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I ran. I ran and I ran. For almost 20 years I ran, only stopping at small unused islands to rest and have peace until I was discovered again.

I clean the smudges off glass bottles lost in thought at the local distillery and pub. I managed to be hired in this small nameless island with mere hundreds of residents which I chose for it's close proximity to the boundaries of the powerful and illustrious pirate Emperor of the sea. It was just on the outskirts of Big Mom's territory which hopefully dissuades the Marine's pursuit.

My mind drifts back to the countless hours spent drifting at sea. I almost immediately figured out that the fruit I ate was a devil fruit, which grants the consumer special abilities in exchange for their ability to swim, when I almost drowned myself. I made a sea prism stone bracelet to help me control myself when I became angry and also to train myself to not rely solely on the fruits power. Sea prism stone contains the ability to nullify devil fruit powers similar to the power of the sea.

Wearing the jewelry for the first five years was exhausting in addition to my night terrors that wake me up every few minutes, or hours if I'm lucky. At least now I have built up a tolerance to the stone and can conduct my daily life with them on.

"Didn't your shift end 20 minutes ago f/n?" Barker, the best brewer at the distillery asked. I reflexively whip around pulling out my two blades in a fighting stance, all nerves on edge until I realized it was just my boss. I hate people so much making it a miracle that I was hired. It works though as they just keep me in the back away from customers and other coworkers.

I drop my stance sheathing my blades but remaining hostile in demeanor. "You're right, I guess I just got lost in thought" I reply dryly staring angry disgusted daggers at him. I wonder if my skepticism and paranoia of people will ever end. It's exhausting feeling on edge all the damn time. I take my leave and head back to my cozy one bedroom house.

I start to settle in when I hear a commotion outside and peer out the window. "Yeah, I've seen her, she lives over there" a man points in my direction to none other then my two "best friends" Marine Admirals Kuzan and Sakazuki.

"Fuck!" I mutter as I grab my go-bag that I prepared for moments like these. I dart out the door and am immediately spotted. Ice creeps along the ground towards me and catches my foot while boiling lava is sloshed towards my body.

I throw my bag getting into my defensive stance pulling my blades and hardening them with haki to block as much of the lava’s heat and damage. It sends me flying across the small piece of ocean between my home and the island owned by Big Mom. I barrel into the side of a house smashing its wall down .

This is bad. The two Marine Admirals walk across with ease on Kuzan's ice while another shot of lava is sent towards me. I decide to dodge and counter so as to not cause more damage to the surrounding area. I slip toward Sakazuki who is now within reach. I jump to the right to avoid the rush of liquid magma thrusting a blade towards his face but only catching his shoulder as Kuzan sends an icy whirlpool towards me forcing me to jump back. Well this doesn't seem very even.

Sakazuki grabs his shoulder looking at me as hot headed as the lava he produces. I see Kuzan's weight shift to the right so I tuck and roll towards him to the left giving him a haki filled uppercut to his jaw, blade still in hand. He staggers back and regains his balance as Sakazuki's glowing lava fist is rushing towards my face. I duck but his other fist catches me with a haki punch to the gut. The wind rushes out of me and I retreat a few steps back. I can't take both of them on like this, one is difficult enough. Well, here goes nothing.

I slip the sea prism stone bracelet off and focus on controlling my anger. Jumping back to dodge a flurry of lava and ice, I form a ball of static darkness and fling the chaos towards Kuzan with the tip of one blade. It hit squarely in his chest and the man turns pale.

This will only give me a few seconds until he figures out the hell I just sent him to isn’t actually real. I quickly form another tossing it towards Sakazuki making a clean hit. Their expressions are horrified and they are gripping their heads as if that will help to ease their mental suffering.

I feel another’s presence and flip my stance to the side to keep from giving the other two opponents my back but also to evaluate the new threat.


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