Chapter 48

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Despite the holiday euphoria, Miranda Priestly was still working tirelessly. Not that Runway was in a difficult moment. The magazine was still a success and with more than satisfactory publicity peaks. During the Priestly family drama, Nigel and the crew were remarkably competent.

Now, Mirada's mission was personal. She wanted to leave the planning of Runway's next few days underway, her people, in tune with her instructions. After all, she did not want interruptions to her getaway to the Hamptons with Andrea after Christmas.

Andrew was now almost nine months old, and it would not be a problem to leave him with his grandparents, godmothers, and the bunch of uncles and aunts that the boy had inherited, in addition to the assistance of a professional nanny. Andrea had been stocking up on breast milk for their baby while they were gone. Everything had been meticulously planned.

The mothers knew that it would not be easy to stay away, even if only for a few days, from the chubby and cheeky boy, who had brought everyone so much joy in moments that were still so hazy. However, the couple needed some time alone to rest and, above all, recover their intimacy.

* * * *

One of Miranda's preparations for her escape with Andrea was what she called a 'navigation log', which was nothing more than an explanatory manual of what they should do in her absence.

The editor typed snippets of specific instructions into it regarding some samples and pursed her lips further as the noise became impossible to ignore.

Miranda sighed in defeat. Then she shook her head and smiled. After saving the file, she got up, walked to the home office window, and did not hold back an amused snort.

Andrea, Douglas, Eliza, Lillian, Sophie, and Nicolas, Eliza's brother and Douglas's current boyfriend, were running around the townhouse's backyard like carefree children, laughing and throwing snowballs at each other.

Even though Miranda could not see them, she knew the twins were safely watching them from the back porch, as their laughter and cheering were clearly audible.

A white Christmas.

Like last year.

Unlike it, however, this one was already filled with joy.

Even with the Priestly family still far from absolute tranquility, they exalted hope. A beautiful celebration of life.

Although the procedure was a success, the twins' recovery was slow and still fraught with vigilance. The weeks of isolation were difficult, more for Cassidy, who soon after the transplant developed non-infectious pneumonia. Due to the low immunity, despite the quick treatment, some complications resulted in moderate asthma, which they did not yet know if it would be permanent.

It was not uncommon for bone marrow transplant patients to have sequelae. Despite the faster recovery, Caroline, like her sister, had a slight change in her vision, and both started wearing glasses.

The following two years would be of heightened attention since most cases of leukemia recurrence occurred during this period. Until then, the twins would continue to be monitored by the home medical team, now reduced but highly qualified. Even with the setbacks, the girls' recovery was still satisfactory.

Aside from the physiological aspect, psychologically, the twins were fine. They lived surrounded by loved ones and delighted with their brother, for whom they fought for attention.

The girls were passionately in love with the boy, who, despite Miranda's blue-green eyes, physically 'resembled' Andrea more and more every day. From her, he also got the smiling and sometimes irritatingly sly way.

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