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I miss him before the door even closes behind him on the way out.

What the hell is wrong with me? He doesn't even talk that much and never shows what he's thinking or feeling. Why, why am I so happy with his company? Why does it feel so exhilarating being near him?

I shake my head frustrated as I walk back to the bedroom. I grab some clothes and sit on the bed upset with myself as I throw the skin tight dark blue jeans on. I stand back up, noticing the baking book sitting on the night stand as I slip my shirt off over my head to replace with the fresh clean t shirt when the bedroom door opens.

"Ompf..." Katakuri pauses as I whip around. "I forgot something," he says sounding embarrassed and ashamed but not dropping his gaze.

I'm enraged and frozen in fear. Did he see? How foolish of me to face my back to the door. I've grown complacent in the short time I've been here.

"Well are you just going to stand there gawking at me or are you going to get out?" I say angrily.

He immediately darts out and silence ensues. "F/n, I'm really sorry, are you okay?" He asks sounding almost fearful now due to the longevity of silence. My heart begins to pound as I realize, this is the first time he's called me by name without it being an introduction. I'm still livid but I feel my heart warming up.

I toss the shirt on quickly and open the door face flushing. He drops his eyes to the floor as soon as I look at him.

"You didn't even knock... why didn't you do whatever it is you do to annoy me by finishing my sentences?" He looks so adorable as he mumbles, "I'm sorry, I'm not used to company just yet and I forgot my notepad in the drawer there."

He looks up solemnly at my face to judge if he will be forgiven or have a shoe flung at him. He decides he's been forgiven as he notices my stupid adoration filled face smiling back at him and lack of supplies to throw at him.

"It was my fault anyway. I should have locked the door," I mumble back shyly.

The hairs stand up all over my skin, paranoia, fear, anxiety, and anger rushing back as he asks, "What are all those marks on your back?"

He saw... He saw my scars. He saw my mark. The mark of my hell ridden past. The sign that my life is worthless. That I'm nothing more then a mere slave to be dealt with as anyone sees fit. He'll realize he's been kind for no reason, that I should be obligated to serve him regardless of niceties. He'll look down on me, lose any respect, if any, that he had. He'll be disgusted.

I'm frozen, pure unadulterated fear and hostility pours from my body. He immediately senses he saw something he shouldn't have aside from me changing.

"That's not any of your business and you'd do well to forget it. How would you like it if I saw you without your damn scarf and interrogate you about your secrets?" I fume.

His gaze shifts to the side reflecting a sense of understanding. He looks back into my eyes stepping closer and I flinch away. Hurt by my reaction, he lifts his hand so very slowly as if trying to coax a wild animal into eating from it. He lifts it to my chin and ever so gently lifts my fear struck face to meet his eyes.

His eyes are a confusing mixture of furious but somehow still soft. I glare back at him fighting the feeling of wanting to kiss him. He pulls me into an embrace quickly surrounding me with his sweet spicy warm scent. He's gripping me so securely and I can't help but feel safe. I want so badly to go back to just hating him like I do everyone else but I feel myself relaxing and enjoying his touch, the warmth spreading throughout my body.

He doesn't seem to know what it means. I'm so angry but I can't fight the urge anymore and reach my arms up to return his embrace with equal force running my hands through his short spiky hair. He reaches a gloved hand under my shirt and rubs my lower back softly across the whip marks, inches below the mark. I want to stay this way forever. No, I want more.

I feel his embrace reaching the end as he unwillingly pulls away. Still holding my shoulders he looks into my eyes, "I have to go or I'll be late and Mama detests tardiness. When I come back, we can talk if you'd like. Or..." He looks down with a hint of red stemming from his cheeks, "I can keep trying to comfort you." My heart summersaults in my chest and I nod in agreement, suffering from all these mixed emotions.

I shuffle to the bathroom to wash my face and wait for him to leave. He quickly grabs what he needs and leaves. I wait a few minutes to ensure he wasn't coming back for something else before wandering out and back into the bedroom.

My mind is riddled with confusion regarding my feelings. I can't tell if I want to fight him or hold him and never let go. I wanted to get my mind off everything and notice the baking book on the night stand yet again. I reach for the book and sit down on the bed, flipping through the pages. I stop at a page that has recipes for certain doughnuts circled.

I wonder if these are ones he wants to try or if he's planning on opening another bakery. I decide to spend my day making every single circled doughnut in the book. I use the snail to call Pudding and Chiffon and they explained how the walls were made.

I rush out of the house into town to get all the supplies I need for the doughnuts and the wall. I spent a lot of the money I had saved over the years, then waddled back under the weight of all the items.

I Start with the walls so the doughnuts would be fresh by the time he returned. I made a sweet bread mold which I set into brick shaped pans to harden. While waiting for the bricks to harden I began sifting through the pages, following the recipes that were circled. Once all the doughnuts had been fried, I placed them out on racks to cool while preparing the glazes and fillings.

The place was a mess so I began cleaning up what I was done using. The bricks had finished hardening so I made a sticky frosting meant to act as mortar. I took the sweet bread bricks and began placing them to fix the wall spreading a fine coat of frosting between each brick. Once I felt content with the amount of progress on the wall, I returned to the doughnuts.

I glazed the doughnuts and filled the ones that were meant to have fillings and left them to set. I sat down on the couch satisfied with my work for the day and glanced at the clock.

Wow, it's already getting late. I wonder when Katakuri will be home... home? Is this home? I feel happy here. I don't think I want to leave. I look down at the floor feeling a pang of sadness. There's no way he would return my feelings if he knew I was just a lowly escaped slave. I was never good enough for him nor will I ever be. I look down at my lap wallowing in my self pity completely unaware that Katakuri had already walked in.

.......................It's Mutual..........................

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