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"Are you going to explain why?" Brittny's mother furiously asked.

Brittny felt her throat begin to water and sure enough she ran to the bathroom to throw up. Her mother followed her into the bathroom.

"Why have you been vomitting so much lately?" She asked as she was standing in the bathroom door way. The questions just kept on coming, like 'Are you sick' 'What's wrong?' 'Are you bulimic?' Then her mother asked her one last question. "Are you pregnant?" The worry in her voice made Brittny give in.

She could no longer hold the secret because eventually her mother was gonna find out. Brittny's relationship with her mother was like no other. They were more like Bestfriends rather than mother and daughter. They told each other almost everything that was on their minds. And if Brittny was ever hiding something, her mom was sure to find out and always did. Brittny went silent and tried not to say anything while her mother was putting the clues together. Her mother then came to the shocking conclusion.

"Brittny..... Are you pregnant........ by Princeton?"

The anger in her eyes scared Brittny so sever that she was close to peeing on herself. Brittny just kept her head down hanging over the toilet bowl.

"ANSWER ME!" Her mom yelled. Brittny broke down into tears and clenched her stomach. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the positive pregnancy test sliding it across the floor to her mother.

"Mommy," She cried. "I'm sorry, mommy..."


I laid on my bed with my mom holding me. My tears soaked her shirt as she kept on repeating in my ear "Everything is gonna be alright, Baby. Mommy got you." I continued to cry in her shoulder to let out all my fears of becoming a mother. I've seen countless girls my age or older walking down the streets with baby carriages.... I don't want that to be me! I still have a full life of things I want to do and Now I have to put all that on hold for this baby.

I know you're thinking "Why is she fussing? Think of the positives she can get from this baby!" Right now the only Positive I see is that its Jacob's baby. But by the way I saw how well Brandy is with Cassie, it eases me a little. I finally drifted off to sleep on my moms shoulder. I felt her slowly slip out my arms but I still continued to sleep. My dream made me worry.

I was walking into one of NY's most notorious jails, Rikers Island. I don't know why I was walking in there. I was holding my baby in my hands. Her pink blanket covered her face so I couldn't make out if she looked like, me or Jacob. We went through scanning and I was still confused of why I was there.

"Excuse, why am I here?" I asked one of the correction officers.

"Aren't you Mrs. Perez?" He asked me. I shook my head no.

"What do you mean? You come here almost every week to see Jacob..." I froze then looked down at my fingers and saw a wedding ring there.

I began to breathe uncontrollably fast and hard. Is this really happening? I'm one of those women with locked up husbands? The correction officer easily walked me to one of the phone booths. As I slowly walked towards the glass window, his head was down in his hands. His thick curly hair was all that was visible besides his hands. He was wearing a Grey jumper suit that matched every other inmates. I took my seat and stared at him until he looked up. I've been sitting there staring at him for what seemed to be forever.

I slowly reached my hand out and knocked on the glass. He took his time to take his hands from his face then put the phone to his ear. I put the phone to my ear and heard his soft voice say "Baby..." I started to tear as I answered him.


He placed his hand against the glass and I did the same matching my hand with his. I couldn't believe that the law separated us by a thin slate of glass. He brought his face up and I saw the dark circles surrounding his eyes. He grew a small shadow on his Jawline which looked very weird because I was so use to his baby soft skin being hairless.

"I'm coming home soon.." he teared, I smiled "In a few more months..."

I teared as I heard the words 'few more months." How am I going to care for this baby alone? How did he even get in here?

"Times Up!" The correction officer shouted and dragged me away before saying goodbye to my baby.

" No!" I yelled as he dragged me. "Jacob! No!" I cried as I watched them handcuff Jacob and take him to his cell.

I woke up outta my sleep dripping in sweat. I felt my pulse start to calm as I took slower breaths. I clenched my stomach and closed my eye. I said a small prayer then said "Daddy will be there for you."

I really hope my dream was just a nightmare. I don't want anything to actually happen like that. I need Jacob, and dreaming of him being in Jail made me desperate for him. I shook the dream from my mind and walked to my bathroom. As I walked in the bathroom I heard people speaking in The kitchen.

"I'll make sure I take care of her. I love her and she's my everything.... I didn't mean for this to happen..." I immediately recognized the voice.

"She is a child!"

"I know, but listen to me please!"

"Jacob, you are sick for this shit. She is only 14. How dare you?"

"Ms. Cynthia, you don't understand how much I love her!"

"I hear you, and its just plain disgusting!"

I heard a big thump as if He'd dropped to his knees.

"I know I'm sick for this, but I love her. Whens the last time you've seen her so happy?"

"Lately she's been sick due to you impregnating her!"

"But She loves me! I love her! I thought you'd understand!?" He sounded like he was about to cry. "I promise you that I can bring her the happiness she needs! I won't hurt her, I can guarantee you that! I see you as a mother, Ms. Cynthia! Why would I hurt you, when you've treated me so kind? I know I shouldn't be with your daughter, but can you at least accept the fact that we love each other?"

"You're right Jacob... you have made her happier. I love seeing her like that..." She confessed. "I honestly don't know what to say..."

"Just please... Accept us..." Jacob pleaded.

I walked into the Kitchen and Saw Jacob and my mother talking. I walked in with a confused face as Jacob walked up to me and hugged me. He kissed my forehead then place one hand around my waist.

"I'll be there for her and the baby %100. I love her...." He looked into my eyes "Age doesn't matter." He smiled. He finally took his eyes off me and looked at my mother. I was still confused.

She sighed then smiled "Jacob I see you as my own son, Therefore....I can accept you two being together... but it just isn't right..."

"At least for the baby, mom?" I asked.

"Chresanto will have to accept it. But I have no say in you guise anymore."
She walked off.

Jacob smiled really wide then hugged me. I finally caught on to what was happening. Jacob obviously told my mom that he got me pregnant, so he wanted approval on weather he can be in me and the baby's life or not. That was a real man act. That's why I love him. That dream was bullshit and nothing is fucking up our love. As long as Chres accepts the fact that me and Jacob are together and having a baby.

"Chresanto is coming over later on.... You have to tell him." Mom said. This is gonna be scarey and hard. Knowing my brother... This won't be easy.

Later that night, Me and Jacob were sitting on the couch anxious. We know Chresanto's temper, especially when it comes to his baby sister. He loves me to death and hates it when I get hurt. In this case, I won't get hurt... Jacob might.

"Okay. Chresanto just called. He said he's on the elevator on his way up." My mom said as she put her phone away. Jacob looked at me and I grabbed his hand.

"Its gonna be okay." I said. Just then The There was a knock at the door. I huffed and puffed. Jacob wrapped his arm around my shoulder then kissed my forehead.

"Here it goes."

My mom answered the door and she gave Chresanto a hug and kiss.

"Hey ma." He said. He pulled away from the hug and saw me and Jacob practically cuddled on the couch. His facial expression said it all.

"Why The Fuck you got your arm around my sister, Bruh?" Chres angrily growled at Jacob.

Jacob showed no intimidation, he just stood up and said

"Isn't it obvious?" Before things got too hectic and out of control, I ran In front of Jacob facing Chresanto separating the two.

"Chres... I'm Pregnant......" I spilled the beans.

"PREGNANT!?!? BY WHO?!?!" He shouted making me jump. I didn't say anything because he's eventually gonna get the picture. "BY HIM?!?!" He pointed to Jacob.

"Now Chresanto, calm down we can settle this like ad-" My mom tried to consult him. Just then, he Ran around my mom and took no time charging after Jacob...

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