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I enter the room and Big Mom is already sitting in her throne. “How dare you talk to me like that in front of my family…!?” She yells. I look her in the eyes, “you act as if I was being rude. Please let me know if I was rude, my upbringing didn’t teach me many manners. Though, you WILL forgive the Generals tardiness from their mission.”

“Oh will I?! And why is that little girl?!” she cackles, sadistically delighted by my audacity. “Just because you got yourself locked up and they went to rescue you? The mission I sent them on should have been the priority.” I laugh and roll my eyes as disrespectful as I can muster before planting my eyes back on hers with newfound rage building, “I got myself locked up? Or YOU got me locked up? If the mission was a priority, you shouldn’t have been playing games on the side.” She flinched ever so slightly, “do explain…”

“You had a conversation with Pudding the night of the tea party did you not? It probably went along the lines of wanting to get rid of me. I saw Pudding talking to Morgans after she left your palace. That explained the fake article after I realized Katakuri was never locked up. What I don’t understand is how you could do that? You obviously know I love him or you wouldn’t have thought that would work… You put his life in danger for your own selfish agenda just because you don’t like that I don’t bow down to you. You disgust me.” I feel the rage burning inside of me causing the chaos to spark from my body.

“PROMETHEUS! ZEUS!” She yells. An angry looking sun and a white cloud that becomes black with lightening whip out, “Yes mama!?” “Get rid of her!” she points towards me and with no hesitation I flicker chaos into Zeus and Prometheus causing them to scream. “Ahhhhhh! Mama make it stop!” My eyes dart back to hers and I step closer stopping directly in front of her, “I’m willing to look past it if you quit doing this shit.”

 She seems to become uneasy, “clever. Have you told Katakuri?” I recall my chaos from the screaming sun and cloud, “no.” The cloud and sun fall to the ground heaving and panting.  She narrows her eyes, “why not? Are you lying? Nothing would benefit you more than turning my strongest son against me…”

“I don’t know what you’re not understanding… I love Katakuri. I’m not playing some stupid ass power game with you. He loves his family which includes you. I would rather him not know because it would devastate and anger him but we can both agree this shit is over and it won’t happen again can we not?” I glare at her waiting for a response. When none comes I repeat the question, “it won’t happen again will it? Because I swear, if you ever pull a stunt like that and put him in danger again, my love for him won’t stop me from destroying you. I need you to say it won’t happen again.”

She turns her face to the side with an exasperated sigh like a scolded child, “it won’t happen again.” Her mood shifts so suddenly and she becomes very childlike. “We can get along now and you can call me Mama!”

“I will not,” I state simply. Her childlike smile turns back into a frown, “and why not?” I debate for a moment before I decide to keep it simple, “I have a mom and you are not her. I will not dishonor her death by replacing her even if by name alone.” Big Mom smiles sweetly, “awweee what beautiful family love! Oh but you poor child!” I immediately feel angry again, “I don’t want your pity.”

She continues to smile but it becomes more dark yet admiring, “I like your guts girl. You are tough but not nearly ambitious enough. You could do great things with that power of yours! You may have my blessing to marry my son!” She let’s out a cackle. “Just know, I won’t do your biddings as you see fit. I won’t take part in any of your planning or scheming to rise to power. I only care about the safety of Katakuri and those who are close to him.,” I respond.

With this final statement I walk towards the door throwing it open, “Ompfff.” I hear a grunt and see Katakuri holding the side of his face. I quickly close the door and herd him to an empty room shoving him inside, “were you eavesdropping!?” He looks at the floor quite adorably and refuses to speak. I pull his scarf down and place a hand under his chin to lift his eyes to mine, “Katakuri…?” His cheek squishes in my hand as his eyes look to the side and I want to scream at how cute he is. “Noooo,” he says through his squished cheek. I can’t help but smile at him, “are you lying…?”

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