Passion Ensues

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He pulls me in staring into my eyes with a mixture of concern not pity? and hunger. His eyes drag me back to reality while his scent pushes me into an alternate reality where everything has always been fine.

I mentally crumple my thoughts of Barnaul into a tight potent ball and ram them in a corner of my mind. I look right back at him with my own hunger as my moistened lower body begs for something it's never experienced before.

"Can we try again without me closing my eyes?" I plead. He pushes me gently to my back and repositions his upper body over mine. I tease the back of his neck under the scarf and his ears with my fingertips, lightly tracing to the side. To the side of his scarf. I maintain eye contact while I slowly start to tug my request. His hand moves with lightening speed grasping my wrist firmly which he then places back around his neck.

His gaze drops, "no, not tonight." Disappointment washes over me but I lightly kiss his forehead and pull his head into a cheek to cheek embrace before my mind begins floating farther away with each warm sweet breath that hits my neck. He grips me tightly from underneath lifting me slightly from the bed so I am resting on his arms. My fingers mindlessly trace down his side and remain tracing his back. I float into oblivion with no apprehension.

It's black. There's nothingness all around. I turn around to find more yet there's a thin glowing path of short red spiky grass. I follow it's promising shine, trying to escape the darkness. It smells sweet but masculine, like cinnamon spice and sugar. Like him.


I feel I've only taken three steps but traveled miles as everything around me shifts. The darkness is melting down, exposing the mural-like sky. The sky is so red and the black pupil-like moon seems to stare back at me. The darkness shrinks, almost oozing, to the ground that is now completely covered in the spiky red grass, aside from a white puddle, collecting in a pile and sprouting familiar white fur along the edges.


The white puddle bubbles into a siluette inside of the scarf that formed, shaping the features I've come to adore. Katakuri. He approaches me wordlessly taking my face in his hands. He stares intently into my eyes before saying, "close your eyes."


I oblige closing my eyes tightly awaiting my reward. His lips press firmly against mine this time not asking but forcing my lips to part with his tongue. I'm clumsy at first, battling his tongue like a rookie swordsman weilding his first wooden sword. Then I relax and our tongues swirl around, tasting the delight that is each other.


He rests his hands on my shoulder before breaking our lips apart and pressing down until I am on my knees. He pushes me back slowly and crawls gently on top of me, kissing his way up my body. He drags his teeth lightly over my neck causing a sharp zap of pleasure to course through my body and a small moan to slip through my parted lips which he seizes with his own.


His hand caresses my stomach as he creeps my shirt up. I lift my arms giving him permission to continue while my eyes remain locked shut. I run my hands up his stomach slipping his vest over his shoulders before locating the scarf and blindly unraveling it.


He grabs my hand and places it on his belt, signaling me to undress him which sends a thrilled hungry pang through my chest down to my flower. I fiddle with his belt feeling it unclip and begin sliding his pants and underwear down until they get stuck on his spurred boots. He removes the boots and kicks the pants off before proceeding to peel my skin tight jeans off me. He then unwraps me, like a delicious candy, of my undergarments.


I feel his warm heavy body rest on me, his lips more hungry then ever before, almost pleading. I run my hands through his hair lightly grabbing little handfuls. I'm dripping at this point and he senses my enthusiasm and eagerness. He teases me with the tip that is oh so hot and solid. Not quite entering me but resting lightly at the doorway buzzing my internal doorbell.


I moan in anticipation grabbing his hips and trying to pull him into me. "Katakuri, please" I beg, starving for more. I feel his kisses turn into a wicked teasing smile on my mouth. "Katakuri.... Katakuri I love you.....

"Oh Katakuri" I moan out aloud. My eyes spring open only to see black and feel his hand covering them as his ravenous kisses claim my mouth. My tongue traces the interior of his mouth along each pointed fang? Before his own tongue subdues it.

He has shifted his solid body completely on top of me. His other hand gripping handfuls of my hair underneath my head.

He breaks away panting heavily as if he forgot to breath. I am completely consumed by the passion from my dream now becoming reality as I ache for his touch. I realize that I am pulling him into me just as I was in my dream and his excitement is clearly portrayed by the stiff erection I can feel against me.

He shuffles before removing his hand from my face and scooting down, despite my grip on him, so that only his upper body is on me and he is laying on my stomach between my legs. He stares up at me with fervent red eyes shooting a bolt of lightening through my body.

"We have to stop," he despairs. I place my hands in his hair grabbing light little handfuls again. I'm lost in everything that is him. He continues to stare into my eyes and my gaze doesn't falter, "I'm sorry, I think this was my fault."

His eyes gleam with the smile he hides away, "yeah, I don't know what you were dreaming but I think I can imagine with all the moaning and grabbing." I flush immediately, though I don't think my face could be any more red with the heat of the moment we just shared.

A shy smile creeps onto my face, "I don't know what you're talking about." He gives me a knowing look, "mhm," then pauses.

An enamored look hits his eyes and tenderly he states, "you said my name." Oh no, what else did I say? I hope I didn't tell him... I've only known him for a little while and he'll think I'm a raging lunatic! Oh but I do. I do love him.

Despair overtakes me.

What will he do when he finds out about my past? My eyes shift to the side as I contemplate just ripping the band-aid off now or waiting. He watches me like a hawk, waiting for a response.

“I was dreaming that I beat you up for finishing my sentences,” I jest smirking at him.

“Oh? And here I thought we were starting to get along,” he teases. “You couldn’t beat me up if you tried.”

“You don’t think so?” I say mischievously as I flip him over and climb on top. I kiss him lightly on the cheek brushing my face along to his ear giving it a light nibble. I look into his eyes with a huge smile on my face. It feels so easy to smile now. I hold his face in my hands and kiss his forehead.

“You’re playing with fire f/n” he says gruffly as he runs his hands up and down my sides. He gently lifts me off of him and rolls onto his side, throwing his legs off the side of the bed with a wanting smirk, "you have to stop that, I'm trying to be a gentleman and you're making it very difficult."

I smile playfully as I scoot up next to him,  “I thought you said you weren’t a gentleman.

What has happened to me. I'm so... I'm his. Completely.



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