The Tea Party

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We get to Whole Cake Chateau and are searched as is customary for any of Big Mom’s events causing me to huff as they order me to leave my blades outside. We walk into what seems to be the main area and Katakuri plops down on a candy bench folding his arms. He is already displaying that closed off feeling I get from him whenever we are around people. I sit down next to him and look up at his face. He continues to stare forward coldly.

The atmosphere is boisterous with the flowers singing and cheerful music playing. A woman is approaching looking directly at Katakuri. She is still tall but not quite as tall as everyone else. She has purple hair spiking out to either side of her head and a grayish completion except for her bright red nose which is quite large. She wears a long white dress with pink and white ruffles along the length. The sleeves bare a tattered appearance revealing her thin arms. A large scar streaks down her face giving her frail meager appearance a tougher look.

“Big brother! How are you?” the purple haired woman asks in a witch like voice.

“I am fine Brulee. How about you?” He greets her.

“I was worried about you after I heard some rumors. They were just rumors right? That you stood against Mama and denied the marriage?” Brulee asks with concern coloring her tone.

“I did,” he replies shortly. “I have my reasons,” he says after a brief pause probably answering a question she hadn’t yet asked. I hate when he does that. She gasps in return then her gaze drops to me.

“And who is thi….” She starts.

“This is f/n, f/n this is my sister Brulee,” he interrupts before she can finish either because he’s rude or because she was about to say something that would set me off.

“Well, you are quite pr….” She begins another sentence which is interrupted again. I begin growing annoyed.

“She is repaying a debt,” he states. Oh not even going to tell anyone we  are together huh? I start feeling more irritated.

“Brulee, it is very nice to meet you. You are also very pretty,” I say causing Katakuri to glance sideways at me in surprise.

A man walks towards us to join in the conversation. He too has purple hair which falls neatly along his head but then twists weirdly on three sides, jutting out making him look like a Christmas tree topper. He has a scar across his eye and an almost sinister look about him. Like many of Katakuri’s family so far, he prefers a life of half nudity wearing no shirt but instead, a singular shoulder armor panel because that will protect him so well… that holds his white spotted pink cape. He wears a belt made of what looks like crackers and has weird bubbles on his knees colored like a watermelon.

Instead of approaching Katakuri as I was expecting, he makes a direct route to me. “You look a little bored, how about a dance?” He asks with a bow presenting his hand for me to take. Do I kill him? Katakuri wants me to play nice… Then again, there’s a lot of things meaner than death…

I can feel Katakuri’s eyes drilling into me. “No thank you. I appreciate the offer but Katakuri is going to….”

“No,” he interrupts me. Damn his mind reading or whatever it is.

I start again, “Katakuri is going to….”

“I said no,” he interrupts again.

“He’s going to…” I try to spit it out faster but am interrupted again.

“I am not,” he argues.

“dance with me,” I finish smiling sweetly at Katakuri, causing him to sigh deeply and pinch the bridge of his nose.

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