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Walking out of the bedroom to make breakfast I stop short in horror. The wall is completely caved in again. “Awe what the hell?” I exclaim.

“What's wrong?” Katakuri walks to the living room quickly.

“I guess I didn’t build it sturdy enough, it came down last night…” I look at Katakuri upset and he looks to the side suspiciously. “I’ll give you an extension if you need it…” He replies.

I make breakfast wondering what could have happened. I’m sure I followed the instructions perfectly. There’s no way it should have been that weak.


 Katakuri grabs his plate of breakfast and scuttles into the bedroom. One day he'll open his gates and let me in. Maybe, I need to open mine first. That settles it. I will tell him tomorrow for sure and pray that he still accepts me. Or I can just run again after the wall is finished.

The thought of running sends a pain through my chest, my breath becomes rapid and I feel as if I am having a heart attack as despair envelops me. I can't run anymore. If he doesn't accept me, I don't think I can go on. I escaped after ten years of slavery without losing my will but if this man that I've known for such a short time shuns me, I will break. I escaped? Who am I fooling? I'm a slave to this man now. Maybe not a slave because I am oh so willing. But I can't deny that I belong to him now.

Lost in thought I mindlessly clean my plate for the tenth time then let my body carry me to the couch. The bedroom door opens and I flip around, ecstatic at the sound of Katakuri coming out. I snatch his empty plate from him and practically skip to the sink to wash it.

"You don't have to do that you know? I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself and it's already very nice of you to make me meals in the first place," he says helplessly as I've already finished washing it.

"I like cleaning and cooking so it's no bother," I respond cheerily.

He grabs my hand and pulls me into him looking down into my eyes. "I have to do some work today and won't be home until evening," he says sadly. I look up at him with my sad puppy dog eyes as I wrap my arms around him.

"Alright, but don't expect a bunch of doughnuts, I broke my budget on the last splurge and can't get a job until I finish the wall," I joke.

He smiles and covers my eyes. I feel his lips over mine as expected. His intoxicating sweet thick breath fills my mouth as he parts my lips.

I cling to him desperately holding his shoulders. He lifts me up with one arm and I wrap my legs around his hips as he leans me against the wall deepening the already abysmal kiss.

His breath hitches as he breaks away and uncovers my eyes still holding me in position. His eyes are so full of emotions now. His brows are raised but creased upward in the middle, giving away his inner pain. Frown lines that were not visible before are now etched into his forehead pointing to years of worry and stress.

I've been so focused on my own ordeals, I never even thought to consider this seemingly emotionless man had burdens of his own. How selfish of me. I rest my forehead against his, caressing his cheek while searching his eyes for the answer. What happened to you sweet precious Katakuri?

I don't like this look on his face. I want to make his eyes smile that hidden smile. I nip his nose trying to make him play as I jest, "okay, you win, I will make you some doughnuts." The sadness in his eyes fades away replaced with that smile. THAT smile. It's everything to me. I'm addicted. I want to see his lips curl up in that smile. Oh Katakuri. I love you. I never want to see you suffering. I'll do anything to keep THAT smile.

Katakuri X Reader Chains Unboundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें