Presentation of stories from blog (part 4)

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Fashion Seven 1:

I knew this would be a difficult story for posting, considering the bunch of drawings and the text 😵, but this is only the first part. Good thing is after that goes a few shorter stories 😀
The characters were created in 2011 and the story was supposed to be called "Pretty Highschool girls", it had something to do with fashion, but a plot was a problem. I created the first six: Tea, Jenny, Lenny, Kety, Mimi and Kristy,made their features and interests, and Stefany was made in the end, as the seventh member of the group, which I symbolically did in the story. As I now write morbid stories, the action has got a drama that suits her, and some more explicit scenes that I would certainly not write with 15 years 😳
This is one of the longest stories, it is done in a form of show, written in a few days, and both pieces together have a total of 180 stylings 😑, most of which are my design. This is not a problem, I was planning to go to Design School, but I gave up on it.
For the first time I have a love story between two people of the same gender, but in the second part there will be a slight change, but this doesn't diminish love in this part 😉.

Fashion Seven 2:

The second part ("second season") of the story, this time is tougher than the first, with the first part having had some tough scenes too. In the description it says that "seven" was left without one member, when it happens, who it is and what happens you can find in the story.
The fact is that there are some changes in the love sense too, so I also introduced some new characters;)


(in the beggining I used my photography for creating the cover, I had to make covers really fast so I thought it will do just fine)

* me looking for my picture I like * : Hey, this is good ... No, bad framing. No, this is better! It's not good. This one isn't good at all . I'm so ugly on this one. Here, I'll take this one, this is least ugly. I don't like it. *I leave the phone and come back five minutes later * This one has the potential. No, wait, it's not good ...

In the era of promoting self-esteem and self-love, I know that I don't fit into that story, and that all these positive quotes only bounce off my head as those little gum balls you throw and then you are chasing after them for fifteen minutes in the yard. Honestly, it took me several years to put my picture and my real name, and that's just because I don't want to publish my stories anonymously, otherwise no one would know that I exist. Hell yeah, world got so much this way.😐
This is somehow a realistic story, but I don't know anymore what the "elixir" from the end of the story could be when I no longer tolerate even alcohol 😕
Either way, there is another story I'm in, to warn you that I have several stories in which I am an active character and all are depressing 😐


The second story from this collection is here ;), somewhat more dramatic than "Amortica." The main character is Iris, a girl of purple hair, which is not exactly the typical color of hair in my stories, and therefore I used it as a symbol for the cover. Iris is two completely different persons in one, at least it seems so, since the bipolar makes it looks this way. Bipolar disorder and depression are both mood disorders; they drastically affect the emotions themselves, which automatically leads to the fact that the person changes to some degree and don't change the personality itself as personality disorders (bordell, anxiety, antisocial ...), but treatment is certainly necessary because in both cases there is a high risk of suicide. In my stories I have a lot of characters who have suffered from depression, Iris is the first with a manic depression. I wanted this to be a positive story intended for understanding people with any disorder, plus I show that I can write something positive once in a lifetime. :D


This is the first of three stories written in the same notebook, which together make up one whole, although I see them as three separate stories, as they are. There are stories that are"paired" in the original notebook ie two stories are in one notebook, as eg "Sky and Earth" and "Princess Blackhaired".
The story was originally supposed to be called "Mortica", however, the plot turned in the other direction. I'm not really a romantic person, on the contrary, but I know to write a romantic scene here and there, the fact is that most people search for love and inspiration is all around us. I just don't care about it, I already love art and solitude, it's complicated to explain to people around me that I'm not in relationship and, most importantly, I don't want to in one. Where I live, it turns out that is a shame when the girl does not marry, as if marriage is the only goal in someone's life and that everyone has to have a family. I will not do what society expects from me, but what I personally consider is right and what suits me, otherwise I will reach even greater dissatisfaction and the choking of my freedom.
Still, Keila does not share my opinion, and here we have a more romantic story that is by the genre of the thriller 😉

Breakdown of the system:

I was thinking about what "cover" should be made for this story ( it's my favorite part 🙂), so I accidentally got to the DNA which breaks that perfectly describes this story. This may be one of my best stories, at least for my taste, and in relation to its length, it was written for the shortest time, including the time from idea to realization - just a sketch and an idea to start with were enough, the rest just came to my mind during writting. By that time, all the stories were written in small notebooks, which was more practical when I went to school, this is the first one written in the larger notebook, since I had notebooks that remained after high school 🙂 (we artists never throw the notebooks, drawing blocks, etc.). Nothing inspires better than perfectly white canvas or empty notebook 😉

Scale of sanity:

As I wrote in this story, I did not expect to publish it, it seemed too personal, but from this point of view it is no longer important to me anymore. I said in the chapter, I don't usually talk to everybody like this, but in the story I have freedom because I write as if no one but me will read it. What is weird is that an introvert person like me puts things like this, but I have not felt the connection to reality for a long time, so I don't have a problem with this. I'll see, though, when I get a wave of paranoia and want to hide from everything, as Melody says, I hope that I will not wipe every trace of my existence on the Internet, it would not be my first time, only now I no longer hide from anyone else but myself.
By the way, in the meantime I started to put the English versions of the stories on my Booksie profile  📝

Dying again:

Technically, this poem / story was after the next one I supposed to publish, but this one is shorter and I was sure I could finish it before taking a break from publishing. It's from 2015, long poem with dark theme (the longest I wrote till now) on English only. In meanwhile I will type more stories as I am having more spare time during the winter. Getting closer to newer ones😉

In a meanwhile you can read my other works  on My Issuu profile and My Wattpad profile 😇

Ready for Action?! - Black's diary

And so ... I got up at three o'clock this morning and started posting a story. The thing that is even more crazy, I plan to finish another story-poem in English, then I'm making a longer pause from posting, which I will certainly use to type  another stories. I can't overdo it, tho, nor can my eyes hold this tempo in the long run 😵
This story is the last one started before I moved, I continued to write it when I came here and it' also the first one after high school. I needed something more for that story, something that missed in "RFA?!", I wanted the last part to be about Black and to have more psychology since after "Onyx" and "Red Stain" I realized what stories I can actually write, that is, psychological drama. Of course, over time, my writing has become more mature and I think that it is getting better 🙂
However, I always note that singing is my main domain, but that doesn't mean that I don't have to try to write and draw better - there will always be someone better than me, but I want to see what is best I can do. Hope that one day people will like my works as they are, and I will let the time lead me through the way that it thinks it's the best for me 😉

Red stain:

I planned to publish this story only after a long break, because this is quite a morbid one (it's just the first of stories with a similar topic, better to mention), but by the circumstance it was next on the list after "Onyx" and I had time to do it. Honestly, this is the story I maybe read the most of all of my stories, it's pretty morbid and I don't recommend to those who are recovering from depression or eating disorders to read it, it can be triggering for them. For all the others, I note that the self-destructive activities that are mentioned in the story shouldn't be tried at any cost, from my personal experience I say that can't bring anything good.
At the beginning, I note that the story is inspired and with my alter ego, i.e. the character I created when I was a kid because I spent most of my time alone, she done the things I wanted (and I still want) to do. It took so long that it had already become a part of my real life, but with mine crash her had to happen too. Last scene with Melody is the way that my alter-ego disappeared, I just described the scene. I used to make my own CDs of paper in my game, and there I put the songs I would write, back in 2012 I wrote really many lyrics O_O. The positive "album" mentioned in the story was created when the "Onyx" story was written and it should have been support for me, but it all fell into the water and then I created the darkest lyrics till then. Since then, it's been a long time, but seems like time stopped for me. I don't have to say  everything for now, in 2019 there will be more stories like this.

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