Chapter XL | Escaping the Crimsond Mansion

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The once empty ballroom was now filled with fancy ladies and gents that were laughing melodiously as their kids roamed here and there, causing trouble with each step they took.

I walked past the expensively dressed riches as I dodged the troublemakers with the empty tray in my hand, towards the Grand Kitchen.

I sprinted into the kitchen and shutted the door behind my back.

Iris sighed, "Finally you are here!".

"Sorry" I squeaked as I raced towards the kitchen aisle around which Toivo, Galena and Iris were standing.

"I hope you all vividly remember the plan" Iris spoked.

"Totally!" We noted in unison.

"Great", She took out her notebook AKA 'The Dressing Book' and her pen from her pocket and started drawing something once again.

Flubber black bowtie turned into a finely embroidered shiny gold thread one. We stood mesmerized as Toivo's dress turned into a pine-green blazer and straight pants with gold buttons and a silk shirt, Galena's boring servant dress turned into a bright canary-colour frock, it had a puffy sleeves and an amber belt with a pair of amber boots, my dress became loose pearl-white shirt with a navy vest and skirt that stretched to my foot meanwhile, Iris's dress turned into a simple macaroon sweater and a grey-brown chequered straight pants and a hazelnut coat, with a bright gold pin attached as she slipped back the notebook and pen back in her pockets.

"Now remember, Act cool-casual if things turned out bad" Iris reminded.

We gave a quick nod and walked out of the kitchen, towards the grand staircase, following Toivo and Flubber as he barked his way through the trouble-some kids.

We sprinted through the hallways trying our best not to be caught, towards "Point Iris" AKA "Iris's cold, tiny room".

Iris carefully opened the room, we hurried and quickly closed the door behind us.

"Phase one of 'The Escape', successful", I sighed as we hurried towards the window.

Iris peeked her head out of the window, "All Clear" she declared. We carefully stepped out of the window onto the bent roof, carefully balancing ourselves as we stood on the cherry,  rough surface.

Galena took out four pairs of hover-shoes from her pocket, "Fast wear them!" she noted.

We quickly wore them and stepped down onto the green, undoubtedly not real grass meanwhile, Toivo struggled tying his laces but was soon able to catch-up with us.

Suddenly, the sound of someone whistling nearby made its way to our ears.

"Quick! Hide!" Toivo whispered.

We hurried towards the quiet dark pair of rows of tall again-certainly fake bushy trees, that spread around the border of the mansion. We were supposed to go between these dark bushy pair of rows to the other side of the mansion's garden, where lies the entrance to the secret escape tunnel which will lead us out of the mansion hopefully, without getting caught before the rascal 'Greg' arrives.

We hid behind some huge trees, trying our best to not make a sound.

The whistling was now accompanied by footsteps, which got louder and louder as it got nearer and nearer.

Galena accidentally stepped on a thin plastic tree branch and suddenly, the humming stopped.

I peeked out of the corner of the hard trunk of the tree I stood behind. It was a kid, probably six or seven-Asian, he was looking towards the tree Galena was hiding behind cautiously while Galena panicked, trying her best not to make any sound as the kid approached.

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