Chapter 10

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"Andrea," Miranda called softly, gently touching the young woman's hands, which rested in her lap.

Andy stirred, mumbled, but still didn't wake up.

They had gotten stuck in a small traffic jam along the way, and Andy, having entered an introspective silence, dozed off.

Miranda smiled. She put her mouth to the young woman's ear, blew her warm breath on it, and said, "Andrea," seductively and in her irresistible French accent.

Andy woke up with a start, and was faced with a wonderful pair of blue-green eyes.

Miranda's smug smile vanished. The older woman looked lost. Andy found herself transfixed by the dangerously surprising closeness.

The tension between them was intense.

"We-" Miranda started but stopped to clear her suddenly dry throat. "We arrived..." She managed to say it in a low, husky tone that shivered Andy's body, colored her face red and sent waves of desire between her legs.

The young woman swallowed and instinctively moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. Miranda followed the gesture with watchful eyes, and Andy's blood pressure got even higher. She just nodded languidly, not trusting her voice. In fact, at the moment, Andy didn't trust anything that came from her treacherous body. All she could imagine was pushing Miranda Priestly lying on the leather car seat, and having her dreamy libidinous moment with her.

In unspoken agreement, the two took a deep breath, squared their shoulders, and prepared to get out of the Mercedes. Miranda played her role perfectly, and aside from the shiver they both felt when she helped Andrea out of the vehicle, everything felt normal.

What game was that?

Andy was confused, worried. And no matter how crazy it would be to admit it, she felt terribly turned on.

They entered the clinic hand in hand, drawing attention with their elegant bearings, designer clothes and singular beauty. At the reception desk, after Andy told the attendant the reason for the visit, the smiling and helpful woman directed them to the room with the donor database.

"Mrs. Priestly, Sachs, I'm Anne Hampton, database specialist. Please have a seat."

After the traditional handshake between the woman and Andy, the newcomers did as requested.

"The database search can be done directly by the couple. But here we like to help the first attempt. This makes subsequent searches easier and more accurate."

"This's certainly helpful!" Andy was relieved.

Miranda just raised her left eyebrow slightly, and gave a barely perceptible nod.

The specialist had an encouraging smile.

"Let's do this together. You will give me the data and I will type it in the fields. Everything will be displayed on the screen in front of you," she highlighted the usefulness of the two monitors.

"Right," Andy was anxious.

Miranda, once again, just nodded.

"Well, first of all, what should the candidate look like?" The specialist asked, looking at them expectantly.

"Someone who looks like Andrea," Miranda was adamant.

The alleged couple spent about forty minutes in the company of the clinic employee, while the woman searched for donors with the parameters required by Miranda. At the end, they had a printed list, which would also be in the couple's online account, which would be updated whenever someone fits the search profile.

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