Hell (trauma and sexual violence warning)

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“Barnaul… You disgusting pig. Out of all the people…. Why were you the one that survived…” I spit contemptuously. My body trembles with rage causing the shackles on my wrist to jingle.

“Shush now. You look awfully helpless there all shackled up. Now, where did we leave off on our last encounter?” He asks with a callous smirk tucking a hand under my chin as I stare defiantly back at him. “Boy, you sure do take after your mother. I always had a soft spot for her, it was a shame I had to get rid of her. She was more useful than most of the garbage. But you…. You’ve grown nicely.”

My teeth grit. I have to wait, he needs to be closer… I struggle to contain this unprecedented rage. “You are still the fat disgusting pig I remember but older and more frail looking,” I say coldly. 

“Oh you’ve grown quite spiteful over the years. It suits you. You’ve always looked like a mangy little bitch,” he counters.

“you’ve only grown fatter, it’s a shame you’re still a stupid slob. It’s a good thing you can hide behind your title because a weak stupid pussy like you wouldn’t amount to anything he wasn’t born into,” I spit into his face to serve the final blow.

He smiles wiping my saliva from his face, “wow, you’ve sure got a mouth and a way with words. I wouldn’t talk so dirty if I was in your position,” he tugs his pants down.

I laugh hysterically with a cynical note, “wow I guess I only thought it was big because I was ten.” He finally frowns giving me satisfaction.

“You shut the hell up!” He grabs a rock from the hallway and slams it into my head.

Blackness fills my vision, “I never… expected…a… little-dick pussy… to hit so hard. I guess it was…. Because you… used a… a…. Rock…” I slip in and out of consciousness. The disgusting pig is enjoying the time he spends with my unconscious body. The scent of his rancid breath as he forces his tongue down my throat slaps me awake.

I bash my forehead against him which sends me back to unconsciousness. Now…. Now I have nothing left. Not even my dignity. He spends a good few hours with me only pausing to yell at Ace and the Fishman’s angry outbursts at what they knew was happening.

“Not even a virgin, what a shame. I didn’t know you were a filthy slut too,” Barnaul shoots as he walks out of the cell.

“Just so you know…. You’re probably my dad you incestuous fuck,” I call out hoping to tare his dignity down the way he has just torn mine. He pauses for a second, “you’re mom was a filthy slut just like you’ve grown into.”

“Nope, she only had you and it was only because you had to force it out of her like everything else in your life. I don’t completely blame you, since I don’t know a person in this world that would want you or your microscopic dick.” He continues walking, unwilling to continue a verbal battle he was losing now that he’s won the one-sided physical battle.

I hate everything. I hate everyone. I want the world to burn. The one thing holding me to this life is now dead and now I find that HE is still alive… Everything is crumbling. “Hey… f/n was it? You alright? You’re really something. I admire your tenacity,” Ace says quietly. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry that… that this happened to you.” I can hear the sadness in his voice.

“Just shut the fuck up and forget this,” I lash out, hostility almost tangibly crawling through the bars that separate us and jumping under his skin. I droop my head, unable to even picture Katakuri now that I’ve been soiled by another. I begin to cry, “I’m so sorry Katakuri…”

“F/n, that wasn’t you’re fault…. Don’t ever feel like it was. Katakuri would be proud of the fight you put up despite your circumstances,” Ace tries to comfort me. “I’M proud of you. I know you don’t want to think about it, but that bit you said about his dick was priceless.” His contagious chuckles bounce through the bars causing me to smile regardless of how disgusted with everyone, especially myself, I am.

“Just stop…. He’ll be back every day until I’m dead. Did you not think of that? I’m glad that this could entertain you but it’s not as fun for me….” I hiss fighting my previous smile, not wanting to have anything to do with humanity in general ever again.

“f/n… We should break out of here. What do you say?” He asks trying to put hope into my soul.

“What’s the point Ace? Why can’t you stay as reserved as…. What’s your name?” I call to the cell across from Ace. “Jinbe,” the Fishman responds shortly. “why can’t you be more reserved like Jinbe?” I continue. “Just stop talking to me. I don’t want to hear anymore. I just want to be dead and end this miserable existence.”

Silence follows my statement until it is broken, to my surprise, by Jinbe. “You should never give up hope.”

“And what hope is there now Jinbe?” I ask thoughtfully. “Escape? Then what? I go back to running? After of course I track Barnaul down and kill his ass. That right there, I guess, is one purpose to survive for. But hope? For what…? It’s all pointless.”

“Revenge should never be a purpose, it will only drive one to a life of misery and insanity. Hope is there, you just have to look past the darkness in front of you to find it. You have yet to meet everyone in the world and haven’t experienced everything. It’s unfortunate the majority of you experiences are cruel ones but there are more to be had,” Jinbe answers with the most he’s spoken since I’ve been here. His words are wise but I’m unable to see reason with the state of my mind.

“You don’t understand… That man… That man that just came here and did what he did… I was his damn slave for the first 10 years of my life. I held onto hope then. Hope of escape. Hope of change. Then I escape. I’m finally free right? But it doesn’t feel that way. I run. Non stop I have to run. I can’t settle down anywhere for more than a few weeks before the navy is hot on my ass. I have nothing. My entire life fits in a bag. Katakuri was it. He was all I had.” I cringe at the use of past tense when referring to him. “He’s gone now, and that leaves nothing. I will never love anyone else, I will never accept another connection, and I won’t ever try. It’s not worth it. I’m more miserable than I was before him and that’s saying something.” I am crying hysterically by this point, out of breath by the end of my rambling.

“You feel that way now but there is still a future,” Jinbe retorts simply negating my entire speech with one sentence.

“I just miss him so much,” I bawl frantically losing my breath and gasping for air feeling like I’m having a panic attack. “I just can’t anymore. I can’t do it anymore.”

“And what if Sakazuki was lying?” jinbe asks.

“The paper said he was here. I checked cells on the other levels and he wasn’t there. You say he never came in here and he wasn’t there so where would he be?” I want to hope that he is alive but I know it will only hurt more when I find out he is not. “Just stop wasting your breath on me. I’m done. I don’t care anymore. There is nothing to this life that appeals to me any longer. I just want everyone to shut the fuck up so I can await my death with as much peace as possible.”

Silence follows my last statement and I droop in my shackles trying to imagine Katakuri but I feel to ashamed from what happened and can’t muster up the memories that were holding my sanity. I know I can’t go to sleep any longer because I am sure of what nightmares would follow now. I can’t even escape into my mind. I truly have nothing.



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