Chapter 12

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Though Andy was reluctant to admit it, having a chauffeur-driven car was wonderfully comfortable and practical, and she arrived at the small pub in less than fifteen minutes. The place was a haven to the old friends, when they wanted to chat and enjoy good service at affordable prices. Fortunately, the two security guards at the establishment and Roy kept the paparazzi outside, and Andy could talk to Doug more easily. She desperately needed to vent to someone.

Right after last night's phone call with Lily, Andy had called Doug. She was surprised he hadn't contacted her sooner, but Doug said he was waiting for her. The young man knew it was a difficult time, and didn't want to add any more worries to his friend's already turbulent life.

"WOW!" Doug blurted out in delight to see her. He gave her a long hug. "You look great, Honey!" He was studying her intently.

The dark gray jeans with silver accents, the tall boots, and the double-row military-style jacket, both in light brown, along with the impeccable makeup, combined beautifully.

"How did Miranda let you go out like this?" Doug teased.

Andy gave a sarcastic snort. "Tell me about it..." She mumbled.

Doug smiled with raised eyebrows. "Come, let's sit," he said, taking her by the hand.

The friends moved to a table at the back of the pub. Here they would have privacy, and Andy wouldn't risk giving strangers what they shouldn't know. Doug pulled out a chair for her, taking a seat next to Andy. A waiter approached to take their orders, then left.

The young woman was biting her lip in anticipation, not knowing where to start. Seeing her dilemma, Doug covered one of her hands, which was on the table, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You know what you say here, stays here."

Andy smiled tenderly. That's why she had chosen him. "I know. Thanks."

He smiled back.

Andy sighed deeply.

"I know we had a brief conversation yesterday regarding my 'situation'...But, Doug, be honest with me. What do you really think about Miranda Priestly?"

Doug thought it was an odd question, but Andy must have had her reasons.

"Well, you know I grew up following fashion magazines. And let me tell you, Honey, in this world, Runway is the Bible, and Miranda Priestly, the Goddess!"

Andy laughed at the analogy. She also thought Miranda was a Goddess, but for several other reasons...

"Before all the fuss with Nate and our worries about you, I never had a problem with Miranda. In fact, I've always been enchanted with her! Because, let's face it, although she can be terribly mean at times, it's exactly her aura of power that makes La Priestly so attractive. The woman is perversely hot!" The young man said mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Doug!" Andy poked him in the ribs.

"Hey! No need to get violent just because I innocently lust after your woman!"

They laughed their heads off.

"So...Don't you hate Miranda?"

Doug shook his head. "But she still scares me like hell!" He added with a laugh.

Andy joined in the laughter. Then she got serious.

"So, it doesn't matter what I say, will you assess the situation impartially, without any preconceived disdain?"

Doug nodded in agreement.

"Like I said yesterday, the time you worked for Miranda Priestly is behind us. Now it's a completely different situation. I understand that, Andy."

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