Surprise at the Dinner Party

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A warm sense of relief washes over me as Komugi Island falls into view. As soon as we pull up to the docks I hop off the ship and fall face first onto the beach hugging the ground happily. Katakuri smirks at me as he squats down by my side, “glad to be home?” I flop onto my back and stare up at his face, “more than you could ever imagine.” His hidden smile grows soft as I release a content sigh and he lovingly places a gloved hand on my face.

Cracker and Smoothie wave goodbye as he helps me back to my feet and leads me to the house. I make a b-line straight for the bath snagging a pair of my own clothes on the way. Naturally not more than ten minutes goes by before Katakuri barges in with a sly grin twisting the corner of his adorable mouth up. “I see you still haven’t finished the wall…” I scoff at him and roll my eyes before giggling, “you know, I had a dream you said that while I was still… while I was captured. You’ll never let me rest but it would be fixed ages ago if you hadn’t kept breaking it down…”

“Let’s not dwell on the ‘could haves’ and the ‘what ifs’ what’s done is done..” He bursts out laughing as I frown at the use of my own words against me. “You’re still an asshole I see…” I laugh with him. Knowing that I won’t get to enjoy my bath in peace any longer, I hop out and glob my wet body on him as recompense. He grins at my futile attempt at revenge while wrapping me in a towel cocoon and squeezing the life out of me. I missed this. I allow him to dry me off carefully dabbing around my deeper still healing wounds.

After I get dressed he scoops me up and takes me to the bedroom, “let’s take a nap so you’re not any crankier than normal around people tonight.” I nod in agreement as the safety of being home mixed with his sweet embrace lulls me into a sense of security and exhaustion begins to creep in. He sets me down on the bed and crawls in next to me scooping me into his arms. “I missed you so much f/n,” he says as he kisses my forehead lovingly. “I missed you too Katakuri,” I reply as my lids fall heavily and I snuggle my face into his broad chest breathing in his delicious sent. I almost immediately fall asleep and I’m sent into oblivion.

I stand in darkness. The abyss of blackness has no end and I start to feel anxious. A bright light begins to rise from what I can only assume is the edge of this world. It rises quickly and begins overwhelming the darkness with light. Flames begin to dance around me as the darkness battles the light that is creeping in. Sakazuki forms from the darkness with a callous grin. “Where is he Sakazuki! Where is Katakuri?” I yell to him. He steps towards me wielding an executioners blade before lunging to bring it down over my head. I pinch my eyes shut anticipating the impact.

I open my eyes as the blade never touches me. To my horror, Katakuri lays dead in front of me as if trying to protect me. “He’s dead,” Sakazuki replies as my body begins to tremble and pain shoots through my heart. “No! You’re wrong!” I kneel over Katakuri and begin shaking him as Luffy wanders by me chasing a piece of paper. Sakazuki’s eyes shift to the boy and I yell out, “Luffy! Watch out!” My voice is mimicked by another concerned voice as Ace runs in front of Luffy taking a magma fist through his torso and collapsing into his brothers arms.

“No! Ace!” I wail, reliving the pain of loss once more. Luffy is unconscious with the severity of his despair as he clings to his brother’s corpse. Sakazuki sends another magma fist through Luffy sending him to join his brother. I collapse, unable to bear anymore. Sakazuki approaches me, “I’ve got a surprise that you will LOVE!” Barnaul crawls out of the darkness like the disgusting slug he is. The darkness wins out consuming every bit of the light that previously invaded.

Nothing exists anymore but I can feel myself drowning in the thick despair. I want it to end but I’m trapped in thick liquid darkness only able to catch enough breath to keep me barely existing. I want to drown but my instincts force me to take breaths when I am able.

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