Chapter 32 - Whenever You Need Me

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The Next Day with Giyuu

Giyuu made his way to the kitchen, grimacing at the headache he currently had.

I really need some water. He thought.

He tried to think back to last night but found he couldn't remember much after Shinobu pulled the sake switch on him. He remembered the conversation the two had about their sisters, but after that... nothing.

He made it to the kitchen and was greeted by an enthusiastic Aoi, who was cleaning the dishes after making the butterfly girls breakfast.

"Oh, good morning Giyuu-sama, I didn't know you stayed here last night, is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Giyuu said, holding his head.

"So I assume the sake bottles on the patio belonged to you and Shinobu-sama." Aoi responded, pointing to the two sake cups she had yet to clean.

"Yes...." Giyuu admitted.

"Don't worry Giyuu-sama, nothing to be embarrassed about. Do you want something for your headache?" Aoi asked.

"I would, thank you." Giyuu said.

Aoi stopped what she was doing and left the room to get him something for his headache.

Giyuu looked at the dishes, there wasn't much left so he decided he'd finish them as a thank you. As he was finishing he heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and turned to look, assuming it was Aoi.

Shinobu walked through the entrance to the kitchen, also holding her head. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Good morning Tomioka-san, I see you're holding up better than me." Shinobu said.

"No, I'm not. I'm only doing this as a thank you to Aoi, she's getting me something for my head now." Giyuu said.

"That's nice to hear, at least I am not suffering alone." Shinobu said.

"It's your fault I'm feeling like this, thanks to your little sake trick I have no choice but to join you." Giyuu reminded her.

"If I remember correctly, you're the one who came looking for me, sounds like you are as much at fault here as I am." Shinobu joked.

"I guess." Giyuu conceded.

Aoi walked back in holding a couple of pills and a cup of water for Giyuu.

"Good morning Shinobu-sama, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Not good Aoi-chan, could I please ask you to get me something as well?" Shinobu asked.

"Of course, just let me give this to Giyuu-sama, and I'll be back as soon as I can." Aoi said, handing Giyuu what she brought for him.

"Thank you." Shinobu said.

Giyuu took the medicine and thanked Aoi then took a seat at the table. Shinobu joined him and watched as he took the pills.

"I don't know if I said it but thank you for last night. I didn't realise how much I needed a night like that." Shinobu said gratefully.

"It's not a problem, thank you for letting me stay." Giyuu replied.

"I don't actually remember saying you could stay." Shinobu teased, pretending to be serious.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I guess I just sort of slept here then." Giyuu said.

Shinobu started laughing at him, dropping her serious façade.

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