Chapter 44

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"Love...I'm better. Sof has examined me. Besides, Dominique will be here soon," Andy assured Miranda at the older woman's concerned look, her voice, though rasping and somewhat weak, sounding decided. Andy was upset that she had alarmed everyone and, even more so, that she was taking up precious time. "Go. Go do what needs to be done, I promise I'll be fine. The girls are our priority right now, Miranda."

The older woman was sitting in a chair beside the bed in Serena and Emily's bedroom, holding one of Andrea's hands, the other gently running through sweaty brown hair.

"Nonsense," Miranda retorted in a sweet voice, still studying her lovingly. "My family is the priority, and that encompasses the four of you," the woman looked meaningfully at her partner's belly. Then she smirked. "Do not forget your bunch of friends, who conveniently mostly work for me. Things are afoot, do not worry."

On another occasion, Andy would have had a witty reaction to her naïveté. But she was so tired. She just nodded, let herself relax, and then enjoyed the pampering.

Once she heard the news about the donor for the girls from Miranda, after the shock, the younger woman gave a happy laugh, hugged her partner tightly, and let her relief and bottled-up feelings come out in a loose cry.

Though, with it also came the weight of months of stress.

Suddenly, Andy felt very languid. Through blurry eyes, she saw Miranda calling out to her worriedly, but her mind could no longer take in the sound.

Next was only darkness.

Gustaf, who, like the others, was nearby listening to the editor and on alert watching Andy's lament, came forward and helped his friend before she went to the ground. Miranda made room for Nigel, who, with the young assistant, took her partner to the hostesses' bedroom.

As she followed them, fearful as she was, the editor's quick, practical mind sorted out the tasks. In moments, Emily, Serena, Annabelle, and Alicia were on their way to fulfill her demands. As for Eliza, she ran to the car to get her wife's medical bag.

As soon as Andy settled into bed, while Sophie gave her friend a preliminary checkup, Miranda immediately called Dominique. With gentle taps on her shoulder and careful tapping of fingertips on her face, Sophie tried to bring her friend back. To everyone's relief, Andy did not stay out for long, and aside from lingering tiredness, she seemed to be gradually getting better.

"Excuse me," they heard Lily from the half-open door after two knocks on the doorframe. She gave Andy a reassuring smile and then turned her attention to Miranda. "The doctor has arrived. She's already in the elevator."

The editor nodded and gave her a tight smile, letting some of her real unease show through.

"Thank you, Lillian. Please, as soon as she gets in bring her over here."

Lily nodded in agreement, and after another look at Andy, she closed the door.

Soon after, there was a knock, and Dominique entered the bedroom.

"I heard someone's been playing pranks," the doctor scolded playfully, her eyes already taking in Andy's situation.

"Hi, Dominique..." The young woman greeted her awkwardly before a yawn.

"How do you feel? Any pain, bleeding, or excess vaginal fluid?" The doctor placed her medical bag on the nightstand. From it, she withdrew her flashlight and turned to her patient. Dominique already knew the basic answers from Sophie, but she needed confirmation and perhaps discover new details. Also, the conversation during the medical evaluation made Andy more comfortable.

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