Chapter 43

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As was most often the case in such situations, Carena welcomed the occasional visitor and led the person to one of the large, comfortable couches in the living room to wait for Andy.

Emily was already glancing at her wristwatch and tapping her foot in her characteristic impatience when the hostess finally appeared.

"Hey, Em!" Andy brightened with a broad smile at the entrance to the room and then went to her friend as quickly as her condition would allow.

The redhead smiled back and returned the awkward hug due to Andrea's prominent belly. Afterward, she helped her friend into her armchair, then returned to the couch.

"Only you could work these miracles," Emily commented, falsely bored.

Andy chuckled.

"Oh, but we know that all this benevolence is not just for our little gossip time. I bet my beloved partner told you 'to take advantage' of the visit to check on the girls and see how the huge pregnant woman is," despite the amused tone, Andy had a sweet smile.

Miranda did not care at all about niceties. Her concern for Andrea heightened in the face of such difficult times. When she needed to be away from home longer, sudden visits from friends were not uncommon.

Emily's response to Andy's cleverness was a snort and an eye roll.

Then she smirked.

"Right. My break is exactly sixty minutes long. So, straight to the point, how are the girls?"

Andy's relaxed features faltered.

"They're the same..." Her tone was low and hazy.

Suddenly, the house felt colder.

The months of treatment took their toll, the fight against time merciless. Although it served to contain the progression of the disease, the heavy medication gradually deteriorated the twins. The exercises with Sophie, which they loved so much, became more and more limited, until they were reduced to careful stretching and massages to relieve muscle pain, more intense and constant. In the last week, concern about the girls' weakness has caused them to be put to bed.

"And you, how have you been?" Even though Emily had an idea, and understood how much the matter affected Andrea, she knew that her friend needed to feel taken care of and have the opportunity to vent if she wanted to.

Andy sighed, running a hand through her shorter, shoulder-length hair, which was much easier to manage in her current condition.

"I'm in the same, too..." Her voice sounded a little shaky. "Apart from the back pain and swollen feet, plus the shit of having to pee every fifteen minutes, physically, I'm fine..."

Emily leaned forward and gave her knee a comforting squeeze.

"What about the rest?" She asked affectionately.

Andy took a deep breath.

"Hard, Em...But I still try to stay whole...for the girls...for the baby..." She started to run her hands gently over her belly, a bittersweet smile on her face.

Emily nodded in understanding with a resigned smile. It was heartbreaking for those who loved Andrea to see her in such an ordeal. Emily understood how complicated it was for her, how much the sacrifice of keeping the pain in check demanded of her friend.

Andy gave a long sigh and a tight smile.

"Well, now let's talk about your little party. Have you already arranged everything in the new home? And as for the buffet that Eliza recommended, did it work?"

An Unexpected RequestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora