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I don’t make a sound in my cell for the week I’ve been here nor sleep a wink. Occasionally Sakazuki or Magellan would come down to torture me for information. Today it is Sakazuki. He holds a magma hand to my stomach, “I asked what Big Mom’s missions entail.”

I spit at his face bashing my forehead against his, “get fucked.” I have given up all desire to live and only live to harass the messenger boy for the love of my life’s demise. He grits his teeth more furious than I have been able to make him before. I smile sadistically with satisfaction. “You have a beautiful face, it’d be a shame if it were to get burned,” he replies.

“Go for it, your blows feel like a little girl throwing cold charcoal,” I reply starkly. He rests his magma hand on my cheek burning my face as I stare him in the eye unflinching with the coldest mocking expression I can muster while the skin sears away beneath it.

“Nothing huh? Well I’ve got a surprise arriving for you tomorrow that you will LOVE,” he says with a disgustingly evil smile on his face as he walks out of my cell.

I droop back down and imagine the way life had blessed me only to tare it away after one taste. Why is life so cruel? Maybe if I would have been nicer I would deserve what I had. Oh Katakuri, why were you taken. You were so perfect and didn’t deserve it. Why couldn’t it have been me. “Hey, you’re pretty badass the way you taunt them,” Ace says from his cell. I don’t reply, wallowing in my sorrow. “Look, it’s not all over. You still have a life to live, just think about what you still have.”

“I have nothing,” I lash out. “Truly. He was it. He was my freedom.” I clench my fists angrily causing the shackles to dig deeper into my wrists.

“Freedom? No freedom is getting out of this dump. You know, I bet you’d like my brother. He has such a free spirit. He’s a nuisance sometimes but he’s so passionate about what is right, you wouldn’t even guess he was a pirate. If Pops doesn’t become the King of the Pirates, Luffy will.” He’s gushing about all the amazing things his brother has done and said for what feels like hours. I can’t help but be sucked into his stories and feel a little warmth at the love he feels. “He’s got this amazing ability, it makes you just want to vote for him, be on his side, you know?” He goes about explaining their tragic childhood with the death of Sabo.

I become consumed in the story feeling a connection to these people I’ve never met and the storyteller himself. “Your brother Luffy, when was the last time you saw him?” I ask, the first legitimate words I’ve spoken to my roommates since inquiring on the whereabouts of Katakuri.

“It’s been awhile. I had a run-in with him in Alabasta. Oh, let me tell you about everything he did there!” he enthuses. He makes Luffy out to be such a great person but I know there’s bias in his statements. If he did do all that, he is actually really spectacular. I listen to Ace tell all of his stories about Luffy, Sabo, his grandpa Garp, and his time with Whitebeard who he affectionately referred to as Pops. “How about you? Any siblings or stories?”

I decide that the state I’m in now is a million times worse than any I’ve been in before and divulge my entire life’s story to him, gushing when I began describing my time with Katakuri leaving out the mature content. “Oh, damn. You really did have nothing,” Ace states with zero tact. I laugh at his bluntness surprising myself.

“I’m going to get some sleep. Maybe we can talk more tomorrow,” I say feeling sleep tugging at me after so many days of not getting any, fearing the way my mind would haunt me. “Aren’t you worried about whatever surprise that Marine guy was talking about?” he asks.

“Nah, you said it yourself, I’ve got nothing left,” I say with a sad smile. “have a goodnight. Or day. Whatever time it is.”

“Yeah, you too! I look forward to more stories!” he says laughing contagiously making me feel a hint of comfort. I think again of Katakuri’s perfection and all the goofy things he did drawing a smile to my face. I delve into my mind watching the one good portion of my life play out like a movie until a film my subconscious has built begins to play.

“F/n, I thought I told you to stay out of trouble… Look at the mess you’ve gotten yourself into,” Katakuri says. The familiar surroundings greeting me filling me with the scent I’ve been longing for.

I look into his eyes with pure joy at the sight of him. “Katakuri….” I begin to cry as I tackle him into the grass. “Oh how I’ve missed you.” I don’t even care that it’s just a dream, I thought I’d never see him again. “How could you die!?!” I am hysterical now practically smothering him in the tightest grip I can perform.

“I’m not dead, I’m fine, look at me,” he pulls my face up in his hands forcing me to look into his eyes. “See, I’m right here.”

“But this is a dream…” I say sadly.

“So? I’m right here,” he responds still holding my face. “Look at you. You’re a mess. I bet you haven’t even fixed the wall.” His eyes shift to the side and he gives me my favorite half smile. My heart bubbles with anguish and I lean down to kiss him. The kisses feel so real, just as I remember them. “Damn it Katakuri, I can’t live anymore without you,” I say as I break away. “Katakuri… I love you so much.”

“I love you too f/n,” he says smiling so sweetly.


“Katakuri….” I say aloud as I stir to the sound of footsteps approaching. A new wave of despair hits me. I would have much rather dreamed about my past life then the sweet memories of Katakuri only to awaken and have it torn away again. I slump down, hopelessness creeping over me once more. The footsteps stop in front of my cell and I raise my head. No amount of horror I have felt amounts to what I feel now as I stare directly into the eyes of Barnaul. “I brought your surprise f/n, I hear you two were close back in the day,” Sakazuki remarks snidely.

“And you’re sure she won’t ever get out of here,” Barnaul whispers to the Admiral, fear coloring his tone. “Not a chance in hell,” Sakazuki responds confidently. “Alright, I’ll leave you two to catch up,” he cackles evilly on his way out.

I stare with malice into the Celestial Dragon’s eye. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw the papers saying you had been captured and held here. I’ve been staying low because of what you’d do if you knew I survived,” Barnaul says walking up to me.


(trauma/sexual violence warning)

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