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I don’t know how many days have passed since my last conversation with Ace and Jinbe. As I predicted, Barnaul was back daily to ensure my hatred of humanity remained at full. I haven’t slept since then and have lost my will to live. I’m sure if I were to look in a mirror, my eyes would be as soulless as those of the slaves back then. Nothing matters to me. I don’t even look up as I hear footsteps approaching my cell and the door being unlocked. “It’s time,” the guard says as he detaches my cuffs from the wall and pushes me forward. Thank God. Sweet escape. I knee the guard for shoving me then walk in front obediently. He clutches his stomach as he glares at me from behind.

I see Ace being led out too, he glances at me sadly the pity clear on his face as he sees the state I’m in. My face is burned, clothes torn and disgusting, hair a ratty mess, dirt plastered to the wound and coating the rest of my face, and my eyes are empty. “Don’t fucking look at me,” I growl at him. “I don’t want your pity.” The guard jumps back with surprise at the hostility radiating from me but I continue walking forward to my death, welcoming the sweet release from this cold world.

We are led to a ship and transferred to the marine headquarters execution platform. I look down at the chaos unfolding beneath us as what looks like a war, rages on. I don’t care. I walk to the platform and kneel down resting my neck on the chopping block, “me first.” I wait patiently for the sweet bliss of ending this dreadful existence.

“F/n!?!?” I hear his voice at this time. It feels like it’s been so long since I could imagine it. I close my eyes and smile that my mind would grant me one last thought of my sweet Katakuri before it ceases to work. “F/n, what the fuck are you doing!?!” My mind seems to side with the rest of the world making my last memory of his voice sound so betrayed and angry. His voice still sounds so sweet as angry as it is. And so real. “F/n! Are you listening to me!?! Get the fuck up and fight damn it!”

I open my eyes. His voice sounds so damn real. I search the grounds beneath me.

The amount of relief that washes over me as I spot his desperate red eyes peeping out angrily over his scarf is euphoric. This can’t be real… I lock eyes with him, my soul and all the hope in the world rushes back into them.

I lift my head from the block, arms still cuffed and call out, “Kat… Katakuri!?” I stand up and the guard attempts to push me back down but I don’t budge, frozen in blissful shock. All at once the desire to live returns and I slam my cuffed hands into the guard next to me incapacitating him.

Ace gives me a boyish grin, “glad to see you’re back f/n!” I nod in response evaluating the hectic situation for the first time since I didn’t care prior to this. The Fleet Admiral Sengoku stands next to us. He will be a tricky opponent. There are guards everywhere and an all out war beneath us between Marines and pirates. I scramble through my brain to find a solution.

“Ace, we have to get off this platform… Can you fight without your fruit?” I ask, newfound determination in my eyes.

“I can do enough,” he smiles back moving his back towards mine as we begin taking out the guards. The years of training with sea prism stone has paid off and I do not tire easily though the same can’t be said for Ace who is huffing and puffing behind me.

Meanwhile Katakuri has teamed up with a short thin black haired boy. He wears a yellow button up tank top and red shorts lined with white fluff along the leg holes. A straw hat hangs from his neck and determination lingers on his expression. They are both running up a path that was cut into the sky. Every time a marine or warlord attempts to stop them, a pirate from the whitebeard crew intercepts. That must be Aces brother Luffy.

Sengoku takes advantage of my distraction and shoves a palm in my direction. I jump to the side and towards him for my counter. I throw my knee up into his stomach which he catches easily. Well this isn’t good. He flips me on my back which I can’t easily get up from due to the cuffs. I roll to the side as a golden fist strikes where my body just was. I land on my front and use my fists to push myself to my knees before hopping up back to my feet only to jump out of the path of a golden palm. Well I’m outmatched here.

Just as I begin to feel overwhelmed, Luffy and Katakuri make it to the top. Luffy stretches unreasonably sending an attack to Sengoku flinging him out of the way. As luffy goes to unlock Aces cuffs, the key he holds is slashed in half. “Forget the key for now, we have to go…” I say as I notice Sengoku recovering. Just then, one of the marine guards blobs a white substance that looks similar to Katakuri’s mochi forming it into a key which unlocks Aces cuffs. “Can you make another for her?” Katakuri pleads with strange number three haired man. He obliges kindly and Katakuri unlocks my cuffs.

I fight the urge to jump on him and we begin our trek down. I notice Ace spinning freely, flame surrounding him as Luffy grins next to him happily. I smile at the sweet site of them reunited and look at Katakuri with pure elation that he is alive. He seems furious being quite brutal with any enemy that gets in our path.

We head down towards the sea where I see Katakuri’s ship docked with Smoothie and Cracker aboard dawning serious expressions. Katakuri senses an attack from behind causing him to spin around and me to follow suit. Sakazuki is headed towards the ocean to cut off the escape route.

I notice the infamous Emperor of the Sea Whitebeard standing proudly despite his age and the health issues he seems to have. My attention snaps back to Sakazuki’s approach and I hurl a static ball of chaos at him. He dodges remembering the living nightmare he felt with the last one. Katakuri splashes mochi towards him sticking him in place momentarily while we high tail it towards the ship.

As we get to the ship, I see Ace and Luffy next to me almost to their destination as well. “The Whitebeard Pirates are a bunch of cowards and Newgate is a failure,” Sakazuki shouts out causing Ace to turn on his heel and face the magma producing monster.

The Admiral continues to trash talk Whitebeard while Ace denies his words getting into a scuffle. Ace comes out with a burn to his shoulder while Sakazuki remains unscathed. Sakazuki’s gaze shifts to Aces brother menacingly as the boy chases a piece of paper blowing in the wind innocently.

“Luffy! Watch out!” Ace and I call out in unison but it is too late. Katakuri attempts to tug me away, already aware of the outcome but I refuse as I watch Ace jump in front of Luffy taking a fatal magma fist through his torso. I gasp out as Ace crumples into Luffys arms. Luffy looks at his brothers blood coating his hand as Ace gasps out his final touching words.

“We need to move, now.” Katakuri lifts me up throwing me over his shoulder, much to my dismay, and jumps on the ship. He sets me down and walks away to get the ship moving as I stare back at the grief stricken Luffy clutching his dead brother. I look down feeling a wave of my own grief. “Ace…..” Tears build before spilling out, streaming down my cheeks.



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