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“Now… where did we leave off on our last encounter?” Barnaul smiles smugly at me as I lay next to Katakuri. “Did you think breaking out would free you? Do you think your boyfriend is going to want to touch you when you’ve betrayed him that way?”

I look at Katakuri’s sweet sleeping face. I nudge him trying to wake him up but he remains in his slumber. “You’re nothing but a filthy slut. He won’t want you anymore.”

“You’re wrong. It’s not my fault. I never wanted you to… I didn’t want that. Katakuri knows I didn’t want that,” tears shake my voice.

“But was it your fault? You fell right for the set up. You saw all the signs leading up to it and your instincts felt something was off but you went anyway. Because you wanted it,” Barnaul laughs.

“No! I was tricked!” I turn back into Katakuri, desperately trying to shake him awake.

“What? What is it f/n?” Katakuri looks startled but sleep fills his eyes. I am clenching his vest and shaking him just as I was in the dream.

“Oh… Nothing. Sorry,” I say looking to the side, searching the room for Barnaul's presence as I release my grip. He doesn’t buy it and pulls me into him rubbing my back as he let’s out a deep distressed sigh. “I’m going to destroy that fucker,” he whispers almost inaudibly. “it’s time for my shift anyway, you get some sleep.”

“I’ll go with you, I can’t sleep,” I say almost pleadingly. He nods standing up then wraps the blanket around me as I do the same. I follow him out to the deck where I see Smoothie and Cracker perched on chairs looking out into the ocean.

“You guys can go, I got it,” Katakuri relieves them. They both give me a cold look as they shuffle silently by. I look down feeling all the guilt in the world building inside of me. Katakuri and I take the now unoccupied seats and sit quietly throughout the shift until Sabaody Archipelago’s lush forestry catches my eyes. I look to Katakuri to see that he’s noticed it too. He stands up going to get the other two for a break down of the plan.

We sit in a circle around my poor sketch of the auction house layout while Katakuri briefs the plan as if it was his own. Smoothie and Cracker nod in understanding still shooting me angry stares every once in awhile. We leave the ship with Smoothie and Cracker acting as Group A while Katakuri and I act as Group B. We head to a shop first to grab cloaks to conceal our identities from initial scrutiny then split off into our designated locations.

Katakuri and I sit within the audience at the uppermost seating while I scan the crowd for my target. Excitement fills me as I spot my target drinking heavily with a slave on either of his sides. I nudge Katakuri and point the man out. Suddenly Katakuri’s rage begins to spill out of him causing a few surrounding people to turn in their chairs. I grab his hand and pull him close to me, “you have to calm down. You’re going to draw attention to us.” He is visibly shaking not taking his eyes from the man that caused me so much harm as I rub his arm to try to sooth him.

The auction begins causing me to feel sick. How can they treat these people like they aren’t people? The people within the audience argue excitedly about which slave is better built for what desires they hold. I should kill them all… Our transponder snail finally comes to life, “we’ve got everything ready on our end, move quickly before the guards come for the next slave to be auctioned.”

We both jump to our feet as I grab the ground pouring my rage and soul into it, turning one half of the room's floor into a pool of chaos which wraps around the unsuspecting audience as Katakuri let’s his aura flow through his eyes in a force I’ve never felt before almost causing me to crumple to my knees. Is that? I guess it’s to be expected that he can use Conquerors Haki. I regain my footing, exhaustion mixed with the effects of his overwhelming haki making it difficult to stand.

His half of the audience collapse except for two stronger guards which he impales quickly with the trident he pulls from his body. He snatches Barnaul’s unconscious body less than gently while I free the slave that was being shown and move to the slaves within the audience. Katakuri holds the snail to his mouth, “we are good on our end, let’s move to the ship.” We head to the ship. I catch a glimpse of Smoothie and Cracker ushering a group of beautiful people from the alleyway.

Most of them had long hair which was bleached completely white. Their skin was a dark blue hue which contrasted their bright red catlike eyes. Their ears were longer and pointed at the tips.

We all piled onto the ship, Cracker getting it moving immediately while Katakuri takes Barnaul down into the brig. Katakuri resurfaces and begins giving commands to get the ship on the correct route heading towards the Moondian’s home. The travel only takes a day and upon arrival, Katakuri is the only one that steps off the ship with the Moondians to speak with the king. They are returned safely to their home and Katakuri boards the ship again, giving commands to get our course set for home at long last.

“I’ll go take care of Barnaul now,” I say to Katakuri.

“Not yet. I need to have a talk with him first,” he replies darkly. Dread fills my stomach at the thought of what my sweet Katakuri is capable of and fully intends to act upon.

“Katakuri… That’s not necessary. I just want him dead. You don’t… you don’t need to go any further,” I say queasily.

“It’s not up for debate. If you can’t handle it, don’t come down there,” he says with that same frighteningly dangerous aura from the other night.

“There’s no need for cruelty. You do what you have to do but just know, I don’t accept it and I don’t agree with what you’re doing,” I say before turning to walk away feeling nauseous. I step into the room closing the door lightly behind me before sitting on the bed with a deep frown. Why are people so damn cruel?



..Monster (violence/trigger warning)..

Katakuri X Reader Chains UnboundWhere stories live. Discover now