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It felt so weird being in his presence. He didn't really change much over the past 2 months. He looks pretty much the same. Same pretty eyes, nice smile and pearly white teeth. It's just... Weird being around him again. He still sent chills through me and That's what I hate about being around him. He has this effect on me that actually makes me feel my age. When I'm with Jacob, it's like I'm obligated to feel older and act more mature around him. Thus leading up to me having his 3 kids.

"You look great," His eyes roamed my body up and down. "How's the babies?"

"They're fine. They're actually sleeping right now so-"

"Oh! Oh my bad! Just wanted to say Hi."

I gave him a fake smile and waved him off, closing my door in his face. "Of course..." I muttered to myself. "He chooses today to stop by..."

I crawled back in my bed trying to get the little rest I could, but Diggy made so many thoughts and memories rush back through my head. The night we kissed, is still affecting me. It's like that one kiss started all of this. If I hadn't kissed him, I wouldn't have this attraction to him. Just to make matters worse, The night we had sex is still bothering me. It felt good, but It wasn't Jacob. I'm starting to regret making any type amends with Diggy.

My thoughts continued to keep me awake. I shifted around in my bed trying to shake them off, But I've gotten nowhere trying to do that. Life has been so hard on me nowadays. I would've been ended it if it wasn't for my babies. Just the thought of them trying to make it through the world without a mother, is just as painful as it is for me to continued on with life without Jacob. I just don't wanna think about Nothing right now. Just let me sleep!

I guess all that stressing finally made me drift off. My eyes got heavy and I actually fell asleep. Right now all I want is sleep. Forget about everyone and everything, just let me sleep, please.


I heard the faint sound of laughter going on. A warming sound, like people have been catching up on stuff from years before. I sat up from my bed and looked at the time. 9:45 it read. I had been sleeping that long and no one bothered to wake me up? Most importantly, has Jacob's mom visited already? I'd be screwed if She did while I was sleeping. I had great intentions on meeting his mother and showing that I'm not like most 15 year olds. I wanted to impress her. Show her how mature and responsible I am and can be.

Prior Knowledge: Falling for myWhere stories live. Discover now