern.

"My entry into the delivery room?"

"I've already taken care of that at the front desk. Laurie's with Andy, and the rest of our people, in the waiting room. They're on the third floor."

The older woman nodded in understanding, walking with Emily to the elevator. Miranda was so nervous she did not even mind the two strangers next to them in the cubicle. Once on the correct floor, she hurriedly followed the redhead into the hallway.

A nurse quickly approached them:

"Mrs. Priestly, please, come and change into the protective suit."

Miranda just nodded in agreement. She slipped her cell phone into her pants pocket and then removed her coat and shoulder bag, handing them to Emily. "Keep an eye on the girls," and followed the nurse.

* * * *

"I'm told we have a little runner on the way," Miranda quipped in a shaky voice as she entered the delivery room after hearing a whimper from Andrea.

"Mi-Miranda," Andy uttered between quick breaths, and the older woman rushed over and took one of her hands.

The doctor tending to Andy looked apologetically at Laurie, who smiled understandingly behind her mask.

"I know," she looked down at her daughter. "Sweetheart, it's going to be all right. Miranda is here, so I'll wait with the others outside."

"Mom..." Andy's voice came out unsteady, and thick tears flowed from her eyes and ran down her sweaty face. It hurt so much. Though they were cautious, Andy did not expect the Lamaze classes to be necessary. From the beginning, they opted for C-section. Still, their son did not consider this, and, even with the surgery antedated, he decided to make his appearance even earlier.

Laurie brushed the wet hair from Andy's face, lowered her mask a little, and quickly planted a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"It's going to be all right, my angel," she repeated, and Andy loosened her grip on her hand, letting her mother go.

Before leaving, Laurie looked meaningfully at her daughter-in-law, who nodded in understanding. At the door, she nearly collided with a breathless Dominique.

"Sorry for the delay, but I was finishing up another delivery."

Andy's response was a cry of pain and squeezing Miranda's hand so tightly the older woman had to close her eyes and take a deep breath to keep from yelping.

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