Team Blume trivia (English)

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This article is a special supplement for "Team Blume" where I will talk more about the concept of both the story and the original ideas of the team. Contains story spoilers.

1. The idea of ​​"Team Blume"

Judging by the name, Team Blume was created when I was in the third grade of elementary school, when I started learning German. Here, I forgot almost all the words, but that's why I still remember the word for flower, that is Blume, after whom the team was named, and with it the members of the team. The idea came to me when I saw some cartoon on Bulgarian television with superheroines in dresses of different colors (now I think they were Winx fairies, I could somehow connect it), it remained somewhere in my subconscious even though I didn't even know about it at the time. I don't know how much time passed from the enthusiasm for these superheroines to the creation of Team Blume, I only remember one dream where I dreamed of myself in the Team Blume dress, which at the beginning of the dream was pink and turned blue, and then eventually were created and wings that were later inserted as the fifth power. Overnight, blue became my favorite color, and so it is to this day. : D

2. Developing an idea and choosing flowers
 As I have been drawing since an early age, in the meantime I have sketched my imaginary team similar to the one I saw in the cartoon, only with some of my own concept. Since I really liked the word Blume, I based everything on it, and all the members got their color and flower. As I mentioned in the story, the name of my flower - Blue Rose, came about when I saw a picture of the "Blue Moon" kind of rose in the catalog of rose seedlings, which attracted me at first sight, although now I know that it doesn't really have that shade as in pictures. I did not take the rose as a flower because it is supposedly the most beautiful or the best flower of all, as I think that every flower is beautiful, but because of that one specific flower in blue colour. Of course I would choose another flower because I am not a person who likes to stand out, and roses are called the queen of flowers, somehow I have always been uncomfortable that I took a rose as a symbol, I do not think I am worthy of it. However, the Blue Rose has become an indispensable part of me over the years, so I didn't want to replace it with something else. The symbolism of the Blue Rose is not standing out for beauty or elegance, but perfection that does not exist, just as blue roses do not exist in nature, and that perfection is exactly what my mind longs for in its imagination.

 As for other names, I was inspired by the flowers around me. Tulips and hyacinths are flowers that grew in my former garden, along with irises, lilacs and some other types of flowers. We only had one red rose, and for me it was a symbol of solitude, as a contrast to all those hyacinths, tulips, irises and lilacs that adorned the yard in the spring. We didn't have a pink tulip, but yellow and red ones, I think that another flower could have gone instead of a tulip because there are a lot of other flowers in that color, but I didn't want to change name now after so many years. The situation is similar with hyacinth - when creating the last member, hyacinth came to my mind as one of the flowers I love the most, there was only one white hyacinth in the garden, in addition to many purple and pink ones. I thought that White Hyacinth would become White Orchid in the story, as well as that Yellow Dandelion would get another flower, but it didn't make sense to change everything when I got used to their names a long time ago, it would be too complicated for me to write. In this way, I paid tribute to the garden from my childhood, mentioning two beautiful flowers that beautified spring with their intoxicating scent and grace.

 Yellow Dandelion was supposed to represent simplicity - it attracted my attention as the first yellow flower around me, although at some point it was an idea to replace it with mimosa, but the symbolism of dandelion as a flower was stronger for me. It is all around us, decorates the grass surfaces with its intense yellow color, but we often ignore it and forget its simple beauty. It may not be the most sophisticated yellow flower that exists, on the contrary - it seems extremely simple, but that is exactly its symbolism, and that is that we often ignore some small beautiful things in search of something almost impossible. Therefore, we have a contrast of colors and flowers between the Yellow Dandelion and the Blue Rose - the former represents what is achievable but often goes unnoticed, and the latter represents something that is (most likely) impossible to achieve. That is what I represent as a person, someone who is constantly wandering in search of a higher spiritual goal, getting more and more lost in the real world.

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