Presentation of stories from blog (part 2)

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L.O.V.E (Let our venom evaporate)

I started this story, just like the one that goes after it, in the summer 2018 and stopped there, but I still wanted to finish all the stories before the last one. I had the idea that the main characters are two girls, but I did not want to detail and make it dark as I usually do, I wanted it to be "short and sweet" 😊
Narrator is Melitha, a sweet girl of short curly hair, who realizes that it is better to listen to her heart than to other people, of course, this is the case only when a person is free (sometimes it happens that someone leaves the entire family while listening to their heart, this is not really the smartest idea because it leaves long-term consequences especially for children, this is true for any couple).
Anyway, as far as LGBT community is concerned, I do not have a negative opinion of it, nor do I see why anyone would have, there are so many other things in the world that should be condemned - injustice, wars, destruction ... so I really do not understand why someone would hate something that doesn't have anything to do with him / her. Life is too short to hate someone or something just because it is not matching with what we have learned; I know that many religious people consider it sin (just as they do with certain things about psychic problems, which I wrote about in some stories), but there is one very important thing-orientation, as well as psychological disorders and illnesses, have nothing to do with religion, these concepts should be separated because they only encourage enmity between people. Indeed, that's why there is a problem in in some environments, because there is a connection between things that have nothing to do with each other, condemning individuals who, in most cases, have to comply with moral principles or suffer terrible consequences. The LGBT community is just one of them, for example, we have racism, the above-mentioned mistreatment of people with psyche or mental illness (eg, autism or schizophrenia, poor Van Gogh had to listen lots of bad things from people due to his schizophrenia ☹) , the style of dress (my dear alternatives know this very well), etc. Hope there will come the day when we will simply be able to respect all people equally.

The hell with luck:

I have always been interested in topics about so-called "paranormal", even I see all of these things as an integral part of life. With regard from which part of the Serbia I came from it shouldn't be a surprise, the stories of magic, invisible forces and unusual phenomena were part of growing up and everyday life. In the whole territory of Serbia it is talked about that, but in this part of the country is the most widespread belief in that.
How I like to read one magazine with a paranormal theme I came across various interesting stories that attracted my attention, and so I came across an article that inspired me for this story. Since psychological topics are not foreign to me I wanted to do and such a story, only with a different ending than in the article. It's a bit shorter than the last few stories, for now is the last one I wrote (I started the story in English and story-comics, the same in English, during the year I want to do something like epilogue and I think it's all) so I will have to slowly work on it first, I'm an adult who has to work too 😉
I used my drawing for the cover, I wanted to try something out and really liked how it looks like 😊
We'll see you again soon 📝

Lollypop (on some places written as Lollipop, not as a mistake but I couldn't decide):

This is the only story whose title doesn't have anything to do with the story. The main event in the story is an imaginary competition, I got an idea to transform some people from my past into characters from my story, and thus solve some of my inner struggles. Some things have changed since writing, at least as far as the character Almond is concerned, for some reason I think he is angry with me or something, I don't  know why when we didn't argue, but I'm not concerned about it because, as I said in the story, what I found interesting about him was gone, I am not foolish to waste time on a person with whom I obviously couldn't agree on a longer run and who lives a completely different life than mine. I can't say that he is a bad person because he is not, I just think that I idealized him too much, after all of these stories I finally finished and that saga in me and I realize that it should have been ended so long ago, only I was afraid to accept that it was the best way. Still, things and people are changing, so I have changed too. It looks like I really became an adult ☺. From "Year Season 1" until now I really have gone through a long way to self-knowlege and realized that sometimes, when the environment is not right, at least we can change and learn from our own past. Since the writing of this story, I didn't dream of too disturbing dreams about the place that had haunted me for years - as if the dream had told me that it had to be resolved while I persistently flew away from these memories and characters (*edit 2022 - nightmares are back). I was directly confronted with this story, realizing that I am no longer the same person, I know that I would solve any problem other than the greatest-transience, which every day kills and that little positivity in my life.
And so, I again saw the old pictures from the photo album after so much time. For a years people on pictures had stickers on their faces, regardless of the fact that their faces long ago were carved into the brain, but now I saw them again. I would love to remain so, I don't want to run away anymore 😵

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