Chapter 30

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On Monday morning, six wigs were delivered to the Priestly Townhouse, three, for each of the girls. The hardest part came minutes later, when Andy, as well as Miranda, who made a point of being present, watched Sarah, the day nurse, shave the twins' heads with the hair clipper.

As much as the sisters wanted to look strong, they got emotional and cried a little, when the reality of the disease hit them again. This time, Miranda and Andy did not hide their emotion either, and with the procedure over, they enveloped the twins in a hug full of feelings.

After the emotional period, the beauty session began. Andy and Miranda helped the girls try on the wigs. Andy, as usual, raised the mood with her banter, and Miranda, kept the atmosphere relaxed with her remarks that, in their strange way, were funny.

The highlight was when the Sachs called the girls. Andy's parents already knew about the situation and were very encouraging. Laurie was excited at the twins' euphoria with their new haircuts, and both she and Richard made sure to asking for pictures of the girls with their new look.

As she watched her daughters and Andrea chatter with the Sachs over speakerphone, Miranda was overcome with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It was wonderful to know that, in addition to the angel Andrea was in their lives, the twins had indeed gained caring 'grandparents'.

However, her emotions soon became clouded. The girls missed someone. Jeremy was increasingly absent.

As Andrea became more involved with the twins, Jeremy moved away. Not because he disliked Andrea or had any issues with her relationship with Miranda. He did not care. Apparently, Jeremy finally had the perfect excuse to simply abstain. Furthermore, his recent marriage to a woman years younger, who loved parties and travel, left the man with less time for visits.

Honestly, Miranda would prefer it that way. Though, she knew that her daughters suffered from feeling rejected, and that, yes, managed to bother her. She even attempted a conversation with Jeremy, which ended in accusations, spiteful words, and silence.

Miranda was pulled out of her dark thoughts by the laughter of her three girls. As if by magic, her heart warmed again, and she felt her lips move in an automatic smile.

* * * *

"It's about time! Did you finally remember us?" Eliza Martinelli inquired with a mixture of joke and truth, when answering the call.

"Oh, Liza, I'm sorry!" Andy pleaded embarrassed. "But you guys had my new number...Nick gave it to you, didn't he?"

"Yes, he gave it to us. And he also told us about the brief encounter you two had, and that you seemed fine. That's why we haven't been in touch before," Eliza's tone was now sweet and truly understanding. "We figured you needed some time to get things straightened out first."

Andy smiled in relief. It was not her intention to neglect her friends. Also, Liza's father had been very sick as a result of a heart attack, and Andy did not want to add to their worries.

"Sof is there?"

"I'm off today. We just put it on speakerphone. But then, sneaky girl! I want to know everything! First of all, since when do you like women?!" Sophie Johnson, tired of the small talk, got right to the point.

"Hi to you too, Sof!" Andy teased.

"You know me! I'm famous for my subtlety. Go, spit it out, Andyyyy!"

The three of them laughed. Andy's heart was pounding happily. How she missed her friends!

Andy relaxed, and let her body snuggle better into the bed.

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