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“Katakuri, I just wanted to make sure you know what you’re doing. Mama is livid that you went against her demands. Why did you turn down the arranged marriage?” Perospero asks.

I wait for a moment before leaving the bathroom so I don’t interrupt their conversation but when I don’t hear a response for awhile I step out. At the sound of the door Perospero jumps probably not knowing anyone else was there. Katakuri turns towards me and I see his eyes widen. His face becomes dusted with pink and he can’t seem to take his eyes off me not even as Perospero laughs, “ohhhh now it makes sense… You’re a dog Katakuri.”

I blush at the intensity of his gaze and go to the kitchen to grab the wine bottles and three glasses. I set two of the glasses in front of the brothers and fill them up then pour my own as I take a seat next to Katakuri. All the while Katakuri does not stop watching me. “And what is your name lovely lady?” Perospero asks.

I can’t help but notice the odd build and taste in attire of this man. He is shorter than Katakuri but wears a colorful red and yellow striped top hat lined with lollipops and complete with purple fleece attached to the back that adds a few inches to his hieght. His hair is dark blue with light blue spots and juts out neatly from both sides of the hat fanning down to his back in an almost stingray shape. Unlike Katakuri and Oven, he actually covers his body wearing a long solid yellow trench coat buttoned with big wrapped peppermints and checkered with crème and orange at the bottom. The toes of his black high heel boots curl up twice around. Most curiously though, was the fact that his tongue just hung out of his mouth.

“Lady is a strong word and we’ll see how lovely you think I am by the end of this conversation…” I spit causing Perospero to do a double take. Katakuri sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose with a deep frown. I look at him with all of the innocence of a newborn baby. “What’s wrong Katakuri…?”

“Play nice,” he scolds me. “This is f/n, f/n this is Perospero the eldest brother of the Charlottes,” he says pointing to each of us as he gives the introduction.

“I am playing nice, I poured wine first…” I chuckle cynically my words igniting another sigh from Katakuri. I take a sip of wine, “so nice to meet you Perospero.” I greet him sweetly all while giving him a contemptuous stare. He seems to shiver in his seat and begins to take a sip of his own wine.

He looks to Katakuri unsure if they should continue the conversation as he did not know how much I knew and didn’t want to get his brother in trouble. “Will you be attending the tea party today?”

“Yes, f/n will also,” Katakuri replies causing Perospero to raise his eyebrows.

“Are you sure that’s wise brother?” He says skeptically. “Especially after…” He looks in my direction.

“She knows about the marriage. I plan on telling Mama tonight anyway but I will keep f/n safe,” Katakuri states. He seems as calm, collected, and cold as the Katakuri I first met.

“Just be careful, I will help you where I am able but you understand the precariousness of this situation. Well, I’ll be off.” Perospero turns to me and with a goofy yet slightly sadistic look he laughs, “thank you for the wine lovely lady, I hope to see you at the party, lick” Did he actually say lick when he licked?


“Careful, with your tongue hanging out like that. It would be really easy to rip out of your mouth,” I respond in my most polite voice while tapping the blades attached to my side. “it was a pleasure to meet you Perospero,” I add as I remember Katakuri wants me to play nice. Perospero laughs as he turns away with a wave of his hand, “good luck Katakuri, seems like you’ll need it with this one.”

As soon as Perospero walks out of the door Katakuri grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. I squeak out in surprise and look up at him. He pulls his scarf off and pulls me closer so that he is next to my ear. “You look so beautiful f/n,” he whispers then nips my ear.

“And here I thought you were going to scold my bad manners,” I giggle.

“Oh I will. But later so I don’t mess up all the work you put into your hair and makeup,” he says seductively. “I will admit though, it makes me happy when you shut people down that try to steal you away from me.”

“Steal me away? Nonsense. There’s not a soul in the world more suited for me than you,” I say lovingly.

He half smiles sadly and looks to the side, “I think you just don’t let people in and I worry if you do, you will want someone else instead.”

“Don’t be a fool Katakuri. I don’t let people in for a reason but I let you in. I will tolerate your family because you love them. I really don’t like or trust people,” I say.

He looks at me with soft eyes, “why is that f/n?” I feel my face harden and my body tenses. I can tell him… right? He’s different. He’s shown me all of his secrets, it’s my turn to trust him with mine…

I sigh deeply gritting my teeth and drop my gaze to the floor as I begin to tell him of my past. He stays quiet, listening intently as I tell him of my time as a slave, Barnaul, not having any human interaction minus that of the cruel Celestial Dragons, how I killed everyone there even the innocents, my time on the run how people kept turning me in when I thought I could trust them, how the navy pursued me relentlessly, and how I came to pick the island next to us because of Big Mom’s name.

Once I said the last word I realize I am shaking. I refuse to raise my head as I can feel the tears on my cheeks and can’t bare to have him see. After a short pause, he wraps his arms around me and holds me so securely. His touch sends the warmth through my body and my tears clear. I turn into him and bury my face in his chest. He strokes my hair with one hand while continuing the grip with his other. We sit this way for awhile in silence just enjoying each other’s presence.

Finally I lift my head from his chest and look him in the eyes before pulling his face into mine. I kiss him so passionately rubbing the back of his neck and caressing his cheek. He attempts to pull away but I refuse to let him. He allows me to hold him there returning each kiss with equal passion. I feel him growing hard underneath me which makes me want to do more.

He breaks the kiss and lifts me off of him blushing. “We have to leave f/n. Mama is already furious with me, we can’t afford to be late.” I let out an exasperated sigh, wanting him so bad. “We will continue this when we get home,” he says in response to my disappointed sigh. He grabs my face in both hands and gives me one last kiss before we head out.



……...............The Tea Party…....................

Katakuri X Reader Chains UnboundWhere stories live. Discover now