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1 year later

"Mommy..." Eerin mumbled with her pacifier in her mouth. She shook Brittny constantly to wake her up for school. "Mommy..." She continued to say, using only one of the few words she know.

"What Eerin...." Brittny groaned with her face still smashed in her pillow and her blanket covering her face.

"Up!" Eerin cheered.

Brittny, being exhausted, she ignored Eerin and continued on with her dreamland.

"Eerin go back to sleep..." Brittny gestured her away.

Eerin then wandered off back downstairs into the kitchen with her grandma. Not even 2 minutes later, Cynthia came into the room and snatched Brittny's blanket off of her. Taking her by surprise, Brittny quickly sat up.

"Ma! Are you serious!?" Brittny whined.

"Get up. You have school." Cynthia answered her bluntly then walked out of her room.

Brittny sighed, then sleepily got of bed and stretched. She glanced around her room and noticed that a lot has changed since last year. Her small family moved out of their 2 bedroom apartment, to a larger 4 bedroom 2.5 bathroom, home. Since her mother remarried, Brittny decided that she should get a better feel of Life. She designed her room to be totally different from her old one. She's trying to move on from where she has had the most trouble in life. She'd painted her room to a light purple, she threw away all her old posters and magazines. She just made everything completely different. Her room was a little messy, but only because she's raising 1 year olds. Her life has completely changed for the better to be exact. She works at a local restaurant and is getting a reasonable pay. She's making just enough money for her to provide for the Triplets and Spoil her and them sometimes.

But there were some minor disadvantages to this big move. Diggy not so being one anymore. He's gotten more mature within time and Actually has been treating Brittny like a friend and only a friend. As for Bre, Her and Diggy aren't a thing anymore. They ended it off at the end of last school year. Rumor has it that she cheated on Diggy with some guy from the basketball team. Brittny never knew exactly what happened, but she knew that if she asked Diggy about it, he wouldn't want to talk about it again. It brings relief to Brittny that he's finally moved on from Bre, but she notices how Diggy just walks around depressed some days. Although she's happy they're not together anymore, she still hates to see him so down.

As for her friendship with Brandy an Roger, They're total strangers now. It hurts Brittny that what she once called her best friends, are now just regular faces you'd see around the school. Brittny misses everything about them. Their goofy ways, their crazy conversations, all gone out the window. Brittny has made efforts to Get Brandy to talk to her. Like, going to the bathroom When she goes, or purposely bumping into her in the halls to get a small smile from her. But none of the ideas ever worked. What Brittny noticed was that Brandy and Roger have changed.

From being the nicest person you would ever meet, Brandy turned into a complete bitch. Roger went from being the funny chaing guy to the Asshole of the school. Brittny grew to despise them, but still misses them and would take them back if they ever tried to come back around.

Speaking of relationships, Brittny hasn't been in touch with any guys at all in the past year. Her love still grows and is still strong for Jacob. If only he could be there to watch his kids grow right into their Parents looks. Eerin looks exactly like her mom, but still has some features of her dad, like the big curly hair and the lips with a slight peek on the top lip. Cobi and Jr. Look exactly like their father, curly hair and all. Brittny feels that it's good that even though Jacob is gone, she still has something to remind her of him: Their kids.

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