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The new addition is very tall, towering at least a foot over my height. His head is adorned with a scruffy spike top of scarlet hair to match his piercing soul drilling red eyes.

He is basically shirtless as the black biker style vest he wears is probably meant to be an outer garment and not the only source of upper body clothing. His black leather pants are very form fitting and contain two giant spikes at the knees which compliment his spiked wrist band.

Most notably though, was the black scarf with white jagged fur that wrapped around his shoulders all the way up to the tip of his nose and the scars that stretched across both of his cheeks.

He looks furious as he stretches his arm that turns into a white paste with a haki hardened fist at the end. I dodge and slide in for my counter that has never failed me. Until now. He easily dodges and sends a spiked knee into my chest causing me to gasp for air and crumple to my knees.

Meanwhile the other two have regained their senses and begin moving in. “we’ll take the girl off your hands,” Sakazuki bargains with the scarfed man. The man’s eyes seem to glow and he coldly states, “all three of you die today.” I feel my anger boiling at this man. I have no business with him.

I jump to my feet with new found determination deciding which threat was more dangerous. Obviously the scarfed man as he actually sent me to the ground and his words tell me we aren’t going to be friendly. I dip into the chaos letting it flow from my eyes as I send a diabolic look towards the scarfed man.

He holds my gaze and I can see sweat accumulating on his forehead. My gaze drops as I release the static demonic figure from my body which splits into a small army of chaotic creatures to keep the other two occupied while I deal with the main problem. As soon as my hold over him is broken he composes himself as if he wasn’t bothered, like he didn't feel the unadulterated fear I know for a fact he did.

He scoffs, “don’t think for a second you have what it takes loser.” I brush his statement off calculating my next move. I’m more of a defensive fighter so I wait studying every aspect of his body language.

There! His foot shifts ever so slightly and I jump to the side but he’s way ahead of me and already punching to the side I’m jumping to. I take the hit to my stomach and grip his arm dropping my blades while sliding the sea prism bracelet on his wrist and using it to fling myself towards him for a kick. His eyes widen and he grabs my leg, slamming me into the ground. I’m so frustrated. I feel almost as helpless as that day…. I’m completely outmatched here. Escape seems to be my only option.

He says in a mocking tone, “fleeing like a coward? Understandable if you enjoy living” How does he know every single move I am going to make!? I form another chaos orb and fling it to him. He dodges easily. I don’t like the way he is talking down to me. I’ve trained for so long to be strong and I’m nothing more than an ant to him. “oh you won’t flee? That is a mistake.”

“Stop doing that.” I say with malice. I never even got to truly be free. I feel tears of defeat pricking my eyes but there is no way in hell I will let this man see my weakness. I need to figure out how he is predicting my moves so I can counter it. I study his face and moves while I do a few half hearted attacks testing him. He’s focused, that’s for sure. What if I break his concentration?

“No.” he says shortly.

My face drops as I was about to ask him if he was able to read minds. “Then how…”

“Why would I tell you?” He interrupts.

This man is so frustrating. “It’s rude to…”

“I’ve never claimed to be a gentleman.” He interrupts again, driving me nuts.

I can’t break his concentration if I let him get to me like this. I sigh calming my anger. Another idea comes to my mind. “Are you just mad about…”

“That and you are in our territory.” He answers my unfinished question.

“How annoying…” I pause trying to not lose my shit on him. “I will make a deal with you, I will fix the damage to the house and leave. It was never my intention to enter your territory” I say trying to bury how crazy this man is making me.

He seems to consider my offer and says, “that’s not enough.”

“What else can I offer?” I ask gritting my teeth.

“I will accept these terms and the removal of the marine scum from my island” he says actually quite fairly.

Without a response I maneuver to the side then behind the Marine Admirals that are still dealing with my creatures so that I am able to still watch the scarfed man. He throws the bracelet to the ground and stands coldly with his arms crossed just watching from the sideline. I begin to let all my frustration and anger flow through me as I approach the distracted Admirals.

 I grab the ground pouring my soul into it, turning it into a pool of static chaos which begins to envelop the two unsuspecting Admirals. I form the chaos around them into a static ball and force it as far over the sea as I’m able. The nightmare I sent them to before pales in comparison to the one they are in now but I can only do this move once and it completely drains me. I fall down to my knee exhaustion overwhelming me.

I watch as the scarfed man approaches me picking up my blades on the way while I am internally praying that he won’t go back on the deal. He’s going to end me now. He just used me to take care of the other two so he wouldn’t have to work so hard. I glare angrily at him as I struggle to my feet. I won’t go down without a fight.

“Going back on the…” I start to say as I begin feeling light headed. He throws an arm out and stops me from face planting back into the ground then slaps my blades into their sheaths.

Anger and disgust fills me. “Don’t touch me…” I spit with venom jumping back. That was a mistake and I start to lose focus. His blurred figure approaches again and catches me with both arms as I fall forward. “I said…don…don’t…to…” He sweeps my feet out from under me and carries me like a baby.

His arms are so strong and firm around me. He feels warm and I feel so safe. “So warm…” I whisper as I slip from this world into a world bound to be filled with terror.

Barnaul grabs me by the wrist, hanging me in the air before slamming me on the table. A scene I'm so familiar with as it haunts me anytime I fall asleep. I grit my teeth unable to stop or change what I know is coming. I try to change the words I say. "Mom!" It's no use, I'm just as helpless as I was the first time and every time after. He rips my rags off as I slam my tiny fists into his stomach... the aggressive whisper... His pants dropping... nausea...the bite... punch... wrists.. my mom... no... not my mom... "NO!! MOM!!!" I shout aloud.


………….......... Insomniac…….............……

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