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"Babe why are you thinking like this?" Jacob asked in concern. So much shit has been pushing me in over drive. I feel like the easiest way out of all the drama is death.

"I just wanna tell you everything..." I said.

"Why can't you? I've got all the time in the world to listen to you."

He adjusted himself in the bed to face me more. I look him in his eyes and sighed. I shifted my body to face him and I began to tell him How I really feel.

"Jacob, I love you, but ever since Diggy came into my life I've sort of grown feelings for him. To be honest and loyal to you, he also liked me." I saw How Jacob's facial expression became uneasy. The conversation was taking him out of his comfort zone I can tell. I continued on anyways. "For a while me and him have been feuding up until the night his dad and my mom went on their first date, which was also the night that you told me you kissed Mary. I felt heartbroken and needed healing. So, when we went to the movies me and Diggy made amends. When we came home me and Diggy talked and turns out me and him actually had more in common than you and me sadly. We talked and Diggy ended up kissing me. I was shocked. I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. But all in all, yes, that condom my mom found in my room was Diggy's..." I felt tears start to form. "I'm Sorry.."

Jacob had a shocked look on his face. It was so still and amazed that his jaw literally almost dropped.

"Wow." Was all he could say.

I really want him to accept my apology. He did what he always did when he was frustrated or unsure, Run his fingers through his curls. We both sat there in utter silence. I was anxious in if he was willing to accept my apology or leave me to be fucked up like I already am.

"I'm Sorry to say, but I accept your apology." He said. I smiled so big and wide that I jumped on him. I hugged him so hard but he didn't hug me back. I let go of him and I saw him staring off in a daze.

"I accept your apology, but I can't be with you anymore..." He sadly said. He got up out of my bed and grabbed his clothes.

"Jacob... Jacob no! You can't leave me! You just cant! We've been through so much shit to be together! You can't just up and leave me!" I pleaded as I grabbed his hand. "What about our baby?!" I cried.

He stopped putting his shoes on and turned towards me.

"I'll be there for the baby..." He said. He kissed my forehead, put his shoes on and walked out my room. I chased after him as he was almost out the front door.

"Jacob.." I caught him. "What about me?.."

He looked at me deeply. "I told you... I love you with all my heart." Was what he last said as he walked out the door and out of my life...

"Jacob" I silently said as I was left standing there in tears with a broken heart. Can my life be anymore fucked up? He literally just forgave me then left me. I can't believe it. I expressed what I've been hiding, how can he be so cruel and walk out on me?

1 month later

Only two more months and this baby will be out if me. Since this pregnancy started, I just stopped going to school once I started showing. I had to get my education and I still want to pursue my dream of becoming a producer. I love music, and since producers and songwriter get most of the money for making the songs, I would love to do the behind the scenes work. And if I ever get the time, I might try and produce, write, and sing one of my own songs. But that dream is a long way from now.

I haven't spoken to Jacob in 2 weeks. I heard he got a job offering upstate at a local high school. I'm assuming he moved. Even if he did move it still wouldn't matter. Jacob hasn't called to check up on me not once. He broke my heart and now I don't give a shit if he wants me back. I just want him to be there in the babies life.

Mom came home from the hospital a few weeks ago. This woman is a fighter. A real Thug if you asked me. The many blows she took to her body and head were enough to give her a concussion. Thank God they were only minor injuries. Anyways, I'm laying in bed finishing up my essay I had to do for homework. This online teacher is really helping me out a lot. I'm doing better than what I did in regular school. I was writing the conclusion to the essay then I was finally done. Finally I'm done, but I'm bored. I want Company. Then I got an idea. I picked Up my phone and Dialed up Brandy.

After a few rings, "Hey Boo!" She answered.

"Hey! What'cha doing?" I asked.

"Nothing really. You bored?"

"Yeah. I just finished doing homework. Now There's nothing to do..." I sighed. "You wanna come over?"

"Aight. I'll be there in about an hour. Bye!"

"Bye" we hung up. I wasn't done with the calling.

Me and Diggy are closer than ever now, so I'm gonna see if he and Roger could come over. I called Diggy and it took him a few rings to answer. He finally answered and it sounded like he was out of breath.

"Hello?" He said.

"You okay?" I asked as I cringed my face.

"Yeah... " I then heard him whisper "Bre, stop." In the background.

A smirk grew on my. "Did I interrupt something? It sounds like y'all was being nasty?" I joked.

"Well sort of like that. We was just kissing... a lot..." I laughed at his defensiveness.

"Oh. I'm bored. I was wondering could you and Roger come over?" I asked. I heard Bre suck her teeth in the background and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I'll call him up and we'll be over soon." He sounded happy.

"Okay Digg, Bye!"


We hung up and I waited for my company to come. I was getting bored waiting, so I started checking my email on my laptop. I was going down all the spam mail then I came across a email from Jacob.

It read:

"Hey Brittny, we haven't been in touch for a while because I went upstate to see about this new school I'll soon be working for. A day hasn't gone by that I haven't thought about you. I know we're on a break, but I was wondering if we could forget about everything that happened last month. I love you and I'm Sorry.

P.S. if you wanna call, here's my new number. Lost my phone in a restaurant Lol. 323-786-9201~Jacob"

This is the first I've heard from him in 2 weeks. I can't believe How he think he can just walk right back into my life like it's nothing. Well, He's gonna have to try again. I put my headphones in my ear then stared at his number. It was tempting. I couldn't help myself. I'll just call and say hi. I picked up my phone and dial his number, calling blocked. Each ring had me scared he was going to answer. Then he picked up.

"Hello?" He asked the first time. I wanted to speak, but the words just weren't coming out. "Hello? Anyone there?" He sang. It made me smile because I missed his voice. I panicked so I hung up. I began to breath heavily then the door bell rang. It's probably Brandy.

I got out the bed then waddled to the door. I opened it and it was Diggy, Roger.... and Bre. I really was hoping that Bre didn't tag along with Diggy, but she did.

"What's good." Diggy said as he practically ran to the refrigerator along with Roger, leaving Bre standing in front of me with a stank look on her face. She crossed her arms looked me up and down then walked away. I wasn't gonna let her kill my vibe. Shortly later, Brandy arrived with Cassie. As soon as Brandy sat down with Cassie, Roger couldn't stop looking at her. He kept licking his lips and looking her up and down like she was a treasure. He definitely has a thing for her.

"She's beautiful." Roger said. Referring to Cassie.

"Thank you. " Brandy smiled. Brandy also has a thing for Roger. It was cute How they were making eye contact and smiling everytime they did. It reminded me a lot about when I first saw Jacob. I need to stop thinking about him though. He's old news. I need to move on from him and that's exactly what I want to do.

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