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I believe my eyes were playing horrible tricks on me, because I blinked multiple times to make sure I wasn't seeing who I thought I was seeing. I really can't believe Diggy is Joey's son. My mouth literally dropped.

"Baby girl... You okay?" My Mom asked me as my fearful gaze was stuck on Diggy.

"I'm fine, Ma." I quietly said. The moment Went from Awkward to Even more Awkward.

"So, Are We Gonna leave?" Diggy asked.

"Yeah! You Girls ready?" Joey asked us. We shook our heads then We Got our jackets then left to the movies.

We All Got in the elevator and it was complete silence between me and Diggy. He hates me, I'm terrified of him. I wish this night was over already. We stopped on the lobby floor and to my surprise, the elevator door opened revealing Jacob and Miss Ocampo. My eyes bucked out. A rage of jealousy was overwhelming me.

"Hi, Jacob!" My mom greeted Jacob with a smile and hug.

"Hi, Ms. Cynthia." He smiled back. "Hey, Brittny..." he nervously amiled at me. I acted like I didn't even see him.

Rude ass Miss Ocampo ruined the moment and purposely coughed to get their attention. "Jacob, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" She rudely said.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Oh, Ms. Cynthia, this is my working colleague Mary Ocampo. And Mary, this is like my second mother, Ms Cynthia." He smiled.

"Well nice meeting you Ms. Cynthia." Miss Ocampo said, then her eyes landed on me. "Umm, Brittny... What're you doing here?" She also saw Diggy. "You too Daniel?" Jacob noticed Diggy then I saw the rage in his eyes.

Me and Diggy looked at her like she was crazy. Who is she to ask why we're here?

"Brittny is my daughter." My Mom said with a attitude.

"Diggy is my son." Joey said with just as much attitude.

"Oh." Miss Ocampo said, uninterested while rolling her ugly ass eyes. Just the Look of seeing her and Jacob together made me feel utterly disgusted. But from the Looks of it, Jacob doesn't like the sight of seeing me and Diggy together, even Tho we're Not really together. Jacob eyed me As He mouthed the words

"Text me... Now!"

I didn't even respond back to him. I just looked off.

"Well it was nice seeing you Jacob!" My Mom smiled As she Gave Jacob another hug. Jacob waved me off As him and Miss Ocampo Got on the elevator. I kew he was mad, but little dis he know, I didn't give a fuck. He understands my pain now.

Well family! Let's Get to the movies!" Joey cheered. We All walked to the car. My Mom and Joey sat in the front while me and Diggy awkwardly sat in the back. The drive from our apartment to the movies is about 20 minutes.

So that means me and Diggy Are going to Be sitting in the back in silence while our parents chat it up For 20 minutes. I began to stare out the window As We passed houses and buildings. I then felt my Phone vibrate. I received a text from Jacob. I sighed then unlocked my Phone to check the message.

Jacob: "Why Are you with Diggy?!"

Brittny: "I'm Not with Diggy. Our parents Are on a date and they Took us."

Jacob: "Oh"

Brittny: "Since We asking questions, What's up with that attitude Miss Ocampo was giving my Mom? She needs to Know her Damn place."

Jacob: "It was noting...."

Brittny: "YES IT IS SOMETHING! This bitch needs to Stop."

Jacob: "Well she kinda thinks me and her Are a 'Thing Now...."

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