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I wander full of shock into the interior of the ship to find a shower as I feel so damn filthy. Ace. I find one and strip down with no clothes to change into, stepping into the water I set to boiling.

I practically scrub my skin off but can’t seem to wash away this feeling. Not only was I taken by another but I couldn’t even save my… friend? Ace was my first and only  friend. And we just left his brother there, who he loved so dearly. I scrub harder causing my skin to break open as I cry. I give up and lean my forehead on the side of the shower sobbing. What will Katakuri think of me…. When he knows? I can’t bear the thought.

I stand this way for hours causing my skin to blister at the point of contact on my back. I hear a knock at the door, “f/n?” Katakuri inquires. “I’m here…” I reply. “We need to talk,” his tone is harsh. Oh boy. That’s a phrase I need right now.

“Find me clothes,” I order, hardly in the mood for whatever he’s going to say. I hear his spurs jingle away and return after a few minutes. I turn the shower off and step out into a towel drying myself off. Cracking the door enough to reach my hand out, I snatch the clothes he brought throwing them on quickly. They were obviously Smoothie’s so they didn’t cover enough.

I cry silently. Don’t any of these people have some damn clothes? “K…Katakuri?” I say timidly. “Hm?” He grunts from outside the door. “Can you get me some pants too please. And a sweater or something? Just bring a blanket please.” I hear his spurs jingle away and back again. I crack the door to reach my arm out again but Katakuri pushes his way in.

I cower away from him looking down as he takes in my battered appearance. “f/n…..” He closes the door and steps towards me causing me to cringe back which makes him stop dead in his tracks. What’s wrong with me… It’s Katakuri…. Why do I feel so damn afraid of his touch?

I can’t bring myself to look at him. I’m so disgusting. “We can talk later, you need rest,” he says with a much softer tone. He reaches out his hand for mine and I flinch. I can feel his anger bubbling out as he begins to suspect the reason behind my behavior.

He maintains his soft tone regardless of the intensity of his rage, “come f/n, let’s go.” He withdraws his hand and beckons me turning to walk out. I follow him wrapping myself completely in the blanket only leaving a small eyehole to cover the lashes, cuts, bruises, and burns that run all the way down my body especially the one that covers half my face.

We get to a bedroom and he pulls up a seat next to the bed. It almost feels like déjà vu. I sit slowly on the bed still not looking at him then lay back staring at the ceiling with my protective blanket cocoon. I keep my eyes wide because I refuse to sleep and be haunted by Barnaul once more. He scoots closer causing me to jolt. When did I get so damn jumpy. I don’t even understand my behavior. I just know that I don’t want to be touched or even talked to. Not even by this beautiful man.

Katakuri removes his scarf then places his elbows on the edge of the bed cupping his cheeks and resting his chin on his palms. He doesn’t look at me, make any attempt at conversation, or try to touch me. I still think he can read minds.

We sit together in silence for hours before he hops up making me flinch at the sudden sound. “I’ll be right back, I have to check on the ship,” he states as he snags his scarf wrapping it quickly and leaves. I didn’t know how much his presence was comforting me until he’s gone.

I immediately feel panicked for no real reason. What is going on with me. My heart is beating rapidly and my breaths come out short and choppy. I feel my body start to shake and I begin to cry unable to hold back. I let all of my demons out as quietly as possible, muffling them with a pillow.

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