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A/N: Sorry for such a delay. It’s been a busy as hell few months but I should be able to finish this story in the next three chapters. I have a plan for another story that is the same but told from Katakuri’s perspective so please let me know if that’s something you guys would be interested in! I will make a preview of it after I finish up this story and get done with a few edits and rewrites that I wanted to do.

A knock at the front door causes me to stir. My head is pounding and I grumpily sit up, glancing at Katakuri still sleeping peacefully then smile. I slide out of bed growing more grumpy at the incessant pounding at the door and inside of my head. I crack the door, “what? What do you want?”

Cracker studies my appearance with a smirk, “well good morning beautiful!” I close my eyes tightly rubbing my forehead, “I hate you so much right now...” Cracker laughs, “what happened to, ‘thanks guys! You are the best’?”

I close the door in his face and down a glass of water. As I stand over the sink splashing cool water in my face, Cracker lets himself in then stands next to me. “So two things, one: your notes are in that drawer and Chiffon is waiting for you to execute preparations for plan number two. Two: What do I need to wear tomorrow? “ I frown rubbing my temples, “ ugghhh. You guys are literally the devil. Okay I’ll be ready in an hour and you can wear whatever suit. I’m not really picky but Brulee has been doing all of the color scheme stuff so, you can talk to her.” Cracker laughs nodding, “alright, make sure you drink a lot of water! I’ll see ya later f/n!” With that, he leaves me to mumble and grumble around the house as I pocket the notes and get ready. I saunter to the bathroom to relieve my nausea, throwing up mainly wine scented stomach acid then proceed to brush my teeth and wash my face again. My stomach flops around inside of me threateningly as I straighten out and walk to the kitchen.

I cook a hefty breakfast knowing Katakuri will probably feel no better than I do when he awakens. I go back to the bedroom sitting on the bed next to Katakuri. I caress his face as I smile at how cute he looks sleeping then plant my lips on his in a tender kiss, causing him to stir. His lips greet mine with a loving kiss as his arms wrap around me. After the kiss is broken, his eyes open and he winces at the light. “Oh…. I feel like shit…” he closes his eyes again.

I run my fingers through his hair smiling, “breakfast will make you feel better, it’s ready too.” He sits up wincing again, “breakfast sounds great. I have one hell of a headache…” I stand up and help him to his feet and we sit down for breakfast. I smile, watching him shovel his cheeks full chewing blissfully and swallowing far too infrequently, as I vacuum my own food. He shovels the last of his food into his already full mouth and chews it happily peaking an eye open to notice me watching him. He swallows blushing, “why do you always watch me eat…” I giggle, “you’re too damn adorable. I can’t help myself. Besides, you’re about to be my husband so you shouldn’t be embarrassed anyway!”

He smiles looking to the side with my favorite half smile, “ there’s something wrong with you… Are you going somewhere?” I grab our plates and begin washing them, “yeah, I’m meeting up with Chiffon to get a few things ready for tomorrow. I should be back this evening.” He walks behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning into me to whisper in my ear, “when are you leaving?” I bite my lip smiling at the tickle of his warm sweet breath against my ear, “as soon as I’m finished here.”

I turn into him looking up at his handsome face and his hand slides up my side from my hip to rest on my face. He kisses me sweetly before smiling and whispering against my lips, “well hurry back, I have to give you a reason to not change your mind tomorrow…” I giggle swatting his chest playfully, “I will hurry, so behave yourself.” I give him one more deep kiss embracing him tightly, “I love you Katakuri.” He looks into my eyes tenderly, “I love you too f/n.”

I Head over to Chiffon’s to make the wedding cake for tomorrow. We spend the whole day making it while she chats and I nod in agreement throwing in an occasional, “mhm, oh yeah,” while not actually paying attention. The completed cake looks just as I pictured it and my eyes gleam as we set it in the fridge carefully. Chiffon smiles, “he’s going to love this… you are so sweet!” I blush at her compliment, “well I better get going! Thanks for helping me!”

