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We lay there for a moment while I stroke my fingers up and down his back. He finally props himself up and looks me in the eye. “Do you want to go to a tea party today? It’s mostly just my family but I would like you to come with me, “ he says shyly.

“You know I’m not a people person Katakuri,” I respond. “I’m bound to make at least 10 people angry before the night is through.”

He smiles evilly producing a glob of mochi from his hand, “I guess I’ll just have to keep an eye on you.”

“You wouldn’t dare…” I feign anger but still bare a huge smile.

“You better behave yourself then,” he says coyly.

“What time is the tea party? I don’t have any clothes besides jeans and t-shirts,” I say hoping I have enough time to go grab something.

“We can go get something for you now, we don’t need to be there until noon,” he responds.

We walk to the living room to get ready for the day when I halt, “what the hell!?! Again?” The wall has been smashed down yet again.

I look up to Katakuri who glances suspiciously to the side. “Maybe bad ingredients or something…”

I narrow my eyes at him. Is he breaking the wall down every night? I bury my suspicions for the moment so as not to accuse him of anything without evidence. “Yeah, bad ingredients. Right.”

I head to the bathroom to shower stripping back down and stepping into the warm water. I hum a lively tune when the curtain opens and in steps Katakuri. I flush looking up at him, “you never knock, sheesh.”

He gives me THAT smile before stepping under the water with me. He squirts shampoo on his hand nonchalantly then slaps it on top of my head. He smiles playful while he scrubs it in way to hard making my head bob then forms my hair into a weird shape and laughs at my expression. The whole time I look up at him with mock frustration as if to say, “really mature…”

I squirt shampoo on my hand and proceed to rub it gently into his scalp. I pull his head down towards me and kiss him deeply, still lathering his hair. He returns my kiss sweetly, lifting me up on his hips and placing my back on the shower wall under the water. I crack my eyes open to spy on him and he looks so damn beautiful with the water running down his face, his eyes closed in passion, and his face so hungrily serious.

I rinse the shampoo from my hands and place them on either side of his face caressing his cheeks. He breaks the kiss, opening his eyes while staring into my very soul. I drag my thumb down to the scar on his mouth and caress along his lower lip, “you are so handsome.” He flushes looking to the side with the most adorable half smile. I go in for another kiss internally screaming at how perfect he is. He pulls away again, “and you are beautiful f/n.” We continue to wash each other pausing occasionally to kiss.

Once complete I squeeze my hair out in the tub and scrape the excess water from my body before stepping out, getting in a towel, and handing him one. He dries off then begins twisting the towel grinning at me. I glare, “don’t you even think about it…” He laughs sending a shot of warmth through my body.

We proceed to get dressed. I whip up a quick breakfast. He grabs his plate and starts to go to the bedroom. “Katakuri, really? After everything we’ve done you still won’t eat with me?” He looks back at me, a slight blush sprinkling his cheeks. He sighs deeply closing his eyes then reopens them and walks back to the table to sit with me.

I stare across the table at him causing him to frown, “well don’t stare at me.” I giggle for the first time in my life and look down to my plate to begin eating. I take a fork full slowly trying to eat like I have any semblance of manners. I peak up and he has a mouthful that causes his cheeks to expand beyond any normal persons limits. I cram food in my mouth as I study his appearance. His eyes are closed and he looks like he is experiencing pure bliss as he chomps the food opening his mouth wide with each chew and filling it with more food before he even swallows. I smile at how damn adorable he is as he opens his eyes to catch me spying on him.

His cheeks flush and he swallows loudly, his face pinching into a dark frown. “I said don’t stare.” He looks to the side looking betrayed. “Don’t laugh at me either.”

My eyes open wide, horrified at his insinuation. “Katakuri, I’m not laughing at you at all. I just…. You just look so damn adorable. You seem so relaxed and happy,” I say trying to make him understand.

“Adorable?” His frown deepens quizzically. “There’s something wrong with you,” his cute half smile returns as he looks to the side still frowning with his eyebrows. He looks at my plate in amazement which has already been emptied. He looks back up at me, “and I was worried you would think I was the pig,” he laughs boisterously. I flush, looking down at my plate. “Just finish your breakfast,” I pout.

We went to town so I could pick out something more formal to wear. In the shop I selected three dresses that I thought were alright. I brought them to Katakuri who had his eyes fixed on a rack of dresses. “What do you think of these?” I ask.

He looks at the dresses I am presenting then catches me off guard. “Those are pretty but what about this one?” He pulls a silky black dress that was slender from the chest down but widened very slightly towards the bottom. The shoulders were thin straps and the skirt that was lined with red lace would fall just above my knees. There was red lace weaved in a belt around the waist that tied into a bow. It really was beautiful and I was surprised he found it. I have him flip it around to make sure it will cover my back completely.

“I like that one a lot,” I smile at him. He seems satisfied and starts walking it to the counter. I run up ahead and say, “what do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m going to buy it for you,” he replies. “I haven’t gotten you any gifts or done anything for you and you’ve been making me doughnuts and making me meals.” Gosh he is so sweet. “Besides,” he looks at me with a mischievous glint and whispers in my ear, “I can’t guarantee I won’t rip this off of you later.” Gosh he is so sexy.

My face gets so incredibly hot and he’s still leaned into me. His scent overwhelms me and I consider pushing him in a dressing room for a short moment. “Katakuri, behave yourself,” I whisper back giving him a light playful slap on his chest. He smiles under his scarf and I want to push him down right here and now to take him.

I allow him to pay for my dress especially since I have a burning suspicion he has been breaking the wall down every day and those ingredients add up in price.

We head home to get ready and as soon as we walk through the door I dart to the bathroom to get changed. I am almost done with the final touches when I hear a knock at the front door which Katakuri answers. “Perospero, what brings you here?”



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