Chapter 9

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Andy woke up slowly. Her foggy mind took a while to process simple actions, like understanding sounds or opening her eyes. Then she felt the delicious heat on her well as the weight of a hand on her waist.

She opened her eyes immediately.

Bad idea. Everything was spinning.

She closed her eyes again with a snap. Her body began to shake, and her brain to work in jerks.

Andy couldn't believe it!

She'd gotten drunk last night with Miranda, and somehow, the two of them ended up in the older woman's bed. Andy couldn't remember the details. Her lazy mind refused to let her know what exactly had happened.

Then something came to her.

She remembered that after the third glass of wine, Miranda was much more open...

Andy gave a mischievous smile.

Miranda Priestly's college life had been pretty exciting!

Andy didn't know why, but before that she couldn't imagine that 'La Priestly' was like anyone else. Going to parties, getting drunk with friends, flirting...It looked like the woman was born with pursed lips and wearing Prada!

Andy was having a human vision of Miranda. More and more, she became aware of this reserved side of the woman.

This scared her immensely!

Because if Andy was already captivated by Ice Queen Miranda, imagine a mix of that with a woman who could be fun and thoughtful!

Andy knew that such preciousness was revealed only to selected people. However, no matter how much her heart wanted to believe, the young reporter wouldn't be so naive to think she was special. That would only hurt her more. Miranda just wanted a friendship. After all, it would be the least for the woman who was willing to get pregnant to try to save her daughters. Andy would learn to be content with this...

A grunt.

Andy froze.

The tightness at her waist became more evident, as well as the contact of the body against her.

"Come sleep..." It was said in a groggy, deep voice.

Andy froze again and swallowed hard. After the shock wore off, she mentally shrugged. It was better this way. She would have to be rested to deal with everything that was to come...

Andy closed her eyes, and then reopened them.

It would be difficult to relax in that situation. Miranda's warm breath on her neck was making her body react in a way that was far from innocent.

All Andy could think about was turning around and alluring the woman!

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes again, and tried to calm herself.

Friendship, Andy...just a friendship...

Despite the tension, the hangover was stronger, and minutes later, she fell back asleep.

* * * *

Sleepy eyes opened and looked out onto a still unfamiliar ceiling. Andy sighed, resigned.

It wasn't a dream...

But something was different. Miranda was not there.

Andy dramatically threw an arm over her face.

Oh my God... I have the dumbest ideas...

Andy sat up carefully, afraid she might feel dizzy. Luckily she was fine. The young woman was about to get out of bed when something on the bedside table caught her eye.

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