Chapter 28

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Well...Here's a pleasurable chapter 😆
Enjoy! 😎


When they went downstairs to breakfast, Miranda and Andy were surprised to see that the cook had been relieved of the task. Laurie, with the help of the twins, was preparing the meal, while Richard washed the dishes, already taking care of the mess. After the girls' warm welcome and polite greetings exchanged between the adults, the group was ready to taste the delicious delicacies.

Laurie had overdone it, so much that they had to take everything to the formal dining room, where the table was much larger than the one in the kitchen. The breakfast was so varied, that it could rival that of a small inn, with fruits, cold cuts, various types of bread, eggs, bacon, toast, muffins, pancakes and waffles, as well as coffee, milk, teas and juices.

The twins and Andrea, who defended her gluttony for 'being eating for two', wasted no time, and advanced on the appealing food.

Even though the girls were not on a specific diet due to their treatment, Miranda still paid attention to what her daughters ate. However, because of Andrea and the situation, the mother was sometimes a little less strict.

Miranda had to admit, Laurie Sachs was an excellent cook.

Going against her own diet, the editor tried a little of each dish. She finally understood why Andrea was crazy about pancakes. Miranda knew hers were very good, but Laurie's were divine.

She looked lovingly at Andrea, who smiled with her mouth full, in a funny grimace, making the twins giggle.

Miranda could not help but roll her eyes and curl her lips in a slight smile. Sometimes, she forgot how young Andrea was. Though, she doubted her partner's current electrical state was due to just that. Miranda knew that much of Andrea's enthusiasm was due to the change in vibe they felt from the Sachs.

The editor had been very worried, imagining that her partner would have to carry out her intention to get away from her parents. Even if it was Andrea's choice, it would mark her deeply. Miranda was relieved to see that the Sachs understood the unspoken threat, and that, for everyone's sake, they were attempting an honest and respectful interaction.

"Um...Mom?" Caroline caught her eye, after swallowing a mouthful of scrambled eggs.

Miranda took a sip of her coffee.

"Yes, Bobbsey?"

"We...—the girl paused, looking at her sister, who nodded in agreement—can we skip class today?"

Miranda frowned. It was a strange request. The twins knew it was not debatable.

"And why would you do such a thing?" Her eyebrows were raised and her eyes sharpened, taking in her daughters.

"It's just that we..."

"Wanted to enjoy the day..."

"With Andy and her parents..."

"After all...We don't know when we'll see them again..."

Miranda sighed inwardly.

She lost her father at a very young age, and her mother, when she was finishing college. Jeremy's parents, sadly, passed away shortly before the twins were born. Apparently, the girls were adopting the Sachs as grandparents.

Although Andrea and Miranda's parents had their differences, they always treated the twins with genuine attention and affection. Like their daughter, the Sachs have been won over by an irresistible pair of red heads. Such an interaction made Miranda happy, as well as being very helpful in smoothing things over between the adults.

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