Presentation of stories on blog (part 1)

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Presentation of stories on blog (before I started posting them there as well)

Onyx 2 - Fire in the wings:

Although I had the idea for the second part of "Onyx" back in 2013, I've written it now. Honestly, it wasn't in my plan, but I sometimes have a problem with my thoughts haunting me and then I have to do something with them, in this case to write a story. It's very difficult for me to write positive stories, but story about Onyx certainly requires it, it serves as an inspiration to people who have problems with psyche, it wouldn't be appropriate to darken it.

So Onyx and Kevin go to Onyx's birthplace together where she meets the things that are the reason she left town. I mentioned what happened to Onyx and Kevin in "Dream Reaper", I didn't change it, but I added more details. The only complaint I have for myself is that the story turned out to be shorter than planned, I left two smaller notebooks for it and it didn't take half of one 🙊 It's not that bad either because this second part is some kind of supplement to the first, and I don't like to write something just to make the story longer, I have the principle of writing the essence with as little environment as possible (that's how I am as a person- when I create I use that instant inspiration and I don't bother with too many details so my inspiration doesn't disappear).

Gold and Ash:

Although I said that I would not write any more stories in my life, now I present to you a new story - "Gold and Ash". I really began to doubt my own words - I said in "Dream Reaper" that I would stop writing and then I take a pen in my hands again and create more. Admittedly, I said a years ago that I would die till age 25, and yet it's getting closer. I can only take comfort in the fact that there would not have been some of my best works if my death happened sooner.
I was afraid of how the story would turn out, my inspiration wasn't really good during 2018 and 2019, so I thought I could no longer write. I'm glad that wasn't the case for this story - I don't know how others will like it, but I'm satisfied with it and I'll be proud of it. It is dramatic, it has a difficult topics but also has a moral of the story, the morbidity is more moderate than in previous stories. I was inspired by the dream again as in some other stories, only in the dream I was an actor and at the end of the dream I slit my own neck, I didn't want another main character to end their life but I still did something with that scene, I won't reveal what. 😐 In any case, I am not going to be a bummer now because the story represents something a little different from me, and I leave my morbid thoughts for another occasion, it is not as if they will escape somewhere. 🤷

Buried in the past:

I said that "Dream Reaper" is the last story and I still think that, this story was created more as an adjunct to the story "It will never be better", I was obsessed with that idea, so I came up with something that looks like a story. This story is very similar to it ie. it deals with the same period, so it seems to be inspired by it, it is really just a work of my thinking. It is a little inconvenient for a person who is (supposedly) 24 years old to write as if I was fourteen again, but I remember those thoughts more than what I ate yesterday 🤔.Who would say it's been ten years since.
The events in the story did not happen, at least not the ones where I interact with others, but the facts and thoughts are correct, only possibly belong to another period. Honestly, I'm just glad that the events are just a work of fiction, here I deliberately added things that I avoided in all the stories (*cough* hospital *cough*), just to see how it would work. I'd rather not go through it in reality 😐.
The most  difficult part of writing was Tuesday afternoon, where I had a quarrel with my parents, I used authentic insults. I was thinking about doing this because it seemed too harsh, but these days (I'm lying, these years) the situation is very tense and I think I'm going to completely lose my mind by the end. The two of them shout and get better while I'm absorbing emotions like a sponge and don't have vent to deal with them, I think this principle of suppressing emotions puts me in such a stupid position. Ironically, they are the only people with whom they communicate, and I don't meet new people on a deeper level because I can't trust anyone and can't tell them everything. That's how we got to most of these stories, I needed at least a temporary vent.
For the end, I just want to say that my  opinion on school psychologists at the beginning of the story does not apply to all schools in the world, it is only my opinion for some schools, including mine. Two deaths and who knows how many lives destroyed (or at least aspects of life) are also more than enough reason for such an opinion. If there is no any other use of me, I want to at least point out something that is relevant to someone else, including new generations.

Dream Reaper:

Something for the End:
"Thanks to everyone who read this story and / or some of my other stories, I am very grateful for that.
On this occasion, I want to apologize if I have offended anyone in any work, it was never my intention, as well as to note- don't follow my self-destructive steps from the story, whatever happens to me remember that this is just part of the story. For the past ten years I have learned a lot, created a lot of stories and characters, I even managed to publish all the stories. Thank you for being part of it, thank you for every second you have given to any of my work. I hope that at least some parts have made a positive impression on you, once again I apologize for everything that was not right. Life is not eternal, try not to spend it in the darkness of your own mind, I see where it has brought me - remember that you create the story of your life, make an effort around it and leave to the new generations story worth mentioning. If anybody needs me, I will be in my works. "
Suzana Ristić Suza

ps. I know how this end sounded like, it's just a saying goodbye from as a writer, not a farewell speech or something like that. Now, let me consider whether I will publish songs as poetry or skip this step, but it would be too difficult 💔, words without a melody and my voice are only letters on paper.
Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read this (or some other) article I wrote, and thank everyone who read some of my stories, I hope they left a positive impression on you. If not, I'm so sorry, pretend you never saw it and that they do not exist. 😐 😉

Links to the last story:
This is for Wattpad, one of the most popular story publishing platforms;
That second one is for Issuu, platform for publishing in PDF format and place where I posted my stories the first time back in 2018. in October (now it's not too far away in the past, but it will be for a several years. I guess someone will read this for several years, who would know.) 🤔 🤷🏻🤷
This third link is for Booksie, nice story and book publishing site where, for now, somehow I got 7000 readings of my stories 🎇🎆🎉😄 (edit: now I have more than 55 000)
There I post English version only, while all Serbian ones could be found on Issuu and Wattpad, right before English version.

(P.S. When I wrote this it was sort of goodbye/suicide note, as I never know when my symptoms can get worse, somehow I am saying farewell in everything I write because I don't like to not finish things, this way I feel like I have said everything I wanted.)

Top 10 - my stories by categories:

This is not part of the standard collection, but only the list done just for fun, I use to make such lists in my head and thinking about lots of stuff. For example, while I was back from school everyone thought that I was just staring at the asphalt for no reason, but I actually was preoccupied with the various thoughts and games I was making in my head. One game was the translation of my lyrics from English into Serbian and vice versa, which really knew to occupy me all the way home, and it was a good for brain training too 😉.
And so, as these stories are an active part of my world, I often think about them and compare characters and scenes (sometimes I'm making "conversations" with them, most often with Melody, I can easily get into characters 😉), that's how this addition was created . I wanted more categories but I did not have the idea right now, I'll let those who read stories to make some of their own lists. Maybe someone will come up with a list of Top 10 guys or, as heavy scenes are standard in my stories- maybe somebody comes with the list of "Top 10 lucky moments" (I nominate a wedding in "Year seasons II" and a wedding in "Magical girls" 👰🏻🤵🏻)

Amused Aria:

Short story (it was supposed to be longer, throught it wasn't necessary to make my point, lol) that is the first one in a genre of fanfiction. Realized I am too logical person to imagine something that might or might not happen to someone who actually exist (same as ,,Lollipop", only that I know these people in person, and here I could only try to feel the lyrics and connect the events). Used my drawing again for the cover, ,,Vintage Lady" fitted well. 😉 (*cover is changed in the meanwhile)
There is an English version only as I wrote this way. I really wanted to make story realistic as much I can, idea came from one fan theory that kinda made sense, specially when I compared lyrics and events. This is the old story, tho, but the end of story could be finished now, as several years passed, to show something even more important- one negative experience in life doesn't mean it's all over, it's more of using current circumstances to learn and become stronger. P.S. Aura is not the third singer of the band, she is someone else 😉

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