Chapter 31 - The First Step

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With Giyuu and Shinobu

The walk back to the mansion was not a quiet one. Shinobu's drunk personality was very similar to her sober one, just louder. She had been constantly pestering Giyuu with random questions about everything to do with his life, including some she already knew the answer to. It was only when they had arrived at the mansion did she manage to catch him off guard.

"Giyuu, can we stay at your home tonight? My estate can be so noisy." She asked, still riding his back.

"What? No... my estate is too far from here." Giyuu said, clearly flustered by the sudden proposition. 

"But why not? You were gonna go back anyway. So just take me." She protested.

"No." Giyuu answered.

"Why're you being no fun?" Shinobu complained.

"Because someone has to make sure you get home." Giyuu explained.

"Fine... be that way." Shinobu complained.

The two walked through the entrance to the mansion and Giyuu began to make his way towards Shinobu's room.

"What are you doing?" Shinobu asked.

"I'm putting you in bed." Giyuu answered.

"But I'm not tired. Come on stay here and talk with me. We can sit out on the patio together like we did last time." Shinobu pleaded.

"Fine." Giyuu said.

"Actually, can you take me to my room first? I don't want to stay in my uniform." Shinobu asked.

"Okay." Giyuu said, he walked her to her room and left her in there, leaving immediately after.

"Shinobu took off her Haori and laughed, looking at the bottles she had purchased. She then got changed into a purple and white Yukata, put her Haori on and walked out of her room.

Giyuu sat still on the patio confused. His face was hot, and his heart rate was higher than usual.

Am I sick? He thought.

"I got you some water, that was a long walk, I appreciate you carrying me." Shinobu said.

He turned around and felt his face grow a little hotter at the sight of Shinobu in her different clothes.

"Are you okay? Your face looks hot, did that walk take more out of you than you thought." Shinobu asked.

"I am fine. Thank you." Giyuu said awkwardly. He quickly took the cup and drank it, trying to end the questioning.

Shinobu laughed as her plan came to fruition. Giyuu swallowed the drink and began to cough as he processed the taste.

"What is that?" Giyuu asked.

Shinobu didn't answer and instead pulled out the three bottles of sake and two smaller sake cups. She waved one of the bottled and laughed.

"If I had to guess, three or maybe four servings of sake." Shinobu answered.

Giyuu looked at her confused, causing Shinobu to continue to laugh.

"Well now that you've started, you might as well join me." Shinobu said, pouring two cups.

"But I already..." Giyuu started.

"You barely drank anything with me at the bar." Shinobu said.

"I know but..." Giyuu tried to protest.

"Giyuu, this is a sad day for me, now please join me." Shinobu said.

Giyuu felt a bit of guilt rise in him and took one of the cups, drinking its contents.

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