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"I was caught in the moment. It felt good." I protested to Brittny.

"IT FELT GOOD?!?!" She angrily yelled. It was hard finding a bright side in this situation. "GOOD ENOUGH TO IMPREGNATE ME?!"

"It's just as much of fault as it is mine! You should've reminded me cautioned me."

"Jacob I'm young! I'm new to this shit. You should know that! I wasn't thinking!" She yelled.

"Baby be quiet! Someone's gonna hear us!" I whispered between gritted teeth.

She went into panic mode. She started pacing back and forth, pushing desk, yelling "Fuck!" I tried my best to calm her down.

"Look at the bright side!" I smiled.

"Where the hell do you see a bright side, Jacob?" She said.

"You're having my kid. Wouldn't you love the fact that you're carrying our baby?" After I said that, Brittny's small hand slapped the right side of my face Hard as hell.

"Why'd you do that?!" I said while holding my face.

"How the fuck are you a teacher? You're seriously stupid as fuck. I'm 14 and potentially pregnant! Not only am I pregnant, But the father is My TEACHER!"

She was going in a rage of sadness and anger. Her nice chocolate skin was now red and flushed. I was kinda mad that she's not as happy as I am. Like, come on she's having a baby... Our baby! Now she can never leave me.

"I can't believe you. You're actually taking this lightly..." She said in a sarcastic tone.

I kept my head down in shame. The only reasonable option was to get an abortion. Since this is putting so much pain on her, an abortion should probably ease it.

"Is abortion an option?" I asked. She stared me dead in my face then once again slapped me silly.

"How dare you? I'm not killing my child. I don't care how young I am, I don't believe in abortions. I'd rather put my child up for adoption. Abortion is not an option." She sternly said. I totally had no thought of what I was saying. I also don't believe in abortions, but it seemed like the easy way out.

She then dropped to her knees and began to cry. Her hair fell over her face as sweat and tears soaked it. I sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her. She then placed her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her back up and down as her cries began to lower down into little sniffles.

"What am I going to do?" Her voice muffled in my shoulder.

"Whatever it is you're going to do, you're not doing it alone." I whispered in her ear.

I could feel her smiling on my arm. I shifted her body to sit up facing me. "I love you." I said to her. She smiled then hugged me. That hug was probably her way of saying "I love you too."

Our lives were completely going to change. And I knew it. My heart just knew that we were going to make it through this, but my head knows that shit will go down in the long run.


I was on the bus going home. I couldn't help but think of scenarios that could happen if I told my mom I was pregnant, but first I have to actually see if I'm pregnant. When the bus stopped I walked to the nearest pharmacy. I found a small pharmacy then walked in squeezed between two large buildings. I walked In, searched the store for any pregnancy test and I couldn't find any. I went up to the cashier counter and asked for some assistance.

"Excuse me, where are the pregnancy tests?" I politely asked. I felt so embarrassed asking for that.

The cashier had to be at least in her mid 40's. She was a dark skinned afro-centric looking woman. She chewed on her gum in the most ghetto manner. She was reading a magazine. She lowered the magazine from her eyes and took a quick up and down glance at me. She reached from under the counter then slapped a pregnancy test on the counter. "$4.50" she said as she went back to reading her magazine. I handed her the money then said "Thank you."

I left the store then I began to walk the block to my building. I was walking to my building when I saw some lady with a stroller. I looked at the baby and saw that it was a new born. A smile came on my face. I love babies, and the thought of me having one was nice.... But heart breaking. I'm a baby myself, so a baby having a baby isn't right.

I watched the lady stop the stroller then kissed the baby. She fixed the little baby's hat then saw me staring. I continued looking at them until the woman spoke.

"Her name is Cassie." She told me. I smiled and watched as she squirmed in her stroller.

"How old is she?" I asked. The lady smiled

"Only 3 months." She said.

I took my eyes off the baby then stared at them young woman. She wasn't really a 'Lady'. More like a 'Teenager'. The girl had heavy dark circles around her eyes. She looked and dressed decent, its just that she looked super young.

"Not to be rude, but How old are you?" I curiously asked her.

She hesitantly said "15." I was surprised because she looks much older. I guess having a baby does that to you. "I'm Brandy." She reached her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Brittny." I smiled.

"You live around here?" She asked me.

"I just moved here about a month ago. I've never seen you around here before?"

"I just moved in last week." She smiled. We both started walking to my building.

"What school you go to?" I asked her.

"Next week I'm going to a school called Ronald Patterson."

"No way! That's my school!" I excitedly smiled. She smiled widely also. Brandy was very pretty. Her skin was almost perfect. Blemish free to be exact. She was light skinned, had long curly hair similar to mine. I can tell that she was mixed with something because she had an exotic island look.

"Well you're me and Cassie's first friend!" She joked. I looked down at the baby then smiled.

"Maybe we can stay in touch?" Brandy said. I shook my head yes. I gave her my number and she gave me hers. We exchanged goodbyes and we both went to our own buildings. Brandy is obviously a baby with a baby. I don't want that to be me.

I sighed then walked into my building. I passed by the security desk and saw Joey.

"Hey Joe." I said in a dull voice.

"Hey Britt!" He smiled.

"Is mom home?" I asked him. He shook his head no.

Over the past few weeks Joe has showed me more love and Fatherly guidance than my own dad. He and Diggy are at my house almost every day and I really see him as a great guy for my mom. I started walking towards the elevator when Joe called for me.

"Hey Britt!" He called me.

"Yeah?" I asked. "Diggy is coming over with Breunna later on. Do you mind?" He asked me. "No..." I said. The elevator finally came and I almost yelled from anger once the doors were closed and I was by myself. Bre has really gotten on my last nerve.

I took a deep breath then the elevator stopped on my floor. I opened my apartment door and I immediately rushed for the fridge. I took out all the ingredients for a sandwich. I made my sandwich and made my way to the living room. I flopped on the couch and picked up the remote turning on the TV then flicking through the channels. Almost every show on television had something to do with babies.

"How appropriate?" I thought to myself as I finished the last bits of my sandwich.

After about half and hour later, I turned off the TV then sat up straight on the couch. I looked over at the pregnancy test sitting on the counter.

"It's waiting for me to try..." I said to myself. I didn't want to take the test then pay for the outcome... What if its positive? I sighed then went to go take it.

I was in the bathroom waiting. The test said that it takes 3 minutes to read the urine. This is the longest 3 minutes of my life. Finally the timer on my phone went off. I took a deep breath. Two sticks means positive, one stick means negative. I closed my eyes tightly as I picked up the test. I took one glimpse at it then dropped to the floor. I threw my head back and a single tear fell down my cheek.


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