The Shower

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 The month leading up to the wedding was fairly busy as I didn’t really know anything about weddings and I hated having people wanting to be involved. So far I have settled on a nice small quiet family wedding. Of course quiet might not happen and it can’t be that small since Katakuri’s family is so large.

I sit with a frown etched on my face as Brulee, Chiffon, and Smoothie gush about wedding details. All three were elated in their roles for the wedding. Brulee is to be my maid of honor and the other two, bridesmaids. I stand up suddenly, a thought hitting me, “oh shit… I… I need someone to walk me down the isle…”
Their chatting ceases and they all look at me startled by my outburst. “I’m sure anyone would be delighted! Why not ask Big Brother Perospero?” Smoothie asks. I nod, “I would but he’s Katakuri’s best man.” I scrounge my mind for all the men in Katakuri's family that don’t piss me off that aren’t already somehow involved. No one comes to mind. Then I sigh heavily as I think of one person that irritates me to no end but I’ll never admit the fondness I’ve developed for him. I sift through the memory of the day I decided that he was alright.

Katakuri was out with Oven, Daifuku, and Perospero doing whatever wedding things guys do. Cracker approaches me seriously without his usual evil smirk and said, “I fool around a lot. I just like trying to get under my Big Brother’s skin. He’s always so calm, cool, and collected so it’s fun to try to break it and see the side of him I remember growing up before he started putting on his façade. Although, it’s a bonus to see how riled up you get too!” He laughs and his shit eating grin resurfaces on his face. “Anyway, just know I am messing around and I think you guys are perfect for each other. I notice his façade slipping more and more these days and he’s becoming the Katakuri I remember. And you…. Oven told me about his first encounter with you. You were like a cornered wild animal. You’re still quite snarky but I definitely feel like you’re letting more people in.” He gives me a boyish grin and I accept him with all his annoying little quirks.

“Uggghhh…. It’s going to have to be Tree Topper….” They look at me confused and ask in unison, “Tree Topper?” I laugh at their expressions. It would be so awesome if I could get the entire family to call him that… “Cracker. I will ask Cracker.” They all roll their eyes. “Really? Cracker?” Chiffon says in disbelief. I laugh fully understanding their skepticism in my choice. “Brulee, would you mind grabbing him?” Brulee smiles at me, “yeah of course! I’m also going to get drinks, we’ll all need some if we are going to deal with him!” She cackles as she disappears through the living room mirror. I wonder how Katakuri is fairing at his Bachelor party. I smile to myself at the thought of his groomsmen feeding him shots.

Brulee takes awhile as I sit on the couch letting my mind wander to the background sounds of Chiffon and Smoothie talking. Everyone sure seems more excited about this whole planning thing… I’m just excited for the wedding itself. I want it to be perfect for him especially since I suckered him into wearing a tuxedo for it. My eyes grow dreamy as I picture how handsome he will look since I’ve really only seen him in his usual get up or with no clothes at all. “F/n? Do you like that idea?” I snap back to this world at Chiffon’s question. “huh? Yeah, that sounds great!” I say igniting a smile from Smoothie who witnessed me not paying any attention.

“Alright so a nude wedding it is!” Smoothie shouts causing Chiffon to give her a quizzical look. “Wait what!?!? Oh no… no that idea sucks!” I say bewildered. Chiffon begins laughing as she catches on to Smoothie’s antics. “f/n! You’re not paying attention! I asked about using the Katakuri flower as a table décor! I think it would be sweet, don’t you?” I sigh in relief that she wasn’t suggesting a nude wedding after all, “oh yeah, I totally heard that the first time… I thought I missed something! That would be great!” Both of them laugh at my futile attempt to cover up my absentmindedness.

Katakuri X Reader Chains UnboundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora