It's Mutual

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I sigh deeply looking at the floor, failing to notice Katakuri silently approaching me. My soul leaves my body when I feel a light flick to my forehead.

Katakuri is standing there, clearly smirking under that scarf. Annoyed at his audacity I catch his foot with mine, tripping him successfully. Smiling smugly I stand up and reach down to help him back up. He takes my hand with a mischievous glint in his eyes and pulls me down to the floor with him, wrapping his arms around me hesitantly in a shy asking manner. I happily oblige, falling into him and forgetting all the wrongs in my life.

He then chuckles and stands back up after a long moment, catching me off guard. I had never heard him laugh before. It was the most pleasant sound I have ever heard, a beautiful symphony to my ears. Still surprised, I allow him to help me up.

His eyes shift to the wall, “I see you’ve made progress,” he sounds almost disappointed. Then he glances longingly at the kitchen "What is that smell?"

"I made you a surprise” I enthuse. I grab his hand leading him into the kitchen where all the doughnuts lay displayed in all their glory. To think, only two days ago, I didn't want to have anything to do with this man, now I'm here trying to please him and bribe affection out of him with doughnuts.

He allows me to tow him along into the kitchen where he skids to a halt at the sight within. There are literally doughnuts on every surface of every size, color, and flavor. I study his face and see the child like sparkle in his eyes as he scans the contents of the kitchen.

He looks at me in wonder, "why did you make all these?"

I blush looking down and twirling my foot on the ground, "I saw them circled in your baking book and wanted to stay busy. Eat them, I made them for you."

He's more open with his expressions today. I wonder if it has to do with our night spent together. It feels like he's almost relaxed a little. I think as I witness his eyes gleaming.

He excitedly snags a rack of doughnuts and heads for the bedroom. "Katakuri, will you eat them with me?" I ask hopefully. A pained look crosses his face and he internally debates with himself on what to do.

Slowly and cautiously he says, "I can't." That's it? Just... you can't? Why? Why can't you? Do you mix your food with the entrails of babies or something!? That's why you won't sit down for a meal? Or do those scars run all the way down and you're missing half your face? Maybe that's why he wears the scarf...

 I drop the subject wondering if he’s missing half of his face and not wanting to be rude if he is. He runs back and forth grabbing rack after rack, demolishing them all in about ten minutes. Sheesh, that took like, ten hours to make and he wiped it out in ten minutes. Did he even taste them!?

After finishing the last rack he stands in front of me bowing his head, "thank you, those are my favorite." My blood pumps audibly in my ears as the heat raises to my face. I felt like my heart was visibly beating out of my chest.

"I want to try something," he says in a low voice. Man, I made all the circled recipes in that book! I don't know what else I can make for you to try! That had to have been at least 50 different recipes! Totally misinterpreting his meaning innocently while scrambling in my mind to think of what else I could make for him, he steps into me and brings his face so very close to mine.

My breath catches as he asks me to close my eyes. I hesitate. "Do you trust me? Close your eyes," he persists. Do I trust you? Trust… I don’t think I’ve ever trusted anyone before. I stare wearily at him before I finally give in and close my eyes. I feel his breath hitting my nose. It smells just as sweet and spicy as his natural aroma.


This man must be made of cinnamon and sugar. He's definitely going to be diabetic... My thoughts trail off as I feel something brush my lips. I completely stop breathing. I feel his arms wrap around my waist stroking my back. Then one gloved hand reaches up to my face cupping my cheek and I feel the brush on my lips again.

Anticipation is driving me insane at this point and I subconsciously lean my face forward catching his lips with mine. My eyes remain closed as I freeze. Now that I've reached my goal, I don't have the slightest clue of what to do next and smile sheepishly against his lips. I feel him smile in return and then he presses in.

There's something hanging over his lips but he definitely has the other half of his face. Our kisses start out sloppy from my lack of experience but our lips eventually fall into a synchronized dance starting slow and sweet then becoming more hungry and passionate.

He requests access to the inside of my mouth prodding ever so slightly with his tongue which I deny nervously by pinching my lips tightly. It does not deter him and he continues kissing rapidly, occasionally daring to let his tongue trail across my lip line to test my will.

His hand goes from lightly caressing my face to pulling it into him eagerly. He starts walking me backwards until I feel something hitting the back of my legs. Without breaking apart he carefully lowers me onto the bed hovering over me. Totally enveloped in the passion, I am caressing his face and ears, running my fingers through his hair, and vigorously returning his kiss.

That is until I feel the bed hit my back, his arms surround me, and his hands hold my wrist down splayed above my head. Barnaul. Panic. Panic and rage overwhelms me. My body shutters and cry out, "stop. Stop please!"

My eyes are still pinched shut but I feel him rapidly get off. "Can I open my eyes?" I ask feeling the threat of panicked tears.

I hear shuffling then, "yes, I'm sorry. I got carried away." I open my eyes still laying on the bed and look up at his distraught panting red face.

"It’s not you. I just…” I debate for a second. "There was a bad experience in my past is all and I'd rather just be able to see that it's you. Maybe, we try it without my eyes being closed," I look to the side as I admit my inner most shame. When I look back into his eyes, they are filled with rage.

Oh no. I've upset him. Why do I have to be this way? Why does that disgusting fat pig have to haunt me even now? Why can't I just forget? Katakuri is going to hate me. He's going to think I don't want him.

"Who touched you? Where are they now?" He asks menacingly breaking me out of my self loathing. Shocked at his words I take a second to understand what he's asking me. "Someone touched you. Where are they?" He speaks calmly but the malice is clear in his tone. 

With cold eyes and venom flowing into every word I confirm his suspicions, "He is dead." I look to the side unable to bear the way he will be looking at me. Unclean. Damaged. Disgust. PITY. He sighs and lays down next to me in the path I chose to escape his gaze then pulls me into him.

….................Passion Ensues…...................

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