Monster (violence/trigger warning)

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I stay in the room gritting my teeth as the sounds of Barnaul’s screams echo in my ears. I try to bury myself under pillows to stifle the sounds but to no avail. I keep wishing Katakuri would be satisfied and stop but the screams don’t cease for two hours before I finally can’t take it anymore. I storm down into the brig flinging the door open with some major force causing Katakuri to turn.

He is covered in blood with rage etched into every feature of his once beautiful face. I approach the cell when Katakuri stands in front of me. “I’m not finished yet,” he says icily. Barnaul is barely recognizable as a human with the amount of blood, swelling, and bruising that is covering his body.

“You’re done. That’s enough,” I retort shoving past him causing his dangerous aura to flare. I raise one of my blades as Barnaul looks me in the eyes, his own shadowed under the swelling, “thank you. Please, just do it.” I narrow my eyes at him, “this isn’t for you.”

Katakuri grabs the wrist I am holding my blade with. “I said I’m not finished with him,” his aura is overwhelming but my own anger is rising and my self preservation becomes outweighed.

“Get your hand off me right now Katakuri,” I say turning into him with chaos pouring from my eyes causing him to freeze and his grip to become tense. I don’t break my gaze as I peel each finger from my wrist and place his hand to his side gently where it stays frozen. “That’s enough.” Chaos dances through the air sprinkling fear ridden insanity throughout. I let the chaos flow into Katakuri to keep him occupied while I finish the task at hand.

I turn into Barnaul and slash my blade completely through his neck causing his head to roll from his body. You won’t be coming back from that. I walk away recalling my chaos finally setting Katakuri free. He is kneeling, sweating profusely, and staring at the floor as I walk by without a word.

Task complete, I sit on the bed wondering how mad Katakuri is only to have it answered almost immediately. His spurs jingle rapidly signaling his entrance as he stands in front of me arms crossed, towering menacingly over my sitting figure. I look up to his face defiantly. “What the fuck? After all he’s done to you, you are going to take his side?”

“No. If I took his side he wouldn’t be dead now would he? You just didn’t need to be so cruel, you acted like a damn monster” I retort angrily.

“You’re unbelievable f/n! I didn’t even cause half the harm he caused you. This is ridiculous. You make me feel like you don’t think he deserved every second and more of what I gave him,” he says furiously.

“He didn’t. No one does. How are you any better than him right now?” I ask.

“You’re out of your damn mind. I’m done with this conversation. You’re being so unreasonable. Not to mention whatever that shit was back there that you did to me and for what!? To defend that man? You remember him right? The one that beat the shit out of you for years and then raped you?” Katakuri is becoming the angriest I have ever seen him. The word “raped” stings me as the term defines exactly what happened and I have been avoiding it.

His words hurt me and my eyes shift to the side. “Then be done with this conversation and leave me alone please,” I say calmly with sadness painting my tone.

“How do I feel like I’m the bad guy here!?” He ruffles his hands through his hair with frustration as he turns and walks out of the room.

I hear Smoothie’s voice, “Brother, what ails you?”

Katakuri is seething, “f/n defended that scum. She took his side and after all the shit he’s done to her. He fucking raped her!”

I dart out of the door and step directly in front of him so he can look me in the eyes. “That is… NONE… of their fucking business,” I say in a deadly tone causing Smoothie to shift uncomfortably. Katakuri’s eyes turn apologetic when he understands he’s crossed the line as I turn and walk back into the room burying my face in the pillows. That whole damn situation has just changed everything so horribly.

Silence remains outside of the room for awhile until Katakuri breaks it, “Do you think she will forgive me? I think I’ve just made a grave mistake.”

Smoothie responds, “she will. Just give her some time to cool off.”

“She called me a monster….” His voice is filled with despair and I feel a tinge of guilt.

“Well, think about it from her perspective. Now, I don’t know her whole story but, she knows what it’s like to be tortured and have unspeakable acts forced on her. So maybe she just doesn’t want anyone else to suffer the way she has. The fact that she even stopped it from happening to the very one who did it to her speaks volumes about her. She is truly a kind soul.” Smoothie and I haven’t talked a great deal but I appreciate her empathy for my cause.

“I know she is… I was just… So damn angry. I didn’t even take her kind nature into account. I just wanted him to feel the way she felt. I don’t want her to think I’m a damn monster. I need to go apologize,” Katakuri sounds so vulnerable and sad. I can’t help but already feel I’ve forgiven him.

“Cracker and I will take the first shift, you go make up with f/n,” Smoothie says causing a groan to sound out from Cracker.

I hear the jingle of his spurs before a light knock sets upon the door. “Come in,” I say, all the anger has left me. He walks in slowly looking at the floor before raising his gaze to meet mine.

“f/n… I’m sorry. For how I acted and what I said to you. Also, I’m sorry for broadcasting what happened to you, that was inconsiderate,” he remorsefully apologizes.

I sigh heavily before saying, “I get it. You were trying to do it for me but, Katakuri, I hate cruelty. It wasn’t for me at all and has only caused me more grief and pain. I will forgive you if you promise to never be so unnecessarily cruel in the future.”

He approaches me grabbing my hands and lifting me to stand. “I promise I won’t be unnecessarily cruel ever again.” His eyes shift to the side sadly, “do you… Do you really think I’m a monster?”

I pull his scarf away then place both my hands on his cheeks, “no. I don’t think you are a monster. I think your actions were monstrous but I don’t think you are a monster.” I kiss him deeply pulling him into me feeling like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. He wraps his arms around me sighing out all the stress he’s been under in one breath tickling my nose. “I love you Katakuri.” A relieved smile plays on his face as he buries it in the nape of my neck kissing lightly, "I love you too."


.....................Shame (schmutz)……….......

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