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It's been a week since I've met Teresa... also a week since Joey proposed to my mom. You guys might already know what She said, and I guess Joey is my soon to be step dad. Not that Joey is a bad guy, I just can't get over the fact that I'll be step-siblings with Diggy. I still have attraction to him, and trying to be strong for Jacob while being around him will be hard, but not impossible. I'm 15. I'm old enough to know right from wrong, and good from bad. If Diggy tries to come on to me, I'll just shut him down and walk away. Enough said. But then again, I'm 15! I'm still going through the process of learning and growing up. I have hormones, and just because I had kids doesn't mean my hormones are gonna slow down. But I'm mature enough to control them.

"Do you think they should call it off?" Brandy asked me. We were sitting in my room catching up on things since I haven't seen her in so long.

"I don't know. One part of me is saying 'Don't let her make the wrong decision' then another part of me is saying 'She loves him. Don't ruin this for her'." I sighed. "I'm being selfish to be honest. I don't want my mom to get married because I don't wanna get caught up in a love triangle... Brandy, I still like him..." I admitted, making the air in the room stiff.

"I don't know what to tell you... You just need to try and help yourself."

"You're right. I do need to help myself. But I'm still a teenager! If I fuck up, I fuck up..."

"But you can prevent yourself from fucking up!" She shook me. "I know Diggy is... Fine! But, just think how Jacob would feel if He heard that you and him did something together.... again!?" She stared into my eyes. "You can control yourself! You act like it's impossible to resist Diggy." She shook me for encouragement again. I hated when She's rights, but sadly She is.

I'm over exaggerating over this situation. I make it seem so hard to accept that My mom is getting married to my ex-bully/crush's father. Simply disfunctional.

"I hate it when You're right!" I laughed.

"Well you know..." She popped her imaginary collar. "I'm a young thug with wisdom."

I playfully pushed her, then suddenly her phone began to vibrate on my nightstand from an incoming text. She reached over and grabbed it instantly smiling at the sender. I smiled and noticed something gawky about her. She was smiling extra hard and blushing off the walls. I know that feeling all too Well...

"Brands? Why you smiling?" I cocked my eyebrow at her.

"Nothing...." She answered back nonchalantly but showing off a large grin. She was setting off multiple signals. Smiling, blushing, and the typical Brightness in her eyes.... There's a guy! I obviously haven't been in many Relationships, but no girl blushes at just any old text.

"Nothing... mmm?" I mumbled to myself. Taking matters into my own hands, I snatched the phone out of her hand, and sprinted for my bathroom.

"Brittny! C'mon give it back!" She said as She chased me. I was too fast for her. In no time I was running in the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

"Let's see what this is all about..." I put my tongue on the side opening of my mouth. I unlocked her phone and luckily She didn't have a passcode. "So smart..." I referred to her, not being smart enough to put a code on her phone. As the phone unlocked the first thing I see is her having a conversation with "Roger ♥".

"Roger!?" I said in astonishment.

"Brittny, foreal give it back!" She banged on the door.

"One moment please!" I said as I slid down the door and got comfortable. I was not about to let my two bestfriends get into a relationship without me knowing. Not that I didn't want them together, I just wanna know.

Prior Knowledge: Falling for myDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora