Trouble (More Schmutz)

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After Brulee leaves, I head to the bedroom to change. Katakuri slips in before the door has time to close grabbing me from behind and kissing my neck causing shivers to run down my back. He turns me around staring hungrily into my eyes before claiming my mouth. I pull away slowly lifting my hands to his face. “You are so handsome. Probably the most handsome man in the world if I had to guess,” I say affectionately.

“There’s something wrong with you,” he says with that cute shy half smile while he looks to the side. “You don’t think Cracker is handsome?” He suddenly asks, jealously coloring his tone and his smile fading.

“Who? Tree topper? No way. I only danced with him because you told me to play nice,” I say intending to ease his jealousy.

“Pffft. You don’t have to play THAT nice. I don’t like sharing and you are MINE,” he states possessively.

I smile up at him still holding his handsome face and staring into his gorgeously fierce eyes. “Katakuri, don’t be silly. You’re not going to have to share with anyone. Next time you can just dance with me the first time so I have an excuse to turn people down,” I giggle.

“Oh? You think it’s funny do you? Maybe I need to remind you just how much you belong to me…” He says grinning seductively as he picks me up. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to shred that dress off you all day.”

“Don’t rip it,” I say with puppy dog eyes as I cling to him. “I really like this dress.”

“I won’t,” he replies rolling his eyes with a sigh still smiling. “but it will look so much better lying on the floor next to the bed don’t you think?

I giggle and say coyly, “it might, but we won’t know until we see it there.” I start pulling his vest off eagerly as he slides me down his body and carefully slips the dress off over my head tossing it to the floor. He looks at me with a dangerously sexy smile and says, “no, it was more beautiful on you, but you sure look beautiful without it.”

I playfully slap his chest lightly, “you have to pay up for what you did to the wall.” I undo his belt and slide his pants to the floor along with his underwear. He removes my undergarments and lifts me overzealous on his hips lowering me halfway on the bed. I scoot all the way on the bed pulling him to the side so I can mount him.

He let’s me move him where I want with a purely seduced expression. I hop on top of him kissing starting from his ears slowly sucking and biting lightly. I move down to his neck and a low nearly inaudible groan, almost just a breath, leaves his lips. I give a few passionate kisses to his mouth before trailing my kissing, sucking, and biting down his collarbone to his chest, down his stomach and to his thighs.

His arms are laid out to his side as I begin nipping his inner thigh causing his body to shake with pleasure and a small moan escapes his lips. He moves his hands to run them through my hair as I tease the areas surrounding his member licking, sucking, biting, and kissing. He is already so hard but I’m not nearly done teasing him for all the trouble he’s in.

I lick up the length of his member placing the tip in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around it and turning my head to twist around and hit every angle. He let’s out another moan, this time a little louder. Without warning, I slide as much of his length in my mouth as I can take trailing my tongue around his width while slightly sucking, careful to not let my teeth hit him.

I can’t take his entirety in my mouth so I use my hand to make up for the difference. I start with my hand from the tip and follow with my mouth ending at his base. I turn my wrist in conjunction with my head causing him to arch slightly, the moans becoming more frequent and, though he is clearly trying to contain them, raising in volume with each breath he releases.

I begin doing the motion faster squeezing slightly on the points he seems to enjoy more based off his moans. The sound of him enjoying this and the feeling of his body shaking beneath me is turning me on more than I anticipated. I continue trying to please him as much as possible feeling like I could damn near have an orgasm just from how turned on I am. He suddenly puts his hand on my cheeks halting my movements, “I don’t want to finish before I have you.”

He reaches his hands under my arms and pulls me back on top of him. I’m so damn turned on at this point, I’m surprised I haven’t finished just with the feel of his member entering me as I slide down it. I begin grinding my hips lifting off of him to where only his tip is in me, then riding his length back down slowly.

I lean in continuing my motion faster and kiss his neck dragging my teeth along it before meeting his eager lips for a passionate kiss, our moans interrupting with each stroke. I’m so close I can feel the sweet tension about to burst.

He grips my hips and thrusts his own synchronizing our motions. I quicken the pace ever so slightly on a mission to achieve the ultimate satisfaction. Finally it hits me sending an intense shockwave of ecstasy throughout my body causing me to throw my head back and moan out, “oh Katakuri….” The sound of my pleasure drives him over the edge and he gives a few final thrusts before sighing out in completion.

I slump over on him kissing him sweetly in return for the immense pleasure he just granted me. “If that’s what happens when I’m in trouble, I can’t promise I won’t break that wall down again….” He sighs out, satisfaction evident in his tone.

“You better not…” I reply testily. “You’re only getting off easy this time because it was kind of sweet…. Well…. Until you said you broke it down the second time for fun….” He laughs heartily, causing my heart to fly out of my chest all together. I place my hands on his face running my thumbs along his scar to brush against his lower lip looking him in the eyes, “Katakuri, I love you so much.”

His face becomes earnest, “I love you too f/n. So much.” He pulls me in for another deep passionate kiss and I can feel all his love pour into me through that single action. I lift myself off him laying on my side next to him as he turns in and pulls me into a loving embrace. I bury my face into him and drift off into a peaceful sleep dreaming only of him.


…………..........The mission……......…....….

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