Chapter 33

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On the way to Runway, although her face was neutral, inside, Miranda Priestly was grinning evilly. She gave Andrea a sideways glance. The young woman was beside her in the backseat of the car, her posture tense and, like Miranda, immersed in her 'professional mode'. The Editor grinned inwardly, once more. The day promised to be very interesting.

The night before, upon arriving home, Miranda had acted normally with her family. By unspoken agreement, Andrea and she would address the matter of the new assistants only in the office. Still, that did not stop the situation from messing with both of them.

Andy was dying to know what her partner had thought about the selection process and her choices. She admitted that she was a little anxious about the Editor's reaction when watching the video. Meanwhile, Miranda had to fight not to express her true emotions.

Sensing it would be an anxious night, Andy suggested they watch a movie with the girls, to which Miranda readily agreed. By the end of the film, the weight of the day's demands was more expressive than the uneasiness about the future conversation, and the couple had no trouble sleeping.

* * * *

When Miranda and Andy arrived at the front desk of the Editor's office, Nigel and Serena were already waiting for them, along with Emily.

"You, take care of the phone calls. I do not want to be interrupted, no matter the reason," Miranda commanded, still on the move, after tossing her coat and bag onto Tara's desk. "Come on," she called up, and the other three followed her, with Andrea, to her office.

Tara watched them, confused by what was happening, even more so when the door closed behind them. Instinctively, the girl felt a strange shiver.

Miranda sat at her desk, took a sip of the coffee waiting for her, and then looked over the top of her glasses at the four of them, nervously standing in front of her.

"I was...really impressed," she got right to the point in a soft voice, much to the surprise of Andy and her friends. "The four of you have covered all the bases—she stared emphatically at Andrea—and the two chosen ones look...satisfactory," admitted the Editor in a mocking tone. "Obviously, later on I will see how truly competent they are."

Miranda had decided not to make them suffer too much with suspense. It would be a ridiculous waste of time, which would only make Andrea even more anxious. The four of them had planned everything perfectly. No loose ends. Miranda Priestly knew when to give in, as well as, when to reward.

"However," the Editor continued, looking at them intently. "I have considerations to make."

Andrea and her friends tensed, and Miranda smiled inwardly. Even though she was being complacent, she could still have some fun.

"Nigel, take the unselected girl to be your assistant," the older woman proceeded in a bored tone, as if it was nothing important. Miranda had to stop herself from smiling at the man's stunned face. "I know you are in need of help, and she, despite having made a silly mistake at the end of the selection, should be suited to your needs. I believe you will have no problem instructing her."

Nigel had an extremely grateful smile. As his duties and travels increased, his life became noticeably more hectic. Having a personal assistant would help significantly.

"Annabelle will be perfect for the job. Thank you, Miranda."

The Editor nodded in consent. Then, she turned to Andrea.

"Except for extremely necessary situations, in which your advice is essential, from now on, the instruction of the assistants will be under Emily's tutelage, and supported by the rest of her team."

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