Open Hostility

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Katakuri takes the lead stepping out of the door and gestures for me to come forward. We wander around the town while he occasionally points out shops, most of which are bakeries.

These people really like their sweets. I can't help but feel comforted by him being next to me. Why did I want him to come with me? I must have forgotten how irritating he was. It has to be because he has been so nice. Nothing more. I flush as I lie to myself trying to explain the warmth I'm starting to feel for this tall stoic man.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the scenery as all of the buildings are made of sweets themselves and decorated with a variety of colorful sweet bread drops and candies.

As I gaze about in wonder, Katakuri halts. I look ahead to see what's caused him to pause so suddenly but there was nothing there. After a minute or so a man almost as tall and muscular as Katakuri approaches.

"Brother!" The man calls out. He has hair that resembles a flame resting upon his head. He bares no shirt at all but instead a bright orange cape that was dark red on the inside complimenting his dark orange skin tight pants. Hmm, lack of clothing must run in the family... I think to myself.

"Are you aware of the meeting with Mama tomorrow?" The flame headed man asks.

"Yes oven, I will attend" replies Katakuri emotionless.

"I wasn't sure if the message made it out, the snails have been malfunctioning all day" Oven says glancing to me. "Who's this pretty little thing?"

I clench my teeth and with lightening speed I point one blade to his throat. "This 'pretty little thing' is one second from running you through" I snap.

Katakuri's eyebrows lift and he slaps a glob of sticky white goop over my mouth then snatches my blade popping it back in my sheath. Ugh! What the hell is this? I scratch at the substance trying to get it off my mouth but to no avail.

Ovens jaw drops taken aback at my remark and action. "She's paying off a debt. Her name is f/n" Katakuri says. I'm so irritated that he just covered up my mouth but I feel a tinge of warmth at the sound of my name in his voice. What the hell is wrong with me...

"I meant no offense f/n, you are just very beautiful" Oven says. Katakuri seems to shift uncomfortably as he looks to the side looking almost annoyed. Did he just get mad at his brother for calling me pretty? My heart does a little jump.

"Alright, I'll be off then" Oven says. I watch him waltz away like a setting sun fading into the distance. What an interesting choice of hairstyle.

Katakuri waits for a moment, regaining his composure. "There's some shops up ahead that should have everything you need" he says as he starts to walk again. I run up ahead of him turning to catch his eye pointing at my mouth "hmmph"

"I like you better this way" he says not stopping at all. Oh that asshole! I run up ahead again pleading with my eyes, "hmpph mmm fffmmp..."

He rolls his eyes raising his hand to recall the white gooey sticky substance from my mouth which is absorbed into his body. "How dare you?" I glare at him.

He raises one brow and threateningly lifts another blob of the substance as if asking if I'd like it to go back on. I mumble under my breath frustrated but decide best not to test him. His eyes crease at the corners again showing a certain softness he keeps buried away. I really want to see him smile.

Calming my rapidly beating heart I ask, "what was that stuff anyway?"

He answers my question indifferently, "it is mochi. I ate the mochi-mochi devil fruit and can now produce mochi from my body."

Hm... Mochi? Like... the rice cakes? All I can think of to say is a simple, "oh."

He gestures for me to follow, "let's go get your supplies now." I oblige obediently walking next to him. We get to the shops and I grab some clothes and basic necessities. We head back to the house and he says, "I will wait until tomorrow's meeting to talk with Mama." I feel slightly glad because it means I'll get a little more time with him.

Once inside I start to make dinner. Katakuri slumps on the living room couch with a baking book filled with recipes for different baked sweets. This time, he seems rather involved in the book making notes with a red pen throughout it.

I use this chance to appreciate his appearance without fear of his scrutiny. I mindlessly move the meat in the pan without taking my eyes off of him. My eyes drink in his sharp features including his cute pointed nose and what is visible of his face. His eyes capture my attention fully, with their deep crimson color and the way they give no hint whatsoever as to what is in his mind.

What is this? Why do I enjoy being around him and looking at him like this? I shake my head trying to rid my mind of these thoughts and focus on my task.

Once finished I bring him his plate and again, he takes it into the room much to my displeasure. I obliterate my food like someone is going to take it from me. Old habits die hard. I wash my plate and fall on the couch with a distressed sigh.

He's so guarded. I wish he would just sit and eat with me. Then again, I eat like I'm still starving and don't really fancy him baring witness to that.

I lay on the couch anticipating hearing the bedroom door open up but am still startled at the sound. I watch him silently go to the kitchen to wash his plate.

"You should get some rest," he urges once complete.

"I don't want to sleep. " I say forlorn, picturing the nightmares. "Would you keep me company tonight?" The words come out and before I even catch the alternate meaning they might have, he's staring at me with a hint of blush creeping up his face.

Oh my God! What have I done!? I place my palm on my forehead looking down in shame, "I didn't.... I don't mean... I... will you just talk to me or shake me if I start to doze until you go to bed?" My face is full blown red, steam practically coming out of my ears.

"I suppose I can do that," he says the blush already wiped from his face as if I imagined it. My chest feels a tickling shock at his response.

I feel a tiny bit of guilt knowing he is probably tired too since he must have been kept awake last night by my sudden outbursts. He's not the type that will show that he's tired or complain. Maybe I shouldn't ask him to do this...

"Regardless of if you want to sleep or not, you should still lay down and rest," he states nonchalantly. With a nod I head to the bathroom to wash up. After enjoying a steaming hot bubble bath, I change into a comfortable pair of shorts and tank top then head to the bedroom.

He's already perched in a chair by the bed studying his baking book and making notes. His gaze starts from the floor and makes a slow deliberate approach taking in my entire body finally resting on my face. My cheeks flush and I look down unable to hold the intensity of his eyes especially when he seems so calm and composed.

I feel like a little girl flustering every time he looks at me, meanwhile he doesn't seem to think of me one way or the other. My heart drops at this thought, more then I ever could have imagined it would. I'm so pathetic. All he did was treat me like a human being showing a little kindness and now I feel... I feel... What do I feel? Do I like him? Do I... Lov... No. I just haven't experienced true kindness my entire life, that's all.

"Lay down and rest," he says calmly showing no signs that he feels, well, anything.

................The Secret to Sleep..................

Katakuri X Reader Chains UnboundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora