The Secret to Sleep

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I lay down on the bed pulling the covers up to my shoulders then roll to the side to look at him. That was a mistake. His eyes are staring into me with no hint of anything; not searching, no curiosity, and no emotion.

I flip to the other side turning my back on him but immediately feel equally as anxious with him behind me where I can't see him. I can't bare the feeling of having my back to someone. My skin begins to crawl and I feel my it heating up as my body responds with fight or flight.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks, his voice caressing my ears as soft as velvet, breaking me from my panic. Does his voice always sound so deep and sweet? I'm doomed, he asks me a simple question and I'm entranced by the sound of his voice. I can't even look into his intense red eyes. What's wrong with me?

I grit my teeth fighting this... whatever this is. "you can tell me about yourself," I prod.

I can feel his eyes burning the skin on my back, drilling into me, "there's not much to tell. How about, you tell me about yourself."

I remain silent, there's no way I would dare tell him anything about my past and I haven't ever really existed in the present aside from running and my time with him.

After a long pause he says, "Well, if you don't want to talk, I will just shake you if you start to doze," with what I presume to be a hint of laughter in his voice.

"That works," I say disappointed that he also will not budge on telling me about himself. I guess it's only fair. I flip onto my back with a distressed sigh staring at the ceiling while secretly spying on him with my peripherals.

I lay there lost in thought for hours in utter silence, aside from the occasional flip of a page in his book and scratching of the pen. My breathing is steady and my eyelids begin to feel so heavy. I can hear his deep breathing soothing me into the calm before the storm.

Barnaul. Slam. "Mom!" Clothes. Whisper. Bite. Punch. Pants... Suddenly I'm shaken awake to meet the concerned? beautiful red eyes of Katakuri who is leaned over me.

I am shaking uncontrollably, cheeks streaked with sweat and tears. I maintain eye contact with this beautiful warm man pleading with my own eyes, "stay with me."

He looks almost startled at this request, "I am staying. I've been in that chair up to this point."

I nod side to side and gently pull his vest in towards me to make him understand my intention and repeat, "please, stay with me."

He understands and is finally showing an expression. His brows knit together into a frustrated frown but his eyes are... soft. He looks torn on what to do. I continue to plead with my eyes tugging gently at his vest encouraging him to lay down with me.

He's frozen on the spot having an internal dilemma which is now showing on his face. "Now who is is making faces?" I joke smiling the first genuine smile I have ever made, doing so still trembling while covered in my own tears and sweat. He meets my eyes with a look of surrender and melts into the bed next to me.

He turns in towards me with the softest expression, "I shouldn't." I slowly creep my arms around him pulling myself into him, avoiding his spiky knees, to close the gap between us. I nestle my face into his chest, his scarf tickling my nose and the tip of the ear rested against him.

At first he just lay there rigid and tense, unsure of what to do. After a few minutes he stirred, laying his arm over my shoulder in a grip that was gentle but firm. He rested his chin on the top of my head with a slight shaky sigh. I breath in his sweet thick scent as my trembling subsides. Content with all life had to offer me, I drifted away to the rhythmic rising and falling of his chest against me.

It's black. Nothingness. There's nothing at all. Just me inside of blackness. There's no sound, no scent, no sight, no taste, and aside from the solid blackness I am standing on, no touch. I attempt to step forward but there is nothing solid in front and I fall. I feel pressure on my wrist, someone has grabbed it. No! Barnaul?!

I look up terrified as my nightmares have never started this way and I didn't know what to expect. Those eyes. Those piercing red eyes. Katakuri. He grabs my other wrist to pull me up more gently. His arms wrap around my waist and I slide my arms around his neck.

We stand there gazing at each other, all time and existence seems inconsequential except this existence in this very moment now. He slides his hand up my body caressing gently up to my face leaving a trail of tingling heat along my side. He rests his hand on my face staring into my very being. His other hand slides up to my hair leaving a similar trail. He runs his fingers through my hair never once taking his eyes off mine.

Earnestly I admit to him, "I love you Katakuri." His eyes become hungry as he responds in kind, "I love you too f/n." I pull my hand up to his own face inching down to remove the barrier between us, his scarf.

My eyes open suddenly in reaction to the movement beside me. Katakuri looks at me apologetically, "sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just have to get ready for the meeting."

Is it... morning? Did I sleep all that time? I feel so rested. I blush as I recall my dream. Well, I guess that settles it. I'm falling for him.

He looks at me waiting for a response when I feel tears running down my face. He pulls me in close again, dismayed by my sudden water works, while confusion fills me.

I don't feel sad at all! Or scared! In fact, I feel so... happy. Why am I crying? I nestle my face into his chest to hide my weakness and misunderstood tears.

"Nightmare?" He inquires almost seeming upset.

"No. I think... I think I'm just happy is all. I slept very well and didn't have a single nightmare," I blush thinking again of the dream I did have.

I pull my face from his chest and look up at him, contemplating how I can make him understand what my subconscious confirmed. His eyes are searching my face, determining if I'm fit to leave alone while he attends his meeting. He decides I'm alright and hesitantly pulls away as if he was enjoying himself too.

"I'm glad you slept well, I will be back this evening. You can talk with my sisters Pudding and Chiffon about the wall. The transponder snail is right there” he points to the snail. With that he heads to the bathroom to get ready while I whip up a quick breakfast for us.

He steps out of the bathroom ready for the day and I hand him his plate, expecting him to eat with me after the intimate moment we shared. He, of course, did not. After he steps out of the bedroom, I take his empty plate from his hands and herd him out of the door. 



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