Secrets (Schmutz Caution)

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My eyes open slowly as I peacefully awaken. Katakuri is still sleeping, now on his side turned in towards me. His mouth is slightly parted releasing cute little snores. The light pours in over him and I study his handsome face drinking in every detail through my eyes trying to permanently etch them into my mind forever. Then I notice what appears to be bruising spreading from his right eye touching the bridge of his nose.

I reach up and stroke his exposed face cupping his cheek in my hand inspecting closer. He looks so peaceful and relaxed. As I study him, caressing his face gently, his eyes shoot open. He smiles at me so sweetly before leaning in for a kiss. He pulls back after an entirely too brief moment and looks pained.

"What happened to your eye?" I ask hating that something is making him feel anything other than happy.

"I have to tell you something..." He says with a guilty expression. "Please don't be mad and don't think too much into it alright?"

Anxiety creeps into every one of my nerves. Nothing good ever starts with "please don't be mad..." "Go ahead," I say trying with every fiber of my being to sound calm and look unaffected.

"Mama has been coordinating an arranged marriage for me to build ties with another race. It was supposed to take place at the end of next week. At first I didn't really care but since meeting you, I obviously have a problem with it." He looks down trying to find the best way to tell me.

My heart drops.

"I have been trying to get out of it without blatantly outright going against Mama. She hasn't budged thus far however, yesterday evening when you told me you love me, I went over and told her that I will not go through with the marriage. She was not happy to say the least." He points towards his eye.

I'm stunned. I just lay there looking at him trying to keep my emotions eluding my facial expressions.

He's been practically engaged this whole time?! He denied the marriage because I told him I love him? That explains where he went. I guess it isn't really any fault of his own. He didn't ask for that marraige and didn't have any connection with me when it became arranged.

He watches me trying to discern my feelings, hoping that I won't be angry. I have my very best poker face on and he gathers nothing. He is visibly sweating as I've been quietly picking his words apart in my brain for at least 10 minutes. I decide that I won't be mad and smile up at him.

"Well, at least you weren't already married I guess" I say cynically. I am not happy with the idea of the man I love being engaged to someone else. "Has this been what the meeting was and the work you had?" I ask suspicious if he's met the woman and what he's done with her.

"Yes," he says guiltily looking down. "I only met her a few times. It was strictly business and I never liked her or touched her."

What is this feeling. It feels like I want to rip this woman's head off and I've never even met her. How dare she be arranged into a marriage with this man? MY man! Is this jealousy? Am I possessive of Katakuri?

I look at his beautiful red eyes staring back into mine hopefully and I decide that he is mine. I am his and he is mine. I lean into his face and claim his lips marking my territory. He gives no resistance and instead wraps his strong arms around me tightly, surrounding me in his scent.

"I want you Katakuri," I say hungrily as I break my lips away. His eyes are on fire as he smiles coyly saying in a low seductive voice, "you already have me but, if you don't feel like you do, then take me." My very soul leaps out of my body and I immediately spring a leak between my legs.

I push him on his back lightly and mount him completely overwhelmed with desire. I lean down, wrapping my arms under his head and pulling his face into mine. I use my tongue to pry his mouth open with no denial of his own and I conquer his mouth, no longer the new swordsman but a seasoned veteran of his tongue. He allows me to dominate his mouth following my lead with ferrel enthusiasm.

I lose myself completely as I feel his member stiffening to life. He grips my hips pulling them harder into himself grinding and thrusting against me. I slide my hands under his vest and slip it down his shoulders. He pulls his arms back through the holes and allows me to pull it the rest of the way off before resuming his gripped thrusts. I press my hands against his hard stomach running them up and down while matching the grinding movement.

He can't take it anymore. He flips me over by my hips and rolls on top, reclaiming his dominance. "Are you sure?" He questions huskily before clearing his throat to stifle the excitement in his voice. I lift my arms above my head signaling for him to undress me in response. I've never been so sure of something in my life.

He smiles, THAT smile, while carefully sliding my shirt up and over my head. He reaches under me, struggling to unclip my bra before finally succeeding and moving to my shorts. Much to my pleasure, he grabs them and my underwear with his teeth, a mischievous smile playing on his face, as he pulls them down kissing my body all the way back up before pausing at my womanhood.

He kisses lightly, lapping gently as if it was the sweetest honeysuckle nectar. My back arches involuntarily as my fingers reach through his hair grabbing little handfuls. He gives one last lap before resuming his trek up my body, resting on my mouth.

I reach for his belt unclipping it easily and push his pants and underwear down his hips until he is forced to reposition for them to be completely slid off. He lowers himself fully on me staring into my eyes with a sheepish smile before saying, "I've never done this before."

My heart literally can't take anymore.

He kisses me softly. The fiery lusty passion is replaced with sweet loving tenderness. He kisses ever so gently up my jaw line before moving to my neck. I playfully nibble his earlobe as my hands explore his muscular exposed body. His hands become tangled in my hair as he nips me lightly in return, trailing his teeth as he makes his way back to my mouth. He releases my lips to look into my eyes.

"I love you f/n," he says affectionately as his eyes bore into my very soul. "I love you too Katakuri," I say trying to expel this feeling inside of me through each word. He kisses me again pulling me so close as he inches inside of me slowly causing me to arch my back in delightful pain.

He only gives an inch at a time working his way into me with gentle slow thrusts. It hurts but feels amazing at the same time. I place my hands on his chiseled butt, begging him to give me more of himself which he so graciously grants causing me to moan out in delight. Once he has fully entered me, his thrusts quicken occasionally pausing fully inserted to grind his hips in circles hitting every single point of pleasure within me.

I throw my head back in complete ecstasy as he bites my neck carefully but also more fiercely. I'm gripping him so hard moving him where my body is telling me he needs to go. The sweet tension inside of me builds rapidly until...

An electrical zap of pure sexual elation radiates through my body as I cling to Katakuri with shaky moans escaping my mouth before being buried beneath his own mouth. His thrusts quicken and become more forceful, sending a magical shock through my body with every entrance and exit.

He pulls me in even tighter yet as warmth spills from him and a quiet satisfied moan leaves his lips. His thrusts slow finally resting into a halt and he holds me with his face buried in my hair panting heavily.



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