Chapter VIII "Grrr..."

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I quickly held my dagger more firmly than before and turned around.

The sound came from somewhere around the clump of trees that had not been the victim of the vicious fire yet. I searched the branches of the trees for any signs of the creature before finding its dark silhouette between the dark lanky branches.

I quickly tried to catch it, but it flew away, and my head bumped into a tree branch.

"Grrr..." the vexerbud made a threatening sound as if saying to stay away as far as possible.

I sighed from frustration and tiredness.

How could I catch it without it flying away in a jiff and me getting bumped into another tree branch?

Out of a sudden, a brilliant idea, well....not actually an idea more of a memory came into my mind.

"Sorry, Mr. Tree," I said and broke a leafless branch out of the tree near me and started to tap on the tree's trunk using it.

The vexerbud's eye widened and it dashed towards the stick and grabbed it by its mouth. I briskly got hold of the creature before it could fly away again.

It once again hissed at me to indicate his fierceness but all I did was chuckle softly, "Why are you always so impolite?" I teasingly said to the creature and hid it under my invisibility hood and started my look for Galena, when I stumbled across and found the treehouse which was now burning in the green flames.

"The mushrooms must have been nicely cooked by now" I joked to myself.

After a while, I found her but....she was not in a pleasant situation, once again.

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