I head back to the house, walking through the door to see Katakuri crashed out on the couch. I giggle to myself and sit on him, kissing him. His eyes open slowly as he returns my kisses. He smiles, closing his eyes again as he sits up and continues to kiss me deeply. He wraps his arms around me tightly and breaks the kiss, placing his face in my chest and sighing contentedly. I run my fingers through his hair smiling, “are you hungry?” He bites my chest softly, “oh I’m hungry alright.” I giggle, “pervert. I meant for dinner…” He laughs looking up at me, “yeah, I could eat.”

I peck him on the lips before getting up and making dinner. Once done eating, I clean up and grab Katakuri’s hand leading him to the bedroom. He smiles looking into my eyes. After a few hours of passion, we lay comfortably wrapped in each other’s embrace when my stomach turns again. I fight back the nausea letting Katakuri pull me in tightly, running his hand through my hair as we drift to sleep.

The morning comes entirely too soon and we are woken by knocking on the bedroom door. Brulee is the only one that does that… I meet Katakuri’s gaze and put my finger on my nose, “nose goes…” He rolls his eyes smiling as he gets up and dressed. I get up and dressed too, heading for the bathroom to wash up. My stomach churns rowdily within me and I release my inner demons into the toilet. Dear lord. I promise I will never succumb to the Devil’s juice again if you keep me from puking during the wedding….

“Big brother! Where is your beautiful bride? I am taking her to get ready!” Brulee practically shouts in excitement. I hurriedly flush the contents that were freed from my stomach, brush my teeth, and saunter out feeling like the devil and grim reaper are playing racket ball with my intestines. I grumble at Brulee, “alright, let me grab some stuff and I’ll be ready.”

I quickly grab a few hair accessories and make up. My dress is already at Chiffon's where we planned to get me ready. I prance up to Katakuri who is slouched on the couch waiting for me to leave so he can begin his own preparations. I drop my collection of items in a pile and crawl on his lap snuggling into him. He throws his arms around me heavily, holding me closely. I pull away to plant a loving kiss on his lips and whisper in his ear, “I’ll see you soon my love.” He returns my kiss whispering back to me, “I can hardly wait.”

I collect my items again and follow Brulee through the mirror, internally appreciating the convenience of her power. We arrive at Chiffon’s in a matter of seconds and the women immediately bombard me. Smoothie works my hair while Brulee plasters my face with makeup and Chiffon gets my dress ready. Chiffon throws the corset on me , plants her foot on my butt, and yanks the cords tight causing me to hiss as I deflate.

I feign breathlessness as the women work to get the dress on me. I feel like a damn doll… I pout as they adjust all the lacing and straighten the dress out. They stand back to admire their work as they gasp in awe, “oh! F/n! You look like an angel! You are so stunning! But… maybe fix the expression on your face…” Smoothie gushes. My frown deepens as I over exaggerate my discomfort level, “can’t…. breath…” I wheeze dramatically. Smoothie claps me on the back, practically sending me flying, “that will do just fine!”

“It’s almost time, lets get her to the staging area,” Chiffon announces. She looks me in the eye winking as she touches her pointer finger to her thumb, “your form looks fantastic!” I’m shoved through the mirror and into the holding area. My nerves start springing up and I ask Brulee, “have all the preparations been made?” She winks and nods in return planting a big kiss on my cheek, “everything will go just as planned.” Cracker steps into the room wearing an extremely bright yellow and purple tux that matches none of what anyone else is wearing. I giggle as Brulee proceeds to lose her shit. She pounds him on the top of his head, “what the hell brother! I told you neutral colors! NEUTRAL!!” Cracker rubs the top of his head frowning, “ohhhh, I thought you said natural colors…” He smiles sheepishly as Brulee slams her palm into her forehead. “Well… It’s too late now,” she resigns. The distraction of their antics settles my nerves as the clock ticks down.

......................The Wedding........................

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